
Xiao Zhan's studio "put rice" on the weekend, netizens: This "rice" is really fragrant, and it is still made by idols

author:Chi Heng


Xiao Zhan's studio has a big reveal on the weekend

1. Sudden surprise

On a busy weekend afternoon, when everyone was immersed in their respective entertainment activities, a sudden Weibo message broke the peace. Xiao Zhan's studio announced: "It's time for dinner on the weekend!" This simple news, like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, instantly stirred up layers of ripples.

Xiao Zhan's studio "put rice" on the weekend, netizens: This "rice" is really fragrant, and it is still made by idols

Netizens have said that this surprise came too suddenly and was too surprising! After all, in a fast-paced life, being able to receive such a surprise is like adding a buff to the weekend, which makes people feel instantly happy.

Xiao Zhan's studio "put rice" on the weekend, netizens: This "rice" is really fragrant, and it is still made by idols

Funny comments from netizens:

Netizen A: "Wow, have dinner on the weekend?" Is this to make us full and have the strength to chase stars? ”

Netizen B: "Haha, is it that Brother Xiao Zhan saw that we worked too the weekend, so he came to feed us?" ”

Netizen C: "I'm done with this meal!" After all, who can refuse to be fed by an idol? ”

Xiao Zhan's studio "put rice" on the weekend, netizens: This "rice" is really fragrant, and it is still made by idols

2. Reveal the story behind it

So, what kind of story is hidden behind this "weekend dinner"? It is understood that this is not the first "meal" activity of Xiao Zhan's studio. Over the past few months, they've often delivered various perks and surprises to their fans over the weekend. Sometimes it's Xiao Zhan's new song audition, sometimes it's Xiao Zhan's daily photos, and sometimes it's a video of Xiao Zhan's activities. These benefits not only make fans feel the love of their idols, but also make them look forward to every weekend even more.

Xiao Zhan's studio "put rice" on the weekend, netizens: This "rice" is really fragrant, and it is still made by idols

However, this "weekend meal" was a little different. It does not have a clear welfare content, but simply announces the news of "putting on meals". This makes many fans curious: What exactly is the "rice" this time? As a result, everyone speculated and discussed in the comment area.

Xiao Zhan's studio "put rice" on the weekend, netizens: This "rice" is really fragrant, and it is still made by idols

Funny comments from netizens:

Netizen D: "I guess this 'meal' is a signed photo of Xiao Zhan's brother!" After all, his words are so beautiful! ”

Netizen E: "No, no, no, I guess it's Xiao Zhan's brother who cooked the food himself!" After all, he's famous for his cooking! ”

Netizen F: "You're all thinking too much, right?" I think it's just an ordinary meal, but because it was given by Xiao Zhan's brother, it's very fragrant! ”

Xiao Zhan's studio "put rice" on the weekend, netizens: This "rice" is really fragrant, and it is still made by idols

3. Controversial summary

As time went on, the discussion about this "weekend meal" became more and more heated. Some fans believe that this event of Xiao Zhan Studio is very intimate and attentive, making them feel the love and warmth of their idols. And some fans felt a little disappointed and dissatisfied because they did not receive clear benefits content.

Xiao Zhan's studio "put rice" on the weekend, netizens: This "rice" is really fragrant, and it is still made by idols

In fact, no matter which point of view it is, it reflects the fans' attention and expectations for Xiao Zhan's studio. And this kind of attention and expectation is also the driving force that pushes them forward. After all, in this highly competitive entertainment industry, only by constantly innovating and making progress can we win the love and support of more people.

Xiao Zhan's studio "put rice" on the weekend, netizens: This "rice" is really fragrant, and it is still made by idols

For us, this "weekend meal" is not only a simple welfare activity, but also an interesting interactive experience. It allows us to see the intentions and creativity of Xiao Zhan's studio, and also makes us look forward to their future performance. So, no matter what the result is, we should give them a credit for their efforts and dedication!

Xiao Zhan's studio "put rice" on the weekend, netizens: This "rice" is really fragrant, and it is still made by idols

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