
Peaches are the "fuse" of stomach problems? The doctor bluntly said: If you want a normal stomach, you should eat less fruits

author:Möngke talks about health

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In a noisy market corner, people are having a lively discussion around a peaches stall. Li Shu, a middle school history teacher, happened to pass by with a shopping cart when a sentence suddenly rang in his ears: "Do you know that eating too many peaches can cause stomach problems!" This sentence aroused her curiosity.

Peaches are the "fuse" of stomach problems? The doctor bluntly said: If you want a normal stomach, you should eat less fruits

"Really?" Li Shu raised his eyebrows and picked peaches in disbelief. She had always loved to eat this watery fruit, but she had never heard of such a thing. Peaches bounced in her shopping cart, as if protesting against this stigma.

That afternoon, Li Shu accompanied her husband, Zhang Qiang, to the hospital to remove the plaster cast he had unfortunately injured in a soccer match. While waiting, Li Shu's mind returned to the morning conversation. She decided to take the opportunity to ask properly.

Peaches are the "fuse" of stomach problems? The doctor bluntly said: If you want a normal stomach, you should eat less fruits

Dr. Zhang Qiang is a young and capable digestive specialist, Dr. Han. Taking advantage of the gap in the removal of the plaster, Li Shu stepped forward to consult. "Doctor Han, I heard that eating too many peaches can affect your stomach health, is it true?" Li Shu asked suspiciously.

Dr. Han smiled slightly, took off his glasses, and replied seriously: "Peaches themselves are good fruits, rich in vitamins and fiber, but everything is in moderation. Peaches contain certain organic acids, and eating too much of them may indeed irritate the gastric mucosa, especially for those who have too much stomach acid or a thin gastric mucosa. ”

Peaches are the "fuse" of stomach problems? The doctor bluntly said: If you want a normal stomach, you should eat less fruits

"So how do you eat 'too many peaches'?" Li Shu asked. "Generally speaking, one to two peaches a day is safe. Exceeding this amount, especially on an empty stomach, may cause discomfort. Dr. Han explained, adding, "Also, different people have different physiques, and some people may be sensitive to certain components in peaches, which requires individualized consideration." ”

Li Shu listened with relish and nodded. She remembered a colleague of hers who had suffered from stomach aches for days because she greedily ate too many peaches. Now she finally found the reason.

Peaches are the "fuse" of stomach problems? The doctor bluntly said: If you want a normal stomach, you should eat less fruits

"Are there any other fruits besides peaches that we should avoid for people with bad stomachs?" Li Shu took the opportunity to ask. Dr. Han smiled and motioned for her to wait, then pulled out a colorful fruit nutrition chart from the drawer, which detailed the nutritional content and possible effects of various fruits.

"Let's take a look at this table together." Dr. Han said, explaining in detail the characteristics of each fruit and its possible effects on the stomach. Li Shu listened intently, nodded from time to time, and secretly decided in his heart that he would pay more attention to his diet in the future.

Peaches are the "fuse" of stomach problems? The doctor bluntly said: If you want a normal stomach, you should eat less fruits

Although the phenomenon of eating too many peaches on the stomach is often overlooked, it should be taken seriously. Many people love the sweet and juicy flavor of peaches, but the irritating effect of excessive consumption of peaches on the stomach should not be underestimated.

From a professional point of view, the organic acids contained in peaches, especially citric acid and malic acid, can increase gastric acid secretion to a certain extent, thereby causing irritation to the gastric mucosa.

Peaches are the "fuse" of stomach problems? The doctor bluntly said: If you want a normal stomach, you should eat less fruits

What we need to understand is that the organic acids in peaches, after entering the stomach, react directly with the hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice, and this chemical reaction can lead to excessive stomach acid.

Excessive stomach acid not only makes the stomach feel uncomfortable, but also may cause or aggravate gastritis, stomach ulcers and other stomach diseases. In addition, although the fiber of peaches helps intestinal peristalsis, its coarse fiber may also irritate the already diseased gastric mucosa, exacerbating stomach discomfort.

Peaches are the "fuse" of stomach problems? The doctor bluntly said: If you want a normal stomach, you should eat less fruits

Further, peaches have a higher sugar content, and the sugar takes a longer time to be digested and broken down in the stomach. During this process, the stomach must remain active for a long time, which is undoubtedly a burden on the already dysfunctional stomach. Especially for diabetics or people with sensitive digestive systems, it is necessary to be cautious when consuming too many fruits with high sugar content, such as peaches.

In addition, peaches are a thirst-quenching fruit with high water content, which can easily cause people to overeat. When people eat a large amount of peaches in a short period of time, too much cold food into the stomach will cause the stomach temperature to drop sharply, and the gastric mucosa will be irritated by cold, which can easily lead to stomach pain or discomfort, which is medically known as "gastric reaction".

Peaches are the "fuse" of stomach problems? The doctor bluntly said: If you want a normal stomach, you should eat less fruits

In clinical observation, some patients have experienced symptoms such as stomach pain and diarrhea after eating a large number of peaches in summer, and even need medical treatment in severe cases. While this condition is not life-threatening, the impact on everyday life is obvious. Therefore, even for healthy people, we recommend eating peaches in moderation, especially on an empty stomach or when the stomach is upset.

Peaches are the "fuse" of stomach problems? The doctor bluntly said: If you want a normal stomach, you should eat less fruits

It can be seen that although peaches have good nutritional value and are beneficial to the body when eaten in moderation, excessive consumption may be counterproductive and bring unnecessary burden to the stomach. Therefore, when enjoying the sweet taste of peaches, we also have to consider their potential risks, so as to make a reasonable diet to ensure health.

Especially for those who already have a history of stomach disease, they should pay more attention to this, and must not bury hidden dangers to their health because of temporary gluttony.

Peaches are the "fuse" of stomach problems? The doctor bluntly said: If you want a normal stomach, you should eat less fruits

To maintain a healthy stomach, in addition to eating peaches in moderation, there are some other fruits that we need to be careful about. While fruits have many health benefits, some fruits can cause discomfort and even worsen symptoms of stomach problems for people with sensitive stomachs or stomach problems.

Citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits, and lemons, are rich in vitamin C and fruit acids, which are an important part of a healthy diet for the average person. Lemons, in particular, are more acidic than other citrus fruits and should be restricted.

Peaches are the "fuse" of stomach problems? The doctor bluntly said: If you want a normal stomach, you should eat less fruits

Next, let's talk about pineapple. If pineapple is consumed on an empty stomach, its powerful protease acts directly on the stomach lining, which may cause damage to the gastric mucosa. In addition, pineapple is also high in acidity, which can also irritate the sensitive stomach, therefore, people with stomach problems should avoid eating pineapple on an empty stomach, or even avoid it completely when the stomach is upset.

In addition, there is a fruit that is often overlooked – the fig. Although figs are highly nutritious and rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, it also contains a certain amount of oxalic acid. Especially for patients with stomach conditions such as gastric stones, consuming figs may pose additional risks.

Peaches are the "fuse" of stomach problems? The doctor bluntly said: If you want a normal stomach, you should eat less fruits

For people who want to maintain a healthy stomach, it is very important to choose the right fruits, as well as control the right amount. For example, apples and bananas are milder options that cause less stomach irritation, especially ripe bananas, which are a good choice for people with stomach problems.

Peaches are the "fuse" of stomach problems? The doctor bluntly said: If you want a normal stomach, you should eat less fruits

Although fruits are an integral part of a healthy diet, choosing the right fruits and eating them in moderation is key for people with stomach health issues. Understanding the possible effects of each fruit and making a reasonable diet according to the individual's health status is what every health-conscious person should do.

(The names in the article are pseudonyms) #头条首发大赛#

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Peaches are the "fuse" of stomach problems? The doctor bluntly said: If you want a normal stomach, you should eat less fruits


[1] Li Bizhen, Application Effect of Pharmacological Care Management in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus and Gastric Disease, Northern Pharmacy, 2024-02-05

Peaches are the "fuse" of stomach problems? The doctor bluntly said: If you want a normal stomach, you should eat less fruits

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