
Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

author:Qingyan Xiaosheng a
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Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

Text: Qingyan Xiaosheng A

Editor|Qingyan Xiaosheng a

Disclaimer: The content of this article is based on authoritative information, combined with personal views of the original content, the text is marked with the source of the literature and screenshots, please be aware.

The physics community has made waves again, and a 32-year-old Chinese genius scientist has become the youngest full professor at Harvard University.

He is Yin Xi, who was once known as the "God of Learning", but now he has chosen to become a naturalized American.

Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

"I'm not going back to China." This sentence is like a bomb, which exploded in the scientific research circle.

It was Yin Xi who said this, the physics genius who was once hailed as a "prodigy".

Who would have thought that the young man who vowed to serve the motherland back then would make such a choice now?

Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

Brilliant achievements

Harvard University, a place that haunts the dreams of countless students, has become Yin Xixin's stage.

Here, Yin Xi is like a fish in water and shows amazing talent.

In just a few years, he has completed a magnificent transformation from student to professor.

In 2008, when most people were still struggling to find a job, 24-year-old Yin Xi became an assistant professor in Harvard's physics department.

This title is enough to make many people jealous.

But for Yoon, this is just the beginning.

Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

Seven years later, Yin Xi broke the record again and became the youngest professor in Harvard's history.

This news caused quite a stir in academic circles.

You know, at a top university like Harvard, it's hard enough to become a professor, let alone at such a young age.

But Yin Xi didn't stop.

In September 2023, he performed another miracle and was promoted to full professor of physics at Harvard University.

Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

This time, he was not yet 32 years old.

Such an achievement, I'm afraid even Yin Xi himself didn't expect it at the beginning.

Academically, Yin Xi focuses on string theory, a cutting-edge but controversial field.

But Yin Xi seems to have been born to challenge.

His achievements in this field earned him the 2013 Sloan Research Prize.

This award is known as the "reserve team of the Nobel Prize".

Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

But Yin Xi is not just a nerd, outside of work, he also likes to play basketball and guitar.

Such a contrast makes people sigh: it turns out that geniuses can also be so down-to-earth.

Seeing this, you may ask: why is Yin Xi so successful at Harvard? Is it talented? Or is it diligent and hardworking? Maybe it's both.

But more importantly, Harvard gave him a stage to fully display his talents.

Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

Yin Xi's success is certainly worth celebrating.

But at the same time, it is also like a mirror that shows the shortcomings in our education system.

How to retain talents, how to cultivate talents, these issues, I am afraid we need to make more efforts.

Some people say, Yin Xi is doing this by nature? What are the facts?

Source: University of Science and Technology of China News Network 2015-9-19 [Jinhua Evening News] A 31-year-old graduate of USTC became a full professor at Harvard
Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

Genius growth environment

Yin Xi's story starts when he was a child.

At an age when ordinary children are still chasing and playing, Yin Xi has developed a strong interest in college calculus textbooks.

This child is different from a young age, as if he was born to explore the mysteries of science.

Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

When he was in elementary school, there was an incident that became a classic anecdote of Yin Xi's childhood.

That day, Yin Xi annoyed the teacher by sleeping in class, and the teacher angrily told his parents about it.

But when his parents talked to him, the little guy said confidently: "The teacher's words are too simple, and it is a waste of time to listen." ”

If other children say this, I'm afraid they will be beaten up.

But Yin Xi is different, he really understands.

The parents later learned that Yin Xi had already completed the entire semester of courses on his own.

At the age of 9, Yin Xi participated in the selection examination for the supernormal class of Beijing No. 8 Middle School.

Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

The content of the exam was difficult for other children, but Yin Xi coped with it easily.

In the end, he was admitted to this elite class with excellent results.

There, he was like a fish in water, and finally found a companion on a par with him.

Those problems that give ordinary students a headache are simply a piece of cake in his eyes.

Teachers are often amazed by his talent.

Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

Three years later, when most children are still struggling with their junior high school exams, 12-year-old Yin Xi is already standing at another starting point in life.

He took the college entrance examination and was admitted to the junior class of USTC with a good score of 572.

This result is quite excellent even for an ordinary high school student, let alone a child who has just turned 12 years old.

At USTC, Yin Xi was like a dazzling new star and soon became a legend on campus.

Those professors who are usually unsmiling and known for their sternness will unconsciously show a smile of approval when they mention Yin Xi.

They even made an exception for Yin Xi to look through the treasured out-of-print materials, which were usually only accessible to senior researchers.

Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

This treatment can make other students envious.

Everyone is speculating about what this talented boy will achieve in the future.

At the age of 18, when other peers had just stepped into the university, Yin Xi had already graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China.

In order to get in touch with the most cutting-edge scientific ideas and expand his academic horizons, he made an important decision: to study at Harvard. Before leaving, he solemnly said at the farewell party: "I will return to China to serve after completing my studies." ”

At that time, this sentence attracted bursts of applause, and everyone was happy about the future of the motherland's scientific and technological undertakings.

Who would have thought that this sentence would end up being an unfulfilled promise?

Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

Looking back, Yin Xi's growth trajectory is simply open.

From the extraordinary talent shown in elementary school, to the college entrance examination at the age of 12, to the graduation of undergraduate at the age of 18, every step is amazing.

But it was this talent that made him finally make a choice that made the Chinese people feel painful.

This makes people wonder, is there anything that needs to be improved in our education system?

After all, talent is the foundation of a country's development, and how to cultivate and retain talent is related to the future of the country.

Source: Bridge Office of the State Council 2015-12-23 U.S. media pays attention to Harvard's youngest Chinese professor: rebellious not a nerd
Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

Differences in the research environment between China and the United States

In the United States, researchers seem to have more freedom and resources.

In China, although the scientific research environment and treatment system have been improving in recent years, and the government support has been increasing, there is still room for improvement.

Interestingly, while some Chinese scientists have chosen to stay abroad, some foreign scientists have begun to travel to China to establish research teams.

Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

For example, Logosettis, director of the Max Planck Institute in Germany, chose to develop in China.

This kind of two-way flow is actually a very normal phenomenon.

Yin Xi's choice sparked a big discussion about the loss of scientific research talents.

Some people say that "science knows no borders" and that scientists should go to the place that best suits their own development.

There are also people who emphasize that "scientists have national borders" and believe that scientists should serve their motherland.

In fact, this controversy reflects people's different understandings of scientific research and patriotism.

Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

However, instead of dwelling on the departure of individual scientists, it is better to think about how to create a better research environment.

At the same time, we should also recognize that talent training is a long-term process.

You can't expect an immediate return on all your investment.

Just like planting a tree, the seeds planted today may take many years to grow into towering trees.

So, we need to be patient and we need to have a long-term perspective.

Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

In addition, we also need to think about how to cultivate the feelings of family and country among scientific researchers.

Patriotism should not be a bondage, but a choice from the heart.

How to make scientific researchers feel the warmth of the motherland and feel that their value is recognized, this is also a problem we need to consider.

Yin Xi's story teaches us a vivid lesson.

Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

It tells us that brain drain is not simply a matter of right or wrong, but a complex issue involving multiple levels such as the research environment, personal choices, and national development.

We need to look at this with a more open and inclusive mindset.

Yin Xi's story provokes us to think deeply about the scientific research environment, talent cultivation and national development.

Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

Although the brain drain is regrettable, we should look at it objectively and continue to improve the domestic scientific research environment to provide a better development platform for scientific research talents.

At the same time, we must also believe that with the progress of the country, there will eventually be more outstanding talents who choose to serve the motherland and jointly promote scientific and technological innovation and national development.


Yin Xi's story is like a mirror, reflecting many problems in the mainland's scientific research environment and talent training system.

Source: Xinhuanet 2015-9-18 Yin Xi of USTC became a full professor at Harvard at the age of 31 and broke the Chinese record
Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

It has not only sparked concerns about the loss of scientific research talents, but also provoked an in-depth discussion about the scientific research environment, talent training and national development.

We have to admit that Yin Xi's choice has indeed disappointed and regretted many people.

A genius scientist who was once known as the "god of learning" finally chose to become a naturalized American, which is undoubtedly a great loss for the mainland's scientific and technological development.

Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

However, rather than placing the blame entirely on individual choices, this should be seen as a cautionary tale to rethink the existing research system and talent training mechanisms.

Second, Yin's experience also highlights the gap between China and the United States in terms of the research environment.

The U.S. research system can provide a freer and more open research environment for top talents like Yin, as well as better funding.

This reminds us that on the road of pursuing scientific and technological innovation, we should not only pay attention to the improvement of hardware facilities, but also pay attention to the creation of a soft environment.

Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

How to build a system that stimulates the creativity of researchers and protects their academic freedom is a question that we need to think about urgently.

However, we should not be overly pessimistic.

In recent years, the mainland's scientific research environment has been continuously improving, and the government's support for scientific and technological innovation has also been increasing.

More and more overseas talents are choosing to return to China for development, which shows that the research environment in the mainland is becoming more and more attractive.

We should see these positive changes and build on them.

At the same time, we need to recognize that talent mobility is a pervasive phenomenon in the era of globalization.

Instead of dwelling too much on the loss of individual talents, we should think about how to create a more internationally competitive scientific research environment and attract more international talents.

Another one that doesn't return? Yin Xi, a physics "god", became an American citizen and became a professor at Harvard at a young age

We should look at talent mobility with a more open and inclusive mindset, respecting individual choices and trying to create the conditions to retain talent.

The content of this article is based on authoritative information, combined with personal views of the original content, the text is marked with the source of the literature and screenshots, please be aware.

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