
Take a look at the human nature, it's too realistic, collect it and take a look!

author:Look up under the stars
Take a look at the human nature, it's too realistic, collect it and take a look!
Take a look at the human nature, it's too realistic, collect it and take a look!
Take a look at the human nature, it's too realistic, collect it and take a look!
Take a look at the human nature, it's too realistic, collect it and take a look!
Take a look at the human nature, it's too realistic, collect it and take a look!
Take a look at the human nature, it's too realistic, collect it and take a look!
Take a look at the human nature, it's too realistic, collect it and take a look!
Take a look at the human nature, it's too realistic, collect it and take a look!
Take a look at the human nature, it's too realistic, collect it and take a look!
Take a look at the human nature, it's too realistic, collect it and take a look!

With three ancient jades and the yellowed parchment in hand, Murong Fei stepped out of the barren Dream Garden. The night is dark, the stars dot the sky, and the lights of the town are still warm and distant. He returned to Bai Ruoxi's medical hall, his heart full of doubts and expectations.

Bai Ruoxi was quietly waiting for him, and when she saw Murong Fei returning, her eyes revealed a trace of complicated emotion. Murong Fei showed her the ancient jade and parchment, and Bai Ruoxi's fingers lightly touched those ancient jades, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Do you know you're on a path from which there's no turning back?" Bai Ruoxi's voice was low and serious.

Murong Fei nodded firmly: "I have to find out, no matter what it brings." ”

Bai Ruoxi sighed, she took out an old diary with an old cover from the cabinet and handed it to Murong Fei: "This diary is what you once left. Perhaps, it can help you recover your lost memories. ”

Murong Fei took the diary and opened the yellowed pages, the handwriting was mottled, recording the bits and pieces of his relationship with this town and the "dreamland". As he read deeper, memories of the past poured into his heart like a tide. He was a chivalrous man in this town, who lost his memory due to an accident and was always looking for a way to return to his "dreamland" in order to reclaim his past.

In the last few pages of the diary, the handwriting became trembling, and the content was full of despair and unwillingness. Tears flashed in Murong Fei's eyes, and he finally understood that he had fought against an ancient evil force in order to protect the town, and in the process, he had fallen into a deep predicament.

Bai Ruoxi said softly: "Your fate is closely linked to this town, and you were our hero. But the secret of 'dreams' is far from being understandable. ”

Murong Fei raised his head and looked firm: "No matter what lies ahead, I will face it." Please tell me, what should I do next? ”

Bai Ruoxi stood up and pointed to a closed door behind the medical hall: "Behind that door, there is a secret room. There you will find the entrance to the depths of the 'Dream Realm'. But remember, once you step inside, you may never come back. ”

Murong Fei was silent for a moment, then slowly got up and walked towards the door. He knew that his journey was far from over, and that the truth and the past were waiting for him to be revealed behind that door.

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