
ChatGPT answers health-related questions better than human doctors

author:Lao Sun is at the forefront of science and technology


Quick guide

Recent studies have investigated ChatGPT's performance in the health sector and found that ChatGPT's responses on Reddit's r/AskDocs forum outperformed responses from human doctors 79% of the time. The study has been published in the JAMA Journal of Internal Medicine. Artificial intelligence technology has made rapid progress in recent years, and large language models such as ChatGPT have changed the way tasks are completed, enabling AI systems to interact in natural language, expanding their applications in various fields. ChatGPT is a large language model launched in 2022 that has attracted 100 million users and has had a significant impact on language communication and work. Research points to the potential of AI systems in the healthcare sector to effectively address patient questions and reduce the burden on healthcare providers.

ChatGPT answers health-related questions better than human doctors

Study ChatGPT's performance in answering health questions

A recent study investigated ChatGPT's performance in generating responses to health-related queries on Reddit's r/AskDocs forum. Licensed healthcare professionals compared ChatGPT's answers to those provided by human doctors. Surprisingly, in 79% of cases, professionals found ChatGPT's responses to be outstanding. The study detailing these findings has been published in the JAMA Journal of Internal Medicine.

ChatGPT answers health-related questions better than human doctors

Rapid growth of AI technology in various fields

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) technology has made rapid progress, leading to its widespread application in different areas of society and economy. The advent of large language models like ChatGPT has revolutionized the way tasks are accomplished, allowing AI systems to interact in natural human language. This development has significantly expanded the use of AI systems in a variety of fields.

ChatGPT answers health-related questions better than human doctors

The impact of ChatGPT on language communication and work

An important breakthrough in this area is ChatGPT, a large language model launched in 2022 that attracted 100 million users in just 64 days. ChatGPT's ability to generate coherent human-like responses to queries directed at it has proven invaluable in many areas of expertise. Study author: John M. W. Ayres and his team highlighted the potential of AI, particularly in healthcare, where AI systems can effectively address patient questions and alleviate the increasing burden on healthcare providers due to the ever-increasing amount of patient information.

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