
Up to 6,000 parasites! Just reported: Sealed! Don't eat indiscriminately

author:Jinjiang TV New Media Center

On the 28th, the Hanshou County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau issued a circular on the investigation and punishment of the use of Fushou snails by two enterprises to sell snail meat as snails in accordance with the law:

On June 28, after the media reported that Hanshou County Xiangyuan Special Aquatic Products Co., Ltd. and Hongtai Food Factory used Fushou snails to pretend to be snail meat sales, Hanshou County attached great importance to it and acted quickly, and immediately set up a joint law enforcement team led by the County Market Supervision Bureau, county public security, environmental protection and other departments rushed to the scene, and the joint law enforcement team has seized the enterprises involved, and sealed all finished products, semi-finished products and raw materials on the spot, and the public security organs have summoned the legal persons involved in the enterprise in place. The follow-up handling of the situation in accordance with laws and regulations will be reported to the public in a timely manner

Hanshou County will consciously accept the supervision of public opinion, learn lessons, draw inferences from one case, and immediately carry out a special action related to the illegal sales of Fushou snails in the county, comprehensively investigate hidden dangers, fill loopholes, severely crack down on violations of laws and regulations, further standardize the production and operation behavior of practitioners, and effectively ensure the food safety of the people.

Up to 6,000 parasites! Just reported: Sealed! Don't eat indiscriminately

Previously reported

At a processing plant in Huanglushan Village, Yanwanghu Township, Hanshou County, Hunan Province, a fishy smell fills the room with color steel tiles, and several female workers sit around a table that quickly sifts through piles of snail meat, some with pink soft debris. Workers shovel the sifted snail meat into plastic baskets, weigh it, and then send it to the cold storage, waiting for the manufacturer's truck to pull away the whole box.

Up to 6,000 parasites! Just reported: Sealed! Don't eat indiscriminately

Near the Heping Bridge in Hanshou County, the frozen meat of Fushou snails displayed by "snail" dealers.

"Fushou snails, how many or how many you want. Ten tons, twenty tons, whatever you want. The person in charge of the processing plant said that in recent years, the number of snails has decreased, and there are more and more snails in wild waters, and the shelled snails are easy to see.

Up to 6,000 parasites! Just reported: Sealed! Don't eat indiscriminately

Some of the snail meat skewers sold in a spicy hot shop on Mercury Street in Changde City can be identified as suspected to be Fushou snails.

In early June, the media went to Hunan, Chongqing and other places to investigate and found that the price of Fushou snails caught from the wild is extremely low, and the price difference between the price of snails and ring snails is several times.

The hazards of snails

Fushou snail is an alien species, with strong reproductive ability and destructive power to the ecological environment. According to statistics, there are 3,000 fewer parasites and more than 6,000 parasites in a snail. If it is not fully cooked during cooking, the parasites will easily enter the human body after eating, which may damage nerve tissue, and in severe cases, it will lead to dementia and even death.

Up to 6,000 parasites! Just reported: Sealed! Don't eat indiscriminately

Ranked number one! Congratulations to Jinjiang!

Jinjiang, this girl, is out of the circle!

Up to 6,000 parasites! Just reported: Sealed! Don't eat indiscriminately

Source | Red Network Changde Station, surging news

Edit | Li Yuling

Audit | Chen Wenjing, Zhang Zhenye, Zhu Yawen

Up to 6,000 parasites! Just reported: Sealed! Don't eat indiscriminately
Up to 6,000 parasites! Just reported: Sealed! Don't eat indiscriminately

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