
Why couldn't Germany, having just experienced defeat in World War I, rush to start World War II?

author:Sue with the mountain ghost
‬在1918年11月份,德意志帝国皇帝威廉二世宣布退位,之后在革命的浪潮下德意志帝国土崩瓦解,取而代之的是由十一月党罪人建立的魏玛共和国。 During World War I, Germany suffered a painful defeat, with more than 6 million casualties and the German economy on the verge of collapse, and the Treaty of Versailles was almost based on the standard of killing Germany, which made the already on the verge of collapse of Germany even worse, and the root cause of Germany's World War II was to start with Wilson's Fourteen Points and the Anglo-French Treaty of Versailles.
Why couldn't Germany, having just experienced defeat in World War I, rush to start World War II?


In January 1918, in order to end World War I as soon as possible, US President Wilson issued the famous "Fourteen Points", although the Fourteen Points Policy can indeed end the war quickly, but the most puzzling thing about this policy is that if it is fully implemented, it will be very beneficial to the defeated Germany, and very unfavorable to the victorious France and Britain.

The content of Wilson's 14-point policy is: an open foreign policy. Eliminate secret diplomacy. We need free trade and eliminate trade barriers. Open the ocean for global economic cooperation. Eliminate colonial expansion and respect the territorial integrity of all countries. Treat all countries, big and small, equally. Make peace publicly. Freedom of navigation on the high seas. Disarmament. Adjust the colony. Resist and eliminate the influence of Soviet Russia. The peoples of Europe and the Middle East are called upon to resume the establishment of nation-states on the basis of national consciousness. Establishment of a universal League of Nations.

Although Germany will lose some of its territory, including Alsace Lorraine and Danzig, with the collapse of the Russian Empire, many new countries will be formed in Eastern Europe, and Germany will inevitably have a great influence on these countries, which can be regarded as a roundabout strategy, such as respecting national self-determination, then Austria can be incorporated into Germany, good guy, this is the completion of Bismarck's failure to achieve the great cause of German national unity.

Why couldn't Germany, having just experienced defeat in World War I, rush to start World War II?


Due to the high profile during the war, Britain, France, and other countries became timid under moral constraints, and in desperation, Britain, France, and other countries could only choose to say one thing and do another, and try to put a layer of legitimacy on the Paris Peace Conference, a conference to divide the spoils. According to Wilson's 14-point policy, the Austro-Hungarian Empire directly revealed itself, and the Ottoman Empire and Tsarist Russia also directly disintegrated, and the three Baltic states, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and other countries were newly established.

As a result, when it was time for Germany to merge with Austria according to national self-determination, Britain and France never mentioned national self-determination, they restricted the merger of Germany and Austria according to their own interests, and divided many areas that originally belonged to the German nation into new countries.

Because of the failure to unify the German nation according to Wilson's 14-point policy, the masses in Germany were indignant, they believed that Wilson was a big liar, Britain and France were also on the same page as the United States, Germany was limited by the "Versailles Treaty", and more and more people wanted to overturn the restrictions of the Versailles Peace Treaty, and this social atmosphere gave Hitler and his Nazi Party the soil to come to power.

Why couldn't Germany, having just experienced defeat in World War I, rush to start World War II?


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