
The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life



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The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

Text: Cowbowton

Edited by Cowbowton

Lao Mouzi Zhang Yimou, a name that people love and hate. Some people say that he is a monument in the Chinese film industry, and some people say that he is the spokesperson of commercial films. But you know what? This old man, known as the "National Teacher", is actually a poor boy.

From an unknown graduate of the photography department to a movie tycoon worth more than 100 million yuan, Zhang Yimou's life is simply an inspirational blockbuster. But this old boy doesn't play cards according to the routine, the more successful he is, the more low-key, the richer and more simple.

The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

No, at the age of 73, he is still wearing that rustic Mao suit, pointing fingers on the set with a serious face. Did you say he was pretending? Don't worry, listen to me slowly, and see how many ways this "national teacher" level figure has.

From a poor boy to a big man in the film industry: Zhang Yimou's rise to prominence

Who would have thought that the once poor photography graduate has now become a big man in the film industry? The rise of Zhang Yimou is simply a realistic version of "gorgeous turn".

In 1985, "Yellow Earth" was born, and this film not only allowed Zhang Yimou to win the trophy of the Golden Rooster Award for Best Cinematography, but also made him a new star in the world film industry. Since then, this young man from Shaanxi has started his journey of "reaching the peak".

The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life
"I thought at the time, being an actor is always passive, if I could be a director myself, how great it would be!"

Zhang Yimou once recalled his original intention of transforming into a director. Doesn't that sound a bit underwhelming? But I have to say that Lao Mouzi's ambition and strength are really comparable.

From "Red Sorghum" to "Ju Dou", and then to "Qiu Ju Fights a Lawsuit", Zhang Yimou's works one after another continue to refresh people's perception of Chinese films. He uses his unique color and lens language to show the charm of Chinese culture to the world, and he has unconsciously become a representative of Chinese films.

The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

Don't think that Zhang Yimou will only make literary films. This old boy is very good! From "Hero" to "The City Full of Golden Armor", and then to "The Great Wall", he began to get involved in commercial blockbusters, bringing Chinese films to a broader market. Some people say he's in it for money, but I don't think so. This old planner probably wants to prove that Chinese movies can also be made in Hollywood.

Business layout: Zhang Yimou's diversified development

The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

Don't look at Zhang Yimou's usual appearance of not eating fireworks in the world, but in terms of business sense, this old boy is not ambiguous at all.

In 2013, when everyone was still confused about the Internet era, Zhang Yimou decisively joined LeTV. This hand not only made him the company's film art director, but also made his pockets bulge. Do you think there's something about this old planner?

"We must adapt to the development of the times and not rest on our laurels."
The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

Zhang Yimou said in an interview. Doesn't that sound a bit official? But I have to say that Lao Mouzi's vision is really vicious.

In 2015, when VR technology was just emerging, Zhang Yimou smelled a business opportunity. He founded the popular Qitian Culture Company and began to set foot in the VR industry. This move not only attracted investment from big-name companies such as Intel, Lenovo, and Xiaomi, but also allowed him to gain a firm foothold in the technology field.

The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

You see, this old man not only knows how to make movies, but also understands the truth of "money makes money". From artist to entrepreneur, his transformation can be said to be quite successful. However, don't think that Zhang Yimou is a master who only cares about making money. This old boy, although he is shrewd in business, has always maintained a simple and low-key attitude in life.

Family life: Zhang Yimou's warm backing

Speaking of Zhang Yimou's family life, it is really a warm family drama.

The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

In 2011, Zhang Yimou married his beloved wife Chen Ting. This woman from a military background has not only become Zhang Yimou's virtuous helper, but also his right-hand man in his career. Some people say that there is always a great woman behind a successful man, and this is very appropriate when used on Zhang Yimou.

"For me, family is a harbor. No matter how stormy it is outside, I can find peace when I get home. "
The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

Zhang Yimou said in an interview. Doesn't that sound a bit insensitive? But I have to say that Lao Mouzi's family outlook is really enviable.

Recently, Zhang Yimou's second son, Zhang Yiding, has achieved excellent results in academia and has been admitted to many world-renowned universities. As soon as this news came out, it not only made Zhang Yimou, a father, feel proud, but also let us see the intentions of this successful person in family education.

The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

You see, this old man will not only make movies, but also educate children. From artist to good father, his role switch can be said to be quite successful. However, don't think that Zhang Yimou is a master who only cares about the family. This old boy still maintains a strong creativity and passion in his career.

Netizens are hotly discussed: mixed reviews

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and some netizens believed that Zhang Yimou's success was well deserved:

The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life
"Director Zhang has grown from an ordinary photographer to a world-class director, relying on strength and persistence. Every step he took was steady and steady. Such success deserves our respect and learning. "

Some netizens also expressed concern about Zhang Yimou's commercialization tendency in recent years:

"Lao Mouzi is becoming more and more commercialized now, and I feel that I have lost the artistic atmosphere of my earlier works. I hope he can return to his heart and bring us more good works like "Red Sorghum". "
The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

Some netizens expressed envy of Zhang Yimou's family life:

"Seeing Director Zhang's family life, I am really envious. Successful career and harmonious family, this is a winner in life! Hopefully, we can also find a balance between career and family. "
The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

However, some netizens questioned Zhang Yimou's low-key style:

"Is Director Zhang really that low-key? I feel like this might just be a kind of packaging. After all, in this day and age, low-key itself is a high-profile way of expression. "
The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

In general, netizens' evaluations of Zhang Yimou can be said to be mixed. But in any case, his success and influence are undeniable. As one netizen said:

"Whether you like it or not, Zhang Yimou has become a symbol of the Chinese film industry. Every step he takes is influencing the direction of Chinese cinema. "
The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

Write at the end

Looking back on Zhang Yimou's life trajectory, from a poor boy to a big man in the film industry, from a single artistic creation to a diversified business layout, and then to a warm and harmonious family life, we see an all-round successful winner in life. His low-key style is in stark contrast to his high-profile achievements, which makes people sigh: this is the real "master in the folk"!

The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

Zhang Yimou's success has brought us a lot of inspiration. He tells us that success doesn't happen overnight and requires continuous effort and innovation. At the same time, he also shows us how to find a balance between career and family, and how to seek breakthroughs between business and art.

The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

However, we can't help but ask: in this era of rapid change, can a successful model like Zhang Yimou be replicated? While pursuing career success, how can we maintain our original intention and not forget the essence of art? These questions may need to be thought about and explored by each of us.

What do you think of Zhang Yimou's path to success? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment area!

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