
Is it difficult for Mr. Ma? The layoffs at the Guanfu Museum have sparked heated discussions

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Is it difficult for Mr. Ma? The layoffs at the Guanfu Museum have sparked heated discussions

Recently, a news about the large-scale layoffs of Ma Weidu's company has sparked heated discussions on the Internet. Some netizens broke the news that Ma Weidu's Guanfu Museum enterprise directly laid off more than 80 employees, and there was still wage arrears. This can surprise the melon-eating masses! Isn't Old Man Ma super rich? Why can't even his business hold on?

Is it difficult for Mr. Ma? The layoffs at the Guanfu Museum have sparked heated discussions

According to a netizen who claimed to be a victim employee, on May 31, the company suddenly sent an email to all employees announcing layoffs, and did not give economic compensation in accordance with the provisions of the labor law. After consulting with a lawyer, the employees learned that this was an illegal layoff, so they began to arbitrate to defend their rights. Seeing that the situation was not good, the company sent an email on June 26 to retract the layoff decision, but the lawyer said that the withdrawal was invalid.

What's even more speechless is that the company only pays wages to employees who have not been arbitrated, and threatens employees to withdraw their lawsuits before paying wages. The most outrageous thing is that the company's resignation certificate to the employee reads "resignation due to personal reasons, and there is no labor contract and financial dispute with the company". Isn't this a blatant attempt to cheat?

Tut-tut, old man Ma, old man Ma, you are a public figure! Is this really good? Everybody's watching! You know, you rely on that eloquent mouth to get along in the collecting and cultural circles. How did you do such a detrimental thing at a critical moment?

To be honest, Ma Weidu is indeed an interesting character. He can tell the cold cultural relics vividly, which makes people listen to them with relish. His Guanfu Museum has indeed contributed to the popularization of traditional culture. However, no matter how talented a person is, he can't break the law and discipline!

Is it difficult for Mr. Ma? The layoffs at the Guanfu Museum have sparked heated discussions

Of course, we also have to admit that the economic situation has not been good in recent years. Many businesses are under pressure to survive, and Guanfu Museum is no exception. Mr. Ma had to bring the goods live broadcast, which shows that life is not very easy. However, no matter how difficult it is, you can't lay off employees without wages! This is the lifeblood of workers!

Think about it, if a month's salary is not paid, how can the mortgage and car loan be repaid? How do I pay my child's tuition? How to reimburse the medical expenses of the elderly? This is a real livelihood problem! Old man Ma, you are also a cultural person, you should know more than ordinary people the truth of "the people are precious, the community is secondary, and the monarch is light", right?

In fact, many industries are not in a good mood right now. Whether it's a worker or a boss, it's not easy. However, it is all the more important for us to help each other in difficult times and tide over them together. Like Yu Minhong of New Oriental, even if the company encounters difficulties, it always ensures that there are enough funds for employee severance pay. This is the real responsible entrepreneur!

Old man Ma, you are also a celebrity, how many pairs of eyes are staring at you! At this time, you should lead by example. Not a single cent of wages should be paid, and no compensation should be owed. This is not only a legal requirement, but also a moral bottom line!

Is it difficult for Mr. Ma? The layoffs at the Guanfu Museum have sparked heated discussions

In the final analysis, both enterprises and individuals should abide by the law and operate with integrity. Old man Ma, don't you often educate young people to be honest and trustworthy in the show? Then you can lead by example! Otherwise, who will listen to you talk about antiques and cultural relics in the future?

Anyway, it's a pretty ugly thing. I hope that Mr. Ma can face up to the problem, handle it properly, and give the public a satisfactory explanation. After all, you are the "Internet celebrity" of our cultural circle! Don't ruin the reputation accumulated over the years for this money!

Everyone, don't patronize and watch the excitement. This incident is actually a wake-up call for each of us. At a time when the economic situation is not very optimistic, we must improve our own skills and enhance our ability to resist risks. At the same time, they must also learn to use legal weapons to protect their rights and interests. After all, the sky is falling, and there are tall people on top of it! We ourselves are our most reliable backers!

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