
Fan Chengcheng Bailu's variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

author:Sister said entertainment

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Have you heard? Recently, the interaction between Fan Chengcheng and Bailu in "Let's Run" has caused an uproar!

This has to start with the quagmire in the show. Fan Chengcheng and Bailu were divided into a group, and the "intimate" behavior of the two in the quagmire instantly became the focus of everyone's attention.

This time, the Internet can explode. Some netizens feel that the interaction between these two people is too much, it is simply beyond the normal range and out of proportion. But some netizens think, what is this? Isn't it just in the quagmire to complete the task, it's normal to have some physical contact, don't make a fuss.

Fan Chengcheng Bailu's variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

This is not the end, and then some netizens began to dig deep into their past interactions, and found that there was a similar situation before, but it did not cause such a big movement at that time. So everyone began to wonder, why did it suddenly make such a fuss this time? Is it because they are more popular now, so their every move is magnified? Or is this interaction really different?

Fan Chengcheng Bailu's variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

At this time, the program team was also pulled into this melee. Some people pointed the finger at the program group, saying that it was all the editing of the program team, and deliberately cut the ordinary interaction into an ambiguous appearance, just to create a topic and attract attention. But some people don't think so, thinking that even if the program team doesn't edit, there may be a problem with the interaction itself.

Fan Chengcheng Bailu's variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

This back and forth, neither side can convince anyone. And the fans of Fan Chengcheng and Bailu couldn't sit still, and directly turned on the "tearing each other" mode. Fan Chengcheng's fans feel that their idols have done nothing wrong and are doing well. Bailu's fans stopped doing it and accused Fan Chengcheng of misbehaving. The two sides quarreled, and the scene was really dazzling.

Fan Chengcheng Bailu's variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

Let's just be a melon-eating crowd, think about it carefully, this matter is actually not that complicated. In variety shows, it is normal for artists to interact with each other. But the key is to grasp that degree, neither too restrained and make the show uninteresting, nor too hot and cause the audience to be disgusted.

Fan Chengcheng Bailu's variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

For Fan Chengcheng and Bai Lu, they may have just devoted themselves to the game at that time and didn't think about it so much. But as public figures, their every move is watched by everyone, so they still have to be more careful. Let's talk about the program group, it is understandable to make some topics for the sake of ratings, but there must be a degree. You can't ignore the image of the artist and the feelings of the audience in order to attract attention.

Fan Chengcheng Bailu's variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

Think about it, are there fewer such things in the entertainment industry? Today the star was besieged by netizens because of a sentence, and tomorrow the artist caused a fan war because of an action. Let's be like being in a bustling market, looking east and west, and from time to time we are attracted by the excitement of a certain stall.

Fan Chengcheng Bailu's variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

Take the incident between Fan Chengcheng and Bailu this time, it was originally some interaction in the show, but it was hyped up by everyone. On the one hand, this shows that everyone pays high attention to celebrities, and on the other hand, it also reflects the public's expectations and requirements for celebrity behavior. After all, they are public figures, and their every move can be amplified and interpreted.

Fan Chengcheng Bailu's variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

Some people say that celebrities are also human beings, and they also have their own joys, sorrows, and sorrows, and there will be times when they let their guard down in the show. That's true, but don't forget, since they have chosen to stand in the spotlight and enjoy the popularity of fans and high income, they have to bear the corresponding responsibilities and pressures. Their words and deeds not only represent individuals, but may also affect fans and even affect the social atmosphere.

Fan Chengcheng Bailu's variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

Look at the fans again, that's an excitement. In order to maintain his idol, he did not hesitate to quarrel with others on the Internet. Actually, it's okay to like a celebrity, but you have to have a degree. You can't blindly protect your shortcomings and defend your idols indiscriminately. Sometimes, if you maintain a little rationality appropriately, you may be able to make your idol more aware of her own problems, so as to develop better. If you want ratings, you want topics, you can understand that. But you can't push the artist into the fire pit for the sake of temporary popularity. It is necessary to be thoughtful, design reasonable program links, grasp the scale of editing, and not reckless in order to create explosive points.

Fan Chengcheng Bailu's variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

Maybe after this incident, Fan Chengcheng and Bailu will pay more attention to their behavior in the show in the future to avoid unnecessary controversy again. The program team will also plan and edit the program more carefully to ensure that it can be interesting and will not cause adverse effects. Fans may also become more mature and support their idols in a more rational way.

Fan Chengcheng Bailu's variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

Look at this entertainment industry, it's really lively, and there are new things every day. It's like a giant kaleidoscope, with a different scene every turn. Sometimes it's the gossip of celebrities, sometimes it's the controversy of their works, and sometimes it's the turmoil caused by their words and deeds in public. Those of us who eat melons are like watching a performance offstage, our eyes are wide-eyed, for fear of missing any wonderful moment.

Let's just say that the interaction between these celebrities, a little bit of wind and grass can cause an uproar on the Internet. Just like Fan Chengcheng and Bailu this time, didn't they just have a seemingly intimate move in the show, which caused a big discussion.

Fan Chengcheng Bailu's variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

This reminds me that there have been many similar situations before, such as a certain actor and a certain actress who looked at each other and smiled at a certain event, and they were rumored to be in a relationship; Or a certain idol said a heavy word to his teammates on the show, and he was accused of having no emotional intelligence. This thing in the entertainment industry is really confusing sometimes.

Fan Chengcheng Bailu's variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

Let's talk about fans, it's really heartbreaking for their idols. As soon as there is a stir, he immediately charges into battle to defend his idol. There's nothing wrong with that, and liking someone certainly wants to defend him. But sometimes it's a bit too much? Is it really good to attack others indiscriminately, or even insult each other irrationally? In fact, real support is not to blindly protect shortcomings, but to help idols grow and make them better.

Fan Chengcheng Bailu's variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

For the program team, we also have to reflect and reflect. It's understandable to do some tricks for the sake of ratings, but you also have to have a bottom line. can't ignore the image of the star and the feelings of the audience for the sake of temporary popularity. For example, some programs deliberately design some links that are easy to cause controversy, or create conflicts through editing, so that although they can attract attention, the audience will also feel bored in the long run.

Fan Chengcheng Bailu's variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

And this entertainment industry does not exist in isolation. It reflects some of the phenomena and problems of our society. For example, why are people so interested in the lives of celebrities? Is it because our own lives are too monotonous and we need to find some excitement and fun from them? Why does some negative news always go viral? Does it mean that we have a psychology of curiosity and snooping to some extent?

Fan Chengcheng Bailu's variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

Let's eat melons and eat melons, but we also have to eat the doorway. You can't just look at the surface, you have to think deeply about the reasons and effects behind it. Through these things, we can also examine our own values and behaviors. For example, do we focus too much on the lives of others and neglect our own growth? When we evaluate others, are we objective and fair?

Fan Chengcheng Bailu's variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

The melons in the entertainment industry can't be eaten. But I hope that in the process of eating melons, we can become more mature and more rational. Let these things in the entertainment industry become a window for us to think about life and society, not just a conversation after dinner. In this way, we can eat this melon meaningfully, right?

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are all from the Internet, and there is no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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