
The National Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Development Fund made another move, 11.2 billion | Rongzhong Fundraising Weekly Report

The National Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Development Fund made another move, 11.2 billion | Rongzhong Fundraising Weekly Report

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The National Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Development Fund made a move, 11.2 billion

On June 27, the National Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Development Fund announced that it had completed the establishment of the sixth batch of sub-funds. They are:

Puhua Small and Medium-sized Phase II (Hangzhou) Venture Capital Partnership (Limited Partnership), registered in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, and managed by Zhejiang Puhua Tianqin Equity Investment Management Co., Ltd., mainly invests in small and medium-sized enterprises in the fields of high-end equipment manufacturing, new generation electronic information, new energy and new materials, medical and health care, etc.

Hubei Province Cornerstone Small and Medium-sized Development Venture Capital Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership), registered in Wuhan, Hubei Province, the management agency is Cornerstone Asset Management Co., Ltd., mainly investing in small and medium-sized enterprises in the fields of new generation information technology, integrated circuits, high-tech manufacturing, biomedicine, artificial intelligence, new energy and new materials, modern services and other fields.

Hunan Dachen Caizhi SME Venture Capital Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership), registered in Changsha City, Hunan Province, is managed by Shenzhen Dachen Caizhi Venture Capital Management Co., Ltd., which mainly invests in small and medium-sized enterprises in intelligent manufacturing, new generation information technology, biotechnology and other related fields.

Hangzhou Yuanjing New Small and Medium-sized Venture Capital Partnership (Limited Partnership), registered in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, is managed by Hangzhou Yuanjing Ruiheng Investment Management Co., Ltd., which mainly invests in small and medium-sized enterprises in the fields of intelligent manufacturing, biomedicine, digital healthcare, artificial intelligence, information technology, consumption upgrading and Internet.

Hefei Tonghe Phase IV Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership), registered in Hefei City, Anhui Province, is managed by Chongkai Venture Capital Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., which mainly invests in small and medium-sized enterprises in the fields of innovative biopharmaceuticals, new generation biotechnology and therapies, innovative medical devices and life and health.

Guozhong (Shenzhen) Phase III SME Development Private Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership), registered in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, with Shenzhen Guozhong Changrong Asset Management Co., Ltd. as the management agency, mainly invests in small and medium-sized enterprises in the fields of new energy vehicles and intelligent driving, new materials and new energy, intelligent equipment, biomedicine and health, big data, cloud computing, network security and enterprise services, semiconductors, electronic information technology and artificial intelligence and new economy.

So far, the National Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Development Fund has completed the signing and establishment of the sixth batch of all sub-funds, with a total scale of 11.2 billion yuan.

50 billion, Jiangsu Fund of Funds recruits GP

A few days ago, Jiangsu officially launched the Jiangsu Provincial Strategic Emerging Industries Fund of Funds (hereinafter referred to as the "Provincial Fund of Funds") with a total scale of 50 billion yuan to help the development of local strategic emerging industries and future industries.

The provincial fund of funds is a guiding fund to implement the deployment requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, give full play to the role of long-term capital, patient capital and strategic capital, and promote the development of strategic emerging industries in the province and the future industrial layout.

1. Investment field

The provincial fund of funds operates in the form of a company, adheres to the principles of marketization, specialization and rule of law, focuses on strategic emerging industries with a leading role, forward-looking future industries, high-tech industries and advanced manufacturing industries, promotes the implementation of a number of major industrial projects that have a traction effect on optimizing the industrial layout of the province, and cultivates a number of specialized and special new enterprises and singles champion enterprises that can effectively control subdivisions and key links.

Second, the main structure

The provincial fund of funds mainly cooperates with relevant districted cities and relevant provincial enterprises to jointly invest in the establishment of three types of industrial special funds: the future industry angel fund, the districted city industry special fund of funds, and the provincial enterprise industry special fund. Direct investment projects of special industrial funds may further attract social capital to jointly invest in the establishment of industrial sub-funds.

The Future Industry Angel Fund aims to jointly cultivate forward-looking, strategic and breakthrough future industries through provincial and municipal linkage;

The purpose of the special fund of funds for industries in districted cities is to support relevant districted cities to promote the integrated development of strategic emerging industrial clusters and optimize the layout of local modern industrial systems;

The Provincial Enterprise Industry Special Fund aims to actively cultivate and develop strategic emerging industries around the main business of provincial enterprises, and accelerate the layout of real industries.

3. Arrangements for the declaration of work

The provincial parent fund carries out the fund declaration work on a regular basis, and the provincial parent fund company is responsible for accepting the application in a unified manner. According to the application situation, carry out material review, due diligence, professional demonstration and other work.

Changzhou landed a synthetic biology industry fund

Changzhou Changtou Hejia Venture Capital Partnership (Limited Partnership) has successfully completed the industrial and commercial registration, and Changzhou Municipal Government Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. is responsible for operation and management.

In order to seize the new track of the synthetic biology industry at full speed, Changzhou has successively issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of the Synthetic Biology Industry" and "Several Measures of Changzhou City on Supporting the High-quality Development of the Synthetic Biology Industry", which clearly states that it is necessary to give full play to the leading role of venture capital institutions, set up a synthetic biology industry fund matrix with a scale of more than 2 billion yuan, and guide all kinds of capital to "invest in early investment and small investment in hard technology" in the field of synthetic biology industry, so as to accelerate the development of the synthetic biology industry. Changzhou Municipal Government Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. gives full play to the leading role of state-owned capital in supporting the development of local industries, and takes the lead in establishing Changtou Hejia Synthetic Biology Fund, which supports the city to seize the highland of future industrial layout and cultivate a new engine for regional development through direct equity investment in high-quality projects in the early and growth stages of the synthetic biology industry.

In the next step, Changzhou Municipal Government Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. will efficiently promote the operation of fund management, continue to give full play to the city's basic advantages in biomedicine, biomanufacturing and other fields, strengthen cooperation and contact with synthetic biology R&D and innovation platforms such as Changzhou Institute of Synthetic Biology Industry of Nanjing Normal University, and promote the construction of a new economic development model of "R&D-transformation-industry" of synthetic biology by jointly tapping high-quality potential projects for direct equity investment and setting up an expert advisory committee, so as to help Changzhou build an innovation highland for synthetic biology industry.

Changzhou Municipal Government Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. (AMAC record number: P1060482) was established in May 2016 and is mainly responsible for the management and operation of various municipal government guidance funds. In recent years, the company has given full play to the unique functions of the state-owned investment platform, deeply cultivated and practiced the new path of industry and finance development, and built a "full-cycle + all-round" investment and financing service system integrating various forms such as fund of funds management, equity direct investment, investment and loan linkage, and live roadshow to guide the "financial living water" to irrigate the real economy. At present, the company has managed a total of more than 50 billion yuan of parent and child funds, more than 400 investment projects of parent and child funds, with a total investment of more than 10 billion yuan, of which 27 have achieved IPOs, 4 IPOs have passed, 28 unicorns and potential unicorn enterprises, 40 gazelle enterprises, and 122 specialized, special and new small giant enterprises.

The Beijing Guidance Fund has set up 4 more industrial funds, with a total scale of 50 billion

Recently, the Beijing Municipal Government Guidance Fund has set up four industrial investment funds with a total scale of 50 billion yuan. They are:

10 billion Beijing Green Energy and Low-carbon Industry Investment Fund, managed by BAIC Industrial Investment;

10 billion Beijing Commercial Aerospace and Low-altitude Economic Industry Investment Fund, managed by Dachen Caizhi;

10 billion Beijing New Materials Industry Investment Fund, managed by Zhongguancun Capital;

20 billion Beijing Advanced Manufacturing and Intelligent Equipment Industry Investment Fund, the management agency cornerstone capital.

At the end of last year, Beijing set up four industrial guidance funds with a total scale of 50 billion yuan - Beijing Robot Industry Development Investment Fund, Beijing Artificial Intelligence Industry Investment Fund, Beijing Information Industry Development Investment Fund, and Beijing Medical and Health Industry Investment Fund. Among them, the scale of the first three funds is 10 billion yuan, and the scale of the latter fund is 20 billion yuan.

Beijing Guidance Fund was registered and established in January 2016 with the Beijing Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the actual controller is Beijing State-owned Capital Operation and Management Co., Ltd. The original intention of the establishment is to give full play to the guiding and amplifying role of financial funds and attract investment institutions and social capital to support Beijing's industrial development. Up to now, the Beijing Guidance Fund has invested in a number of funds such as Xiaomi Intelligent Manufacturing Fund, Beijing Science and Technology Innovation Fund, National Civil-Military Integration Industry Investment Fund, and Zhongguancun Longmen Fund.

Nanjing's 100 billion industrial fund cluster is coming

On June 21, the Nanjing 2024 Global Industrial Science and Technology Innovation and Investment Promotion Conference opened.

The Nanjing "4+N" industrial fund cluster was released on the spot, aiming to build a fund continuous investment system with "full coverage of key industries and serving the whole life cycle", and radiate and drive all kinds of capital to help the development of leading industries.

In order to seize the major historical opportunity of "accelerating the formation of new quality productivity" and implement the strategy of strengthening the city through industry, Nanjing has increased the asset scale of the Innovation Investment Group to 30 billion yuan. Focusing on the four major directions of major project landing, key industry development, strengthening the chain and extending the chain, and cultivating scientific and technological talents, the venture capital group has obtained the support of the provincial fund of funds and cooperated with the provincial strategic emerging industry fund management agency to establish two special industry funds, including Jiangsu Software and Information Services (Nanjing) Industry Special Fund of Funds (6 billion yuan), Jiangsu Province New Power (Nanjing) Industry Special Fund of Funds (6 billion yuan), and two future industry angel funds, including Nanjing Future Industry Angel Fund (1 billion yuan), Nanjing Purple Mountain Future Network Angel Fund (500 million yuan). At the same time, the venture capital group has also cooperated with the relevant industrial agglomeration area in Nanjing to set up two special industrial funds, including the Nanjing Aerospace Industry Fund of Funds (3 billion yuan) and the Nanjing Biomedical Industry Fund of Funds (2 billion yuan), to further support the rapid development of relevant key industrial enterprises in the city and optimize the layout of the modern industrial system through the linkage of the parent and child funds.

Jiangxi Jingdezhen Xingci Fund completed the filing

Jingdezhen Xingci Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) (hereinafter referred to as "Jingdezhen Xingci Fund") successfully completed the filing of private equity investment funds with the Asset Management Association of China, and Jiangxi Gantou Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jiangxi Gantou") served as the fund manager.

Jingdezhen Xingci Fund is jointly funded by Jiangxi Gantou and Jingdezhen Ceramic Technology Investment and Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jingdezhen Ceramic Technology Investment"), with a record scale of 200 million yuan, which is the third market-oriented industry guidance fund of Jiangxi Gantou in Jingdezhen, and intends to operate through the "parent fund + direct investment" mode, mainly used to support the development of local leading industries, giving priority to supporting advanced ceramic materials, electronic information, new energy, high-end equipment manufacturing and other industries. This cooperation aims to help the city's advanced ceramic industry to consolidate the chain, extend the chain and strengthen the chain, and promote the development of the city's advanced ceramic industry cluster.

Jinhua Shenghe Fund, a subsidiary of CICC Private Equity, completed the filing to help the development of new quality productivity

Jinhua Shenghe Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership), managed by CICC Private Equity, successfully completed the filing with the Asset Management Association of China, with a filing scale of RMB 503 million.

Jinhua Shenghe Fund focuses on investing in new productivity fields with high-tech, high-efficiency and high-quality characteristics, such as electronic information, advanced manufacturing and new materials, which are supported by the national strategy. The fund will continue to explore and explore high-quality investment opportunities in this field, and is committed to actively creating financial returns for investors.

The first co-city science and technology innovation fund of Chengde Meizi was registered

Implement the development strategy of Chengdu Meizi City in Sichuan Province and the spirit of the Ninth Plenary Session of the Fifth Meishan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, build a highland of innovation and entrepreneurship in the west, accelerate the cultivation of new quality productivity, promote the high-quality development of Meishan, and help the Chengdu metropolitan area establish and improve the basic system of science and technology innovation center with national influence. With the strong support of the leading group of the Provincial City Office, on June 18, the first city-based science and technology innovation fund of Chengde Mei-funded - Sichuan Chengmei City-based Science and Technology Innovation Equity Investment Fund was officially registered.

The fund is jointly funded by Meishan Industrial Guidance Fund and Chengdu Science and Technology Innovation Investment Group, with a scale of 1 billion yuan, and is jointly managed by Meishan Industrial Investment Private Equity Fund Management Company and Chengdu Technology Transfer Venture Capital Co., Ltd. The fund mainly invests in new energy and new materials, electronic information, high-end equipment manufacturing, biomedicine and other fields, and its main investment areas are linked and interconnected with the key industrial fields of Chengdu and Meishan, which will more effectively promote the accelerated development of related industrial chains and promote the extension of the chain and the strengthening of the chain between Chengdu and Meishan.

The fund will actively respond to the overall strategic deployment of the development of Chengdu Meizi co-urbanization, accelerate the promotion of the phased key work of the city-to-city development, increase the empowerment and support of scientific and technological innovation subjects in the intra-city area in the form of capital, further build a global scientific and technological innovation service system, promote the leapfrog development of the regional scientific and technological service industry, form a transformation and application pattern of scientific and technological achievements of "Chengdu R&D, Meishan transformation", serve Meishan's "1+3" leading industries, and contribute to the realization of Meishan's "manufacturing strong city" strategy.

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