
Outrageous! Samsung plans to introduce a 64-hour work week, netizens: Where did you learn it?

author:Premium Grape bFGmg

Hey, did you hear that? South Korea's Samsung company is going to make big news recently, they actually plan to make employees work 64 hours a week! You heard it right, it's 64 hours! That's more than half the 44 hours per week stipulated in our country's labor law! This is really laughable, as if returning to the crazy era of "how bold people are, how productive the land is".

Outrageous! Samsung plans to introduce a 64-hour work week, netizens: Where did you learn it?

What's going on with this "super long standby" work system? It is said that Samsung wants to stay ahead of the technology in response to the increasing competition in the OLED business. But the question is, can technological leadership be achieved by working overtime? Isn't this the kind of employee who treats him like a machine, and who doesn't need to refuel or rest?

Outrageous! Samsung plans to introduce a 64-hour work week, netizens: Where did you learn it?

Let's talk about the underlying problem. First of all, this kind of "ultra-long standby" work system is obviously an extreme pressure on employees. Employees are not machines, they also need rest and life. Long-term overwork can not only affect employees' physical and mental health, but also affect productivity and creativity. It's not about pushing the business forward, it's about dragging its feet.

Outrageous! Samsung plans to introduce a 64-hour work week, netizens: Where did you learn it?

Moreover, this way of working also reflects a pathological competitive culture in the current society. In order to compete for market share, enterprises do not hesitate to sacrifice the interests of employees. As for the employees, in order to keep their jobs, they have to accept this inhumane work system.

Outrageous! Samsung plans to introduce a 64-hour work week, netizens: Where did you learn it?

This vicious circle will not only lead to exhaustion of enterprises, but also to the whole society into a state of anxiety and uneasiness.

Outrageous! Samsung plans to introduce a 64-hour work week, netizens: Where did you learn it?

Of course, we can't deny that some employees may indeed be willing to go the extra mile for the sake of their cause. But the problem is that this kind of giving should be voluntary and selective, not forced and endless. Otherwise, this effort will become a burden, or even a torture.

Outrageous! Samsung plans to introduce a 64-hour work week, netizens: Where did you learn it?

So, what should we do in the face of this "ultra-long standby" work system? First of all, we need to be clear about our rights and interests. We should not be held hostage by the interests of the business, but should think about our own health and happiness. Second, we need to dare to say "no".

Outrageous! Samsung plans to introduce a 64-hour work week, netizens: Where did you learn it?

If companies force us to accept this inhumane work system, we should be brave enough to stand up for our rights. Finally, we would like to call the attention of society to this issue. Only when society as a whole is aware of the dangers of this system of work can this status quo be fundamentally changed.

Outrageous! Samsung plans to introduce a 64-hour work week, netizens: Where did you learn it?

In conclusion, Samsung's "ultra-long standby" work system is an extreme and inhumane practice. It not only harms the interests of employees, but also reflects a pathological competitive culture in the current society. We should bravely stand up to defend our rights and interests, and at the same time, we should also call on the society to pay attention to this issue and jointly promote the healthy development of society.


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