
The eighth issue of singers: Tan Weiwei won the championship domineeringly, Na Ying sang with illness, and Sun Nan broke his voice and fell out of the top three

author:Xingwen knows it all

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The eighth issue of "Singer 2024" is really a heart-pounding and addictive music carnival! This episode is like a thrilling musical adventure, full of countless unexpected surprises and twists.

The program team suddenly officially announced the news of the singer Tan Weiwei, which was like a powerful bombshell, which instantly exploded in the world of netizens. Social media was instantly flooded with all kinds of heated discussions, and everyone was gossiping, speculating about what kind of new pattern Tan Weiwei's arrival would bring to this stage.

The eighth issue of singers: Tan Weiwei won the championship domineeringly, Na Ying sang with illness, and Sun Nan broke his voice and fell out of the top three

Some fans are excited, looking forward to Tan Weiwei being able to add a different color to this music feast with her unique voice and strong stage charm; There are also audiences who have a wait-and-see attitude, curious about whether Tan Weiwei can quickly gain a foothold on this highly competitive stage.

This issue is the most important ultimate list competition, and the eight singers are like eight immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers. That scene can really be described as a fairy fight, which is wonderful. Female singer Rukhiya Lucia from Kazakhstan, this brave and fearless leader, with enthusiasm and determination, aims to be one of the top four in the last edition. Singers such as Wang Sulong, Huang Xuan, and Sun Nan, who we are familiar with, are also gearing up and preparing to show their excellent style on this stage.

The eighth issue of singers: Tan Weiwei won the championship domineeringly, Na Ying sang with illness, and Sun Nan broke his voice and fell out of the top three

Let's talk about Wang Sulong first, as soon as this little brother stepped on the stage, his powerful aura instantly attracted everyone's attention. His gaze was determined, as if he wanted to control the entire stage in his own hands. What is unexpected is that while singing, he actually forgot the words! At this moment, the air seemed to freeze.

But Wang Sulong is worthy of being a seasoned stage veteran, and he quickly adjusted his state and teased himself in a light-hearted and humorous way. He laughed and said, "Oh, this word is faster than me, it looks like I'm going to have to chase harder!" 's humorous appearance not only resolved the embarrassment, but made the audience feel more kind and cute. The audience was also infected by his optimism and applauded and cheered for him.

The eighth issue of singers: Tan Weiwei won the championship domineeringly, Na Ying sang with illness, and Sun Nan broke his voice and fell out of the top three

Huang Xuan's performance is relatively decent. He was fully engaged on stage, and every note was poured into his heart. Although there are no particularly amazing highlights, his solid singing skills and stable performance can be regarded as successfully completing his singing. He is like a craftsman who works silently, although he has not created a dazzling treasure, but his persistence and dedication are also worthy of our respect.

The eighth issue of singers: Tan Weiwei won the championship domineeringly, Na Ying sang with illness, and Sun Nan broke his voice and fell out of the top three

Looking at Sun Nan again, as soon as he opened his mouth, the high voice soared into the sky like a rocket, and the goosebumps that shocked people all over their bodies stood up instantly. The powerful explosive force seems to break through the shackles of the stage and reach the sea of stars. Maybe it's because I'm too involved, the treble is too strong, and the sound breaks.

At this moment, the hearts of the audience were in their throats. But what is surprising is that Sun Nan did not panic because of this. On the contrary, he continued to sing more firmly, and the strength of going all out made people can't help but be moved. This spirit of not flinching in the face of mistakes and moving forward bravely won thunderous applause and heartfelt admiration from the audience.

The eighth issue of singers: Tan Weiwei won the championship domineeringly, Na Ying sang with illness, and Sun Nan broke his voice and fell out of the top three

The brave Lucia chose to rush to Sun Nan, which is undoubtedly a decision full of challenges and courage. She stood on the stage with a determined glint in her eyes, as if to tell everyone that she had been preparing for this moment for a long time. Her singing voice is full of exoticism, and her unique voice and full of emotions are intertwined to make people intoxicated. The final result was not satisfactory, and she failed to make it to the list. But her fearless and courageous momentum on the stage has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of every audience.

The eighth issue of singers: Tan Weiwei won the championship domineeringly, Na Ying sang with illness, and Sun Nan broke his voice and fell out of the top three

Next, Fan Xiya, Shantimo, Na Ying, Yuan Yawei and Tan Weiwei also appeared one after another. Na Ying, the eldest sister in the music scene, originally took a leave of absence because of herpes zoster in her eyes, which made everyone sweat for her, worried that her physical condition would affect her stage performance. Hey, I didn't expect that as soon as she opened her mouth tonight, the voice was like a heavenly sound, instantly sweeping away everyone's doubts.

Her singing is full of power and emotion, and every note seems to tell her story. The steady typhoon and skillful skills make people have to sigh that the eldest sister is the eldest sister, no matter what difficulties they face, they can shine their own light on the stage.

The eighth issue of singers: Tan Weiwei won the championship domineeringly, Na Ying sang with illness, and Sun Nan broke his voice and fell out of the top three

And Tan Weiwei's appearance is undoubtedly one of the brightest highlights of this episode of the show. As soon as she appeared, her unique temperament attracted everyone's attention. When she opened her mouth to sing the northern Shaanxi-style song "Orchid Flowers", the melodious melody and affectionate lyrics seemed to bring everyone to the vast yellow earth of northern Shaanxi. The audience seemed to be able to see the orchid flowers swaying in the wind, and they could feel the simplicity and enthusiasm of the people in northern Shaanxi.

Tan Weiwei's singing voice is full of strong local characteristics and deep emotions, and every transposition and every treble is handled just right. Her singing is like a warm spring breeze, gently blowing through everyone's heart, blowing away the haze in people's hearts, and bringing endless warmth and touch.

The eighth issue of singers: Tan Weiwei won the championship domineeringly, Na Ying sang with illness, and Sun Nan broke his voice and fell out of the top three

This issue of "Singer 2024" is really full of surprises, accidents, laughter, and regrets. It's like a wonderful movie, every plot is gripping, and every frame is unforgettable. The singers unleashed their energy on stage, telling their own stories and conveying their emotions with their singing voices. The audience enjoyed the music as they swayed to the beat of the music and cheered for every wonderful moment.

The eighth issue of singers: Tan Weiwei won the championship domineeringly, Na Ying sang with illness, and Sun Nan broke his voice and fell out of the top three

Whether it is Wang Sulong's witty response or Huang Xuan's silent insistence; Whether it is Sun Nan's courage to move forward or Lucia's brave challenge; Whether it is Na Ying's overcoming difficulties or Tan Weiwei's stunning bloom, every singer has left their own unique mark on this stage.

They may succeed or fail, but they all interpret their love and dedication to music in their own way. This love, like a burning flame, illuminates the entire stage; This kind of attachment, like a tenacious rope, pulls them forward.

The eighth issue of singers: Tan Weiwei won the championship domineeringly, Na Ying sang with illness, and Sun Nan broke his voice and fell out of the top three

This is the charm of music, it allows us to feel endless joys and sorrows in an instant, and allows us to find our way in the sea of notes. The eighth issue of "Singer 2024" is such a magical stage that makes us immersed in it and unable to extricate ourselves.

The eighth issue of singers: Tan Weiwei won the championship domineeringly, Na Ying sang with illness, and Sun Nan broke his voice and fell out of the top three

Let's look forward to the next issue of Singer 2024. I don't know what kind of excitement awaits us? There may be more unexpected singers joining, and maybe there will be more shocking singing.

But in any case, we all believe that this stage will continue to bring us endless surprises and touches, so that we can continue to pursue that beauty and dream in the world of music.

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