
The Chinese principal was beaten in the United States and was on the hot search in China! He describes himself as Native American as apple pie

author:There is a tiger in the heart

Recently, a Chinese-American vice president of Columbia University was inexplicably abused and beaten on his way to work, and he was rolled back to his country.

The Chinese principal was beaten in the United States and was on the hot search in China! He describes himself as Native American as apple pie

Although the injury was not serious, the vice principal felt very aggrieved and chose to call the police, and at the same time he said that it was very strange that he was born and raised in Washington, D.C., and like apple pie, it is a native product of the United States. But someone told him to go back to his country?

What's even more strange is that this news has made headlines on the Chinese Internet, and many melon-eating netizens have left comments. See what netizens have to say.

Some netizens said: You were born in the stable, are you a horse?

The Chinese principal was beaten in the United States and was on the hot search in China! He describes himself as Native American as apple pie

Some netizens believe that only Indian people can be called indigenous in the United States, and everyone else is the descendants of immigrants. Don't think you're superior.

The Chinese principal was beaten in the United States and was on the hot search in China! He describes himself as Native American as apple pie

Some netizens said that such a highly civilized society in the United States did not expect their people to be so angry, fighting and robbing at every turn.

The Chinese principal was beaten in the United States and was on the hot search in China! He describes himself as Native American as apple pie

After reading the comments of netizens, it is more or less a bit of schadenfreude.

I don't think it's necessary, the road is facing the sky, and each side is on its own. A lot of people go out and give up their citizenship to become Americans, it's their own choice, and we don't need to hate them.

But to be honest, I saw the face of this Chinese vice principal, although he still had yellow skin, black hair and black eyes, his demeanor couldn't show the slightest bit of Chinese appearance.

The so-called face has a heart, which shows that he has completely integrated into American society, from the inside out, from head to toe, he has already thoroughly considered himself an American.

Not long ago, a 75-year-old Chinese lady was inexplicably beaten by a white man on the streets of San Francisco, and the video once aroused heated discussions among Chinese netizens.

The Chinese principal was beaten in the United States and was on the hot search in China! He describes himself as Native American as apple pie

It can be seen that the entire American society is still very serious about racial discrimination, because the Chinese have a softer personality, are not as good as blacks, and are not united enough, and as a colored person, the status of Chinese Americans is not as good as that of blacks.

Therefore, we also remind Chinese abroad to pay attention to safety.

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