
Three generations of Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were encountered, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable!

author:Sister said entertainment

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The three generations of Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were met by netizens in Aranya! As soon as this news came out, it immediately set off a small wave in the entertainment industry.

Let's talk about the pair of Song Dandan and Zhao Yuji first. Back then, after Song Dandan experienced the divorce turmoil with her ex-husband Yingda, she was disheartened about her marriage. But who would have thought that the turn of fate would come so quickly. She and Zhao Yuji got married in a flash after only 28 days of acquaintance, this speed is staggering! It is said that because of Zhao Yuji's intimate little gesture, it directly warmed Song Dandan's heart.

Three generations of Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were encountered, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable!

What do you think, Zhao Yuji found that Song Dandan liked to walk barefoot at home, and she was worried that the marble floor would be cold and not good for her health, so she changed the floor without saying a word. Just such a detail rekindled Song Dandan's hope for marriage. Now, these two have gone hand in hand for more than 20 years, and they are still in love, which is rare in the entertainment industry, which is really enviable.

Three generations of Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were encountered, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable!

Let's talk about Batu and Wang Bogu. The two of them fell in love because of the play, and collaborated together on "Li Spring's Spring" and "The Happy Life of the Golden Wolf", and their feelings quietly sprouted. After getting married, Wang Bogu faded out of the film and television industry and concentrated on accompanying his family, which is not a small sacrifice. They now have two lovely sons, the eldest son is 6 years old and the younger son is 2 years old. I still remember the group photo posted when Batu officially announced the birth of his second child, and the family smiled so sweetly, so warm that it was touching.

Three generations of Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were encountered, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable!

This is not during the Aranya Theater Festival, this whole family went to play. When netizens met by chance, Batu and Wang Bogu were staring at their naughty little son helplessly. The little guy was jumping on the ground barefoot, and he reached out to touch the shoes that the nanny was holding, which was so lively that it was a headache and funny. Batu, dressed in black, was very casual, holding a drink in his hand, but his eyes did not leave his son for a moment. Wang Bogu is also dressed up fashionably, with a white T-shirt, white wide-legged pants, and a long gray windbreaker on the outside, this temperament has not diminished in the slightest.

Three generations of Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were encountered, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable!

Look at Song Dandan and Zhao Yuji again, the old couple are enjoying the scenery next to them, not to mention how comfortable the picture is. Zhao Yuji has been following behind Song Dandan and taking care of him intimately, which is so thoughtful.

Wang Bogu is also a person with a story. She graduated from the Performance Department of Meishi Film School of Chongqing University, and won the championship of the Beijing Division in the Hong Kong Jade TV TVB "Jiangshan Beauty" competition that year, and her strength should not be underestimated. But after getting married, she focused on her family.

Three generations of Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were encountered, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable!

Now this family is really happy. The three generations of Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren enjoyed the joy of family, which made people's hearts warm when they saw it. In this complex entertainment industry, it is rare to have such a warm and harmonious family picture. We, the people who eat melons, just look at the excitement, and really hope that they can always be so happy. After all, this kind of pure family happiness is too precious in today's fast-paced society.

Three generations of Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were encountered, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable!

Some people may say that the life of a star is too far away from us. But no, they live in the spotlight, their every move is much attention, they live in luxury houses and drive luxury cars, which seem to be completely different worlds from the firewood, rice, oil and salt of our ordinary people. But in fact, if we calm down and ponder carefully, their family stories can also make us feel a lot from them.

Three generations of Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were encountered, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable!

Take Song Dandan's family as an example, the mutual understanding and care between husband and wife can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye. Song Dandan and Zhao Yuji got married in a flash after 28 days of acquaintance, what a sensation this had to cause at the time! But people just live happily.

Three generations of Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were encountered, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable!

Why? It's not because of Zhao Yuji's carefulness and thoughtfulness. Just because Song Dandan likes to walk barefoot at home, he can replace the marble floor with a wooden floor without hesitation, just for this concern, can Song Dandan be moved? We ordinary people live our lives, don't we also pay attention to knowing the cold and the hot, and being considerate of each other? Sometimes it's just a thoughtful word or a small gesture that can warm up the relationship between husband and wife.

Let's take a look at Batu and Wang Bogu, a young couple, who fell in love because of the play, walked into the marriage hall hand in hand, and gave birth to two lovely children. When they take care of their children, that kind of helpless and happy expression, are we parents also very familiar with it?

Three generations of Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were encountered, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable!

Children are naughty and mischievous, and parents are angry and laughing, but their hearts are full of love. What is the difference between this and the parent-child relationship in our ordinary family? Parents' care and companionship for their children, whether it is a star or us, it is equally important. The child's growth is only a few years, and if you miss it, you will never come back.

Three generations of Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were encountered, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable!

And we can't just see the happy side of celebrity families, they also have their own troubles and problems. It's just that when they face difficulties, they may have more resources and ways to solve them. But that doesn't mean we can't live our own lives. Although we don't have so much money and fame, we have sincerity and true feelings, as long as the family supports each other and works together, we can create our own happiness.

Three generations of Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were encountered, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable!
Three generations of Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were encountered, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable!

We see that Song Dandan and Zhao Yuji can still be so affectionate after getting married, and mutual understanding and tolerance are indispensable behind this. Zhao Yuji can intimately change the floor because of Song Dandan's small living habits, isn't this kind of meticulous care the secret of maintaining the relationship between husband and wife?

Three generations of Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were encountered, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable!

It's like we ordinary people may not have so many earth-shattering events in their married life, but in the daily bits and pieces, a warm hug and a word of encouragement can make the other party feel love. When we quarrel for firewood, rice, oil and salt, think about the mutual support in the celebrity family, can we also calm down and consider the problem from the other party's point of view?

Three generations of Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were encountered, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable!

Let's talk about Batu and Wang Bogu, they are willing to make some sacrifices for the sake of their children, and Wang Bogu even faded out of the entertainment industry. This is the same as in our ordinary family, where parents give up some personal development opportunities for the growth of their children. When we are struggling with whether to work overtime to make money or go home to accompany our children, looking at the choice of celebrity families may make us more clearly understand that children's growth is only once, and companionship is the most important thing.

Three generations of Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were encountered, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable!

I hope we can all find our own happiness code and make the family full of warmth and love. There may not be a fixed formula for this happiness code, but it must contain understanding, respect, love and companionship. For example, we must learn to listen to our family members and respect their choices and ideas. In difficult times, support each other and never give up; On weekdays, there is more company and less complaining.

Three generations of Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were encountered, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable!

The family stories of celebrities are like a living textbook, allowing us to calm down and think about our own lives while watching the excitement. I hope we can all learn something from it, so that our family will be happier and happier, and that warmth and love will always surround us.

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