
Check Jiang Ping? Li Xueqin, who has a second-level swimmer certificate but can't swim, should be investigated by the authorities

author:The common people have something to say

Since the official release of the results of the Ali Damo Academy on June 13, the results of the preliminary round of the Ali Mathematics Competition have been less than 20 days, and some people in the society have been questioning whether the mathematics results of Jiang Ping, a secondary school student who won the 12th place in the preliminary round, are real? An official investigation of Jiang Ping was also requested. In fact, there is no need to investigate the authenticity of Jiang Ping's competition scores and Jiang Ping's mathematical ability.

Check Jiang Ping? Li Xueqin, who has a second-level swimmer certificate but can't swim, should be investigated by the authorities

Even if Jiang Ping cheats, there is no need to investigate, on the contrary, the recent incident of Li Xueqin, who graduated from Peking University, said that she couldn't swim but got the national team's second-level swimmer certificate, and whether she was admitted to Peking University through independent enrollment is a violation of the law, and there should be official intervention in the investigation, why?

First, Jiang Ping's participation in Ali Global Mathematics is not an officially organized competition, nor is it a college entrance exam, her grades do not affect the employment of others, etc., nor does it occupy national public resources, let alone spend a penny of finance, these are all private business hobby exams. So what if she cheats?

Check Jiang Ping? Li Xueqin, who has a second-level swimmer certificate but can't swim, should be investigated by the authorities

Second, let's take a look at the recent "Li Xueqin incident", which has been very popular recently. How absurd it is, and it is all officially organized entrance exams and officially issued certificates. Therefore, we should expect the official investigation to give a satisfactory explanation to the public.

Third, the Li Xueqin incident needs to investigate how the national team obtained the second-level swimming certificate, and this matter must involve multiple departments and personnel, so it is necessary to investigate whether they have violated discipline and law. A person who can't swim actually has a second-level swimming athlete certificate, which sounds very outrageous.

Check Jiang Ping? Li Xueqin, who has a second-level swimmer certificate but can't swim, should be investigated by the authorities

Fourth, in addition to not being able to swim to obtain a second-level athlete certificate, I also hope to investigate whether Li Xueqin violated the rules in the process of entering Peking University through independent enrollment. She can't swim and has a national second-level athlete certificate, which proves that she and her family have the ability to achieve their goals illegally through various relationships, after all, there is still the possibility of human intervention in the process of independent enrollment.

Fifth, why do netizens want to investigate Li Xueqin thoroughly. The main reason is that there have been doubts about the fairness of education for many years, especially the fairness of this kind of independent admissions. In addition, it is an official entrance examination, so the people very much want to see a fair and just survey result.

(Author's statement: original work, it is not easy to create, plagiarism is prohibited, and violators must be investigated.) Welcome to click to follow!


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