
When these signals appear in the body, most of them are high blood sugar! It is recommended to eat 3 more foods to find out

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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Li Tingting, an ordinary bank clerk, is busy and fulfilling. Between the busyness of work and the trivial matters of family, Li Tingting has always been a typical person who "does not put her health first".

It wasn't until recently that she began to notice unusual signs in her body: frequent thirst, increased urine output, and an inexplicable feeling of fatigue that affected her daily life and work.

When these signals appear in the body, most of them are high blood sugar! It is recommended to eat 3 more foods to find out

Li Tingting originally thought that she was just resting because she was too tired from work. But after a long time, she found that the symptoms did not show the slightest sign of abating, and her heart began to beat a little bit, thinking that it might be more than just tiredness. Under the repeated urging of her family, she had to go to the hospital for a good investigation.

When she arrived at the hospital, the doctor arranged a full set of tests for her, such as blood draws and urine tests. As soon as the results of the examination came out, the doctor's face suddenly became serious.

When these signals appear in the body, most of them are high blood sugar! It is recommended to eat 3 more foods to find out

It turned out that the test results showed that Li Tingting's blood sugar level far exceeded the normal range and had reached the level of prediabetes. The doctor explained that elevated blood sugar is a chronic condition that usually develops quietly in the body, and when symptoms like Li Tingting appear, it usually means that the condition is already more serious.

The doctor further explained that when blood sugar is high for a long time, the body will signal through some signals, such as feeling thirsty often and increasing urine output because the body needs to excrete excess sugar through urine.

When these signals appear in the body, most of them are high blood sugar! It is recommended to eat 3 more foods to find out

Fatigue is caused by the inability of cells to use glucose efficiently to produce energy, resulting in a lack of motivation throughout the body. These signals are supposed to be the body's self-protection mechanism, alerting people to internal changes. Li Tingting was both surprised and frightened after hearing this. She never thought she would have blood sugar problems, after all, she is not a person with a sweet tooth.

The doctor saw her doubts and patiently explained that blood sugar problems are not only related to eating sweets, but also that many ordinary foods in the daily diet can be quickly converted into sugar in the body, and lack of exercise, high work pressure, and irregular work and rest may be triggers.

When these signals appear in the body, most of them are high blood sugar! It is recommended to eat 3 more foods to find out

After confirming Li Tingting's blood sugar problems, the doctor designed a set of food recommendations specifically for her to help her lower her blood sugar levels. In the medical community, dietary therapy is always one of the cornerstones of controlling and managing blood sugar. Here are a few foods that doctors recommend to Li Tingting that are good for lowering blood sugar.

First of all, the doctor advised Li Tingting to increase her consumption of foods rich in dietary fiber. Dietary fiber plays a crucial role in lowering blood sugar.

When these signals appear in the body, most of them are high blood sugar! It is recommended to eat 3 more foods to find out

Not only do they slow down the emptying of the stomach and extend the time food stays in the intestines, which slows down the release of sugar and reduces the sharp rise in blood sugar, but they also increase satiety and reduce overall food intake. Specific foods include oats, whole-grain bread, brown rice, and various types of legumes.

The soluble fibers in these foods are particularly effective for blood sugar control because they can form a gelatinous substance in the gut that reduces the rate at which sugar is absorbed from food.

When these signals appear in the body, most of them are high blood sugar! It is recommended to eat 3 more foods to find out

Secondly, the doctor advised Li Tingting to choose more foods with a low glycemic index, which will not make blood sugar spike quickly, which is a good choice for diabetics. The glycemic index is actually a look at how quickly your blood sugar rises after eating a certain food.

Sweet potatoes, quinoa, pearl barley, and fruits like cherries and apples are all good because they are low glycemic index foods. This means that the carbohydrates in them are not released all at once, helping you maintain your blood sugar levels in a stable state.

When these signals appear in the body, most of them are high blood sugar! It is recommended to eat 3 more foods to find out

Thirdly, doctors also emphasize the importance of eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids that are extremely beneficial for cardiovascular health, as well as help improve insulin sensitivity and indirectly help control blood sugar.

Li Tingting can obtain omega-3 fatty acids by increasing her consumption of deep-sea fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines. In addition, doctors also recommend that Li Tingting consume magnesium-rich foods in moderation.

When these signals appear in the body, most of them are high blood sugar! It is recommended to eat 3 more foods to find out

Magnesium is an important mineral that is involved in the synthesis and secretion of insulin, helping to improve insulin sensitivity, which in turn helps lower blood sugar. Foods rich in magnesium include spinach, lentils, pumpkin seeds, and almonds, among others.

The doctor also mentioned that it is also extremely important for people who want to control their blood sugar, and a reasonable diet. Tingting Li should try to balance protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates with a low glycemic index in each meal, which not only provides sustained energy, but also avoids the problem of high blood sugar after meals.

When these signals appear in the body, most of them are high blood sugar! It is recommended to eat 3 more foods to find out

For example, you can choose oats with some almonds and fresh fruit for breakfast, and vegetables, whole grains and lean meats for lunch and dinner. Overall, through such dietary adjustments, Li Tingting was able to effectively control and lower her blood sugar levels without relying on medication.

A doctor's advice is not just a food choice, but also a guide to a healthy lifestyle. Through the implementation of these recommendations, Li Tingting began to gradually feel the changes in her body, her blood sugar gradually became normal, and her overall health also improved significantly.

When these signals appear in the body, most of them are high blood sugar! It is recommended to eat 3 more foods to find out

This is a new beginning for her, and it is also a responsible attitude towards her own health. As Li Tingting began to change her eating habits and increase healthy foods, her doctor also reminded her that she needed to avoid some foods that could cause her blood sugar to rise rapidly.

First, doctors specifically point out processed carbohydrates, such as white bread, white rice, desserts, and some other processed pastries, which can be quickly converted into glucose, which can enter the bloodstream, causing a rapid rise in blood sugar levels.

When these signals appear in the body, most of them are high blood sugar! It is recommended to eat 3 more foods to find out

In addition, sugar-sweetened beverages, fruit juices, and sugary soft drinks are also on the list of fasts, and these liquid sugars are especially dangerous because they are absorbed almost instantaneously and are extremely detrimental to blood sugar control. Second, doctors warned Li Tingting to stay away from fast food and other fried foods.

While the main problem with these foods is that they contain a lot of unhealthy fats, they also tend to be high in carbohydrates and simple sugars, which can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar. In addition, trans fats in fried foods can affect the effectiveness of insulin, making blood sugar control more difficult.

When these signals appear in the body, most of them are high blood sugar! It is recommended to eat 3 more foods to find out

Finally, the doctor also reminded Li Tingting to pay attention to some hidden sources of sugar, such as certain sauces, canned foods and ready-to-eat meals. Even foods that are advertised as healthy can be high in sugar, so it's essential to read food labels carefully and understand what's in them.

By avoiding these foods and sticking to a sensible diet plan, Li was able to effectively manage her blood sugar levels, reduce her dependence on medications, and gradually improve her overall health.

When these signals appear in the body, most of them are high blood sugar! It is recommended to eat 3 more foods to find out

Not only does this have an immediate impact on her current quality of life, but it also casts a positive foundation for her long-term well-being. In addition, this lifestyle change has also benefited her family, as healthy eating habits can bring benefits to the whole family.

In this way, Li Tingting's story is not only about improving personal health, but also about how to create a healthier and happier living environment for the whole family through simple adjustments in daily life.

When these signals appear in the body, most of them are high blood sugar! It is recommended to eat 3 more foods to find out

(All names have been changed)


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When these signals appear in the body, most of them are high blood sugar! It is recommended to eat 3 more foods to find out


[1] Cong Yuan. Using Food Glycemic Index to Provide Dietary Guidance for Diabetic Patients, Shanxi Medical Journal (Second Half Monthly), 2010-11-25

When these signals appear in the body, most of them are high blood sugar! It is recommended to eat 3 more foods to find out

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