
Li Xueqin will definitely swim!

author:New Insights 2022

The weather is hot, and today we continue to eat melons.

In the past two days, because of the sentence "can't swim", Li Xueqin, a second-level swimmer, has been pushed to the forefront.

Li Xueqin will definitely swim!

It is rumored on the Internet that Li Xueqin was admitted to Peking University by 20 points because of a certificate of "second-level swimming athlete".

At the beginning, some people focused on the certificate, questioning whether Li Xueqin's swimming second-level athlete certificate was real or fake.

As a result, someone sent out a message today, and the records found from the National Sports Bureau proved that Li Xueqin's certificate was genuine.

Li Xueqin will definitely swim!

Li Xueyang (Li Xueqin's real name) won the second-level athlete certificate with a score of 01:26.03 in the women's 100-meter breaststroke event of the 2013 National Children's Swimming Championships.

Li Xueqin will definitely swim!

Well, if Li Xueqin really can't swim, then the final issue involved is not only the fairness of her admission to Peking University, but also the problem of deceiving the country and cheating.

Therefore, the more troublesome things get bigger, no one dares to guarantee that it will not involve more hidden problems.

Speaking of which, the immediate task is to clarify a key question:

Li Xueqin can swim in the end.

At present, many people on the Internet are proving for Li Xueqin.

Some people say that in a show, Li Xueqin said that "she was pulled by someone as soon as she swam out", which shows that Li Xueqin can swim.

Li Xueqin will definitely swim!

Some people say that Peking University takes the 200-meter swimming test, and Li Xueqin can't get a graduation certificate if she can't swim. Now that Li Xueqin has successfully graduated, it proves that she can swim.

But these proofs sound plausible, but they're like scratching your boots, and they're not really useful.

It can be hard for a person to prove that he is a, but is it really hard to prove that he can't swim?

Isn't it clear if it's a mule or a horse coming out to slip around?!

Li Xueqin can come out to do a live broadcast or record a video, and then swim around in the water for 100 meters.

This method, for second-level swimmers, is simply drinking water, eating, and probing for things.

Moreover, I believe that as soon as this swimming video is released, it will immediately be able to gag the mouths of those who do good things.

And she herself once said that she is emotionally unstable, and it is easy to fall into great sadness, pain and self-denial because of a little thing.

But why is Li Xueqin unwilling to bend down and swim and use the simplest way to resolve this public opinion crisis, so she has to watch public opinion become more and more turbulent? Isn't she afraid to pull out something again?

Li Xueqin will definitely swim!

In fact, even if you can't swim, as long as you train honestly in the past few days, it will take three or five days to learn a dog planing, breaststroke or something, and there should be no problem.

With the talent of Li Xueqin, a talented woman from Peking University, even if she started learning to swim from the day of public opinion, if she trained hard in the past two days, she would have practiced diligently.

Therefore, no matter whether she can swim or not before, as long as Li Xueqin is ready.

In a few days, everyone should soon be able to see Li Xueqin swimming.

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