
The Russian army is in trouble, Chinese-style weapons appear in the hands of the Ukrainian army, foreign media: Pakistan makes war money

author:Captain Long Yan

In the Russia-Ukraine war, we have not only seen the people in the war zone in dire straits, but also the strangeness of the world. NATO, led by the United States, wants to let Ukraine fight to the last man, as if the lives of Ukrainians are worthless in their eyes.

Compared with the refugees and humanitarian crises caused by the war, countries that have stayed out of the war can rely on the opportunity to make a lot of war profits. It is reported that before the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, a 155mm artillery shell was only worth $1,500, and now it is as high as $8,000 a shell, but it is still in short supply.

The Russian army is in trouble, Chinese-style weapons appear in the hands of the Ukrainian army, foreign media: Pakistan makes war money

Western countries have begun to raise funds to buy artillery shells around the world as a way to aid Ukraine. Pakistan was one of the targets.

It has been learned that Pakistan's annual debt is as high as $100 billion, and a large amount of loan interest has overwhelmed Pakistan. However, in order to develop the economy, Pakistan also needs to import a large amount of steel, energy and food every year, and these expenses require a lot of money.

For Pakistan, a resource-poor country, after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, it finally saw an opportunity to make money. According to Newsweek, Pakistan is supplying artillery shells to Ukraine in exchange for a large war fortune.

The United States, on the other hand, relied on the International Monetary Fund to pay Pakistan for goods, and of course the United States did not pay for Ukraine in the form of loans. The United States played this calculation very loudly, using the mortgage of Ukrainian state-owned assets in exchange for American loans, and then the United States came forward to help Ukraine buy weapons.

The Russian army is in trouble, Chinese-style weapons appear in the hands of the Ukrainian army, foreign media: Pakistan makes war money

In the name of beauty, it is the United States that is providing aid to Ukraine, but in fact, Ukraine is overdrawing its own future and selling its state-owned assets in exchange for American aid. It's a pity that Ukraine has fallen into it and can't extricate itself, and it is typical that it has to count the money for the United States when it is sold by the United States.

And where did Pakistan get a lot of 155-mm shells? It is reported that in 2020, Pakistan purchased 432 S-15 155mm caliber truck guns from the mainland, which can equip 24 artillery battalions.

And it just so happens that the shell standards of this batch of 155mm truck guns are the same as those of NATO, which means that after Ukraine takes them, they can be immediately loaded into NATO artillery for use. At that time, Pakistan bought a very large number of goods, and the price increased several times when it changed hands, so how could Pakistan give up this great opportunity to make money in the face of huge interests.

The Russian army is in trouble, Chinese-style weapons appear in the hands of the Ukrainian army, foreign media: Pakistan makes war money

In fact, Pakistan has always been very smart in the great power game, and its position of not taking the initiative to take sides has been co-opted by both the West and Russia. In order to win over Pakistan, Western countries have not only promised to provide military cooperation support, but also tilted resources economically. In order to win over Pakistan, Russia has provided it with a large amount of low-cost energy.

In this matter, the only one who suffers is the mainland. Originally, it was for the sake of Pakistan's railway, and the sale of weapons to Pakistan was basically a friendly price, but it was sold to the battlefield in Ukraine. Although it is not the Chinese side that takes the initiative to sell weapons, the use of these weapons by the Ukrainian army will definitely cause further casualties among the Russian army.

Even the Finnish-Ukrainian Defense Association has said it hopes to introduce 155-mm artillery shells from the mainland through third-party channels and then transfer them to Ukraine for use.

In fact, not only 155mm artillery shells, but even mainland drones have appeared in large numbers on the battlefield in Ukraine, although we have strictly banned the sale of drones to the Russian-Ukrainian war zone, and Ukraine will not be able to buy Chinese drones for a while.

The Russian army is in trouble, Chinese-style weapons appear in the hands of the Ukrainian army, foreign media: Pakistan makes war money

But we need to do business with other countries, and those countries can sell drones to Ukraine, and we can't stop it.

However, Western countries have a typical "double standard" in similar incidents, turning a blind eye when Chinese-made weapons appear in the hands of the Ukrainian army, but when these weapons appear in the hands of the Russian army, Western countries make a big fuss about it.

For us, it is simply too innocent, and it is impossible for Chinese companies not to do business abroad.

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