
Wonderful! The middle school cafeteria is divided into male and female sections, and students eat standing up, and the school's response is even more laughable

author:Spiritual and physical practice to understand the true meaning

Do you dare to imagine that in the 21st century, in the middle school cafeteria, men and women have to eat separately, and what is even more strange is that there are only tables in the school cafeteria, there are no stools, and everyone has to stand to eat.

Seeing such a dining scene, you will still be a little shocked and speechless, and after listening to the school's response, you will feel even more crying and laughing.



The incident happened in a middle school restaurant in Zhumadian, Henan, and it is estimated that people from outside the school who came to this restaurant for the first time saw such a striking "boys' dining area" and "girls' dining area", and it was inevitable that they would have a feeling of being separated from the world.

This scene is still somewhat comical, in the cafeteria, men and women have to eat separately, so should there be a partition in the classroom? Do you need to deliberately avoid walking in school and seeing classmates of the opposite sex? If you go a little further, maybe the girl will have a headscarf.

Wonderful! The middle school cafeteria is divided into male and female sections, and students eat standing up, and the school's response is even more laughable

Not only that, but there are only dining tables in the cafeteria of this middle school, and there are no corresponding chairs. Tables and chairs are originally supporting facilities, so why do you have to deliberately forcibly divide the two?

So, you're going to see such a weird scene in this cafeteria, where all the students are eating standing up, and the key is the kind that pouts their butts, because the height of the table is still normal, but the chairs are removed, and the table is not raised because of this, which leads to this "funny" eating posture.

Wonderful! The middle school cafeteria is divided into male and female sections, and students eat standing up, and the school's response is even more laughable


Originally, these strange "whimsical ideas" have made people feel unbelievable and incomprehensible, and listening to the school's reply to this will shatter your three views even more.

As for why there are no dining chairs, the school's reply is that they are afraid that students will trip, which is really brain-opening and dares to say anything. If you have a stool, you will stumble, you should choke when eating, and you will probably be stuffed between your teeth when you drink water!

Wonderful! The middle school cafeteria is divided into male and female sections, and students eat standing up, and the school's response is even more laughable

There is also a saying that eating standing is good for health, I really don't know if there is a basis for this theory, most of the restaurants we see, are sitting and eating, is it that all people are wrong, do not take physical health seriously?

Wonderful! The middle school cafeteria is divided into male and female sections, and students eat standing up, and the school's response is even more laughable

As for whether the establishment of the male and female division is to prevent early love, the school did not give a specific statement, I believe that it may not have found a statement like "afraid of students tripping over stools", so subtle and self-justifying.


Of course, we would like to believe that there are so many school choices, it is impossible to say that it is to save the cost of that dining chair, but more definitely for the sake of students.

It's just that these practices are too detached from human nature, and in order to achieve a certain goal, they completely abandon the most basic principles and positions, which can be said to be "picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons".

Wonderful! The middle school cafeteria is divided into male and female sections, and students eat standing up, and the school's response is even more laughable

Removing the stools can really prevent students from falling? Setting up a male and female division can prevent students from falling in love? These are narrow-minded practices that not only fail to have the intended effect, but are often more likely to backfire.

Standing up to eat, the posture is very awkward, and eating so hard can easily cause some potential damage to the body. It is also very unreasonable to forcibly separate meals for men and women, who are already middle school students, and men and women need some normal interactions, which is beneficial to the physical and mental health of students, and is also humane and logical.

Wonderful! The middle school cafeteria is divided into male and female sections, and students eat standing up, and the school's response is even more laughable

Just because you are a student should not ignore their feelings and human needs, on the contrary, people of every age deserve to be respected.

I really don't know, how is the staff canteen and the school leaders' canteen set up in this middle school, is there no dining chairs, and the teachers and leaders are all standing to eat? Is it not possible for male and female teachers to eat together, and it is necessary to set up a male and female division?

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