
Li Xueqin was deeply involved in the "college entrance examination bonus score turmoil", and her personality collapsed? Who let her mess with someone she shouldn't have messed with

author:Uncle Cat's spicy comment


Li Xueqin was deeply involved in the "college entrance examination bonus score turmoil", and her personality collapsed? Who let her mess with someone she shouldn't have messed with


From an Internet celebrity to a talk show queen, Li Xueqin, who has always appeared in the public eye as a university bully in the north, has something to do this time, and it is still a big deal.

Some attentive netizens found that Li Xueqin once revealed in an interview: I can't swim.

Li Xueqin was deeply involved in the "college entrance examination bonus score turmoil", and her personality collapsed? Who let her mess with someone she shouldn't have messed with

If this matter is put on other people, it may not be unusual, but she is Li Xueqin, a Li Xueqin (real name Li Xueyang), who was awarded the title of second-class swimmer in February 2013!

Li Xueqin was deeply involved in the "college entrance examination bonus score turmoil", and her personality collapsed? Who let her mess with someone she shouldn't have messed with

She participated in the 2013 National Children's Swimming Championships held in Nanning and obtained good swimming results to apply for this title.

Speaking of which, let's popularize science, the recognition standards for second-level swimming athletes:

7~8 players in national competitions can be recognized as second-level athletes, but the premise is that 6~8 people must play in each event.

That is to say, Li Xueqin participated in the national competition that year, and the masters were like clouds, she not only had to pass the preliminaries, group rounds, and go through layers of promotions to be eligible to participate in the finals, and to get the top eight results in the finals, it is possible to apply for this certificate.

You say she blew herself up "can't swim", is that reasonable?

Naturally, absurd.

Not only is Li Xueqin unreasonable, but even the remaining 13 students of Benxi High School who obtained this certificate at the same time as her are also unreasonable.

They are all participating in this competition, and they are all swimming events, according to the recognition standards of second-level athletes, the top 8 are eligible to apply for second-level athletes, even if the Benxi High School swimming team is invincible and wins the top 8, what is the situation of the extra 5 people?

When things go wrong, there must be demons.

Netizens like Sherlock Holmes soon found out that Benxi High School, Li Xueqin's alma mater that year, had such a scandal, which also alarmed national media such as People's Daily and CCTV, and was publicly criticized.

Li Xueqin was deeply involved in the "college entrance examination bonus score turmoil", and her personality collapsed? Who let her mess with someone she shouldn't have messed with

According to a 2014 report by the People's Daily, there were more than 1,000 college entrance examination students in Benxi Senior High School in Liaoning Province, and as many as 87 of them received extra points for physical excellence, accounting for nearly 10% of the total number of students, which was questioned by many candidates and students' parents.

Among the 87 excellent students, the vast majority of them have achieved results in national competitions held outside the province, and 25 of them are in the same situation as Li Xueqin, and they are all national second-level swimmers.

What's even more puzzling?

For the rest of the school's parents, such a high proportion of gifted students sent out a soul torture:

We all know that Benxi High School leaves school at half past eleven every night and does not attend physical education class, how can there be so many second-level athletes.

They don't even have a swimming pool, and there are 25 second-class swimmers?

Li Xueqin was deeply involved in the "college entrance examination bonus score turmoil", and her personality collapsed? Who let her mess with someone she shouldn't have messed with

It's surprising that a school that doesn't even have a swimming pool can produce so many swimming talents, and it's at the most intense time in high school.

A netizen in Beijing left a message saying that his son also won the title of second-level swimmer:

My son started swimming at the age of 3 and went to college until he was 18 years old, training almost every day, training more than 3 kilometers for 3 hours a day.
Li Xueqin was deeply involved in the "college entrance examination bonus score turmoil", and her personality collapsed? Who let her mess with someone she shouldn't have messed with

So, are Benxi High School students swimming in a heavy academic class?

If you pat your head and think about it, there must be a problem.

At that time, the media also broke the news that 22 of the 40 students in the Olympic class of Benxi High School had sports bonus points. accounted for more than half of the entire class.

Because of the big uproar in the matter, Liaoning Province also set up a joint investigation team to investigate the matter.

Some students reported that the head teacher would ask parents who wanted to apply for a license, 40,000 yuan for football, 70,000 to 80,000 for swimming, to the person in charge of refereeing and competition procedures.

The school acts as a middleman, contacting the referee to negotiate the price, and arranging for the student's parents to send money and apply for the athlete certificate in a unified manner.

After relevant investigations, the investigation team naturally knew who was a human and who was a ghost inside.

But this involves minors, and many people are about to take the college entrance examination, for fear of affecting them, the investigation team thought of a more gentle way to deal with it:

Students with excellent physical fitness are required to conduct a self-examination first, sign a letter of commitment to integrity if they think they meet the standards, and give up if they think they do not meet the standards.

This is equivalent to giving the fraudster the opportunity to abandon the darkness and turn himself in without punishment.

The end result, of course, is not surprising:

Of the 87 students in Benxi, only 21 dared to sign the pledge.

Ironically, none of the 21 people came from swimming.

In other words, in 2014, among the 25 national second-level swimming athletes in Benxi High School, none of them dared to say that they were worthy of their names, and their titles were all won by participating in the National Children's Swimming Championships held in Nanning, Guangxi in 2013.

Li Xueqin was deeply involved in the "college entrance examination bonus score turmoil", and her personality collapsed? Who let her mess with someone she shouldn't have messed with

Therefore, there is every reason to believe that the facts in the students' reports basically exist, and Benxi High School even used this method in order to increase the admission rate and the number of people admitted to key universities.

I have done so much for one purpose, that is, according to the Liaoning Provincial College Entrance Examination bonus policy in those two years, the national second-level athletes can add 10 points to the college entrance examination.

Don't say 10 points in the college entrance examination, 1 point means that you don't have to say anything, just 1 point doesn't know how many people to surpass, and how many people are behind you.

Li Xueqin was deeply involved in the "college entrance examination bonus score turmoil", and her personality collapsed? Who let her mess with someone she shouldn't have messed with


But what does this scandal have to do with Li Xueqin?

It can only be said that Li Xueqin was lucky, when this incident was exposed, it was in 2014, and she took the college entrance examination in 2013 and was admitted to Peking University through independent enrollment.

Yes, readers with a good memory may remember that Li Xueqin obtained the second-level swimmer certificate in February of that year, took the college entrance examination in June of that year, and was successfully admitted to Peking University.

So, if this scandal was exposed in 2013, do you think Li Xueqin would dare to sign a letter of commitment?

It's no wonder that netizens questioned that she went to Peking University in this way.

Because Peking University scored 636 points in the first batch of liberal arts in Liaoning, and Li Xueqin only scored 633 points, which is still 3 points short.

How exactly are these 3 points added? Perhaps only the relevant admissions officers of the year will know.

And just when the doubts were getting louder and louder, a classmate of Li Xueqin's Peking University stood up to help Li Xueqin clarify.

She posted Li Xueqin's admission report card that year, and spoke up for her, saying that the 20-point independent admission test bonus in Li Xueqin's college entrance examination score has nothing to do with sports expertise.

She explained that Li Xueqin's college entrance examination score consists of two parts, one is a college entrance examination score of 633 points, and the other is a 20 points added to Peking University's independent entrance examination.

Li Xueqin was deeply involved in the "college entrance examination bonus score turmoil", and her personality collapsed? Who let her mess with someone she shouldn't have messed with

Subsequently, Li Xueqin's support club official blog also posted a post in support of Li Xueqin:

Li Xueqin's achievements are well-documented and factual, and they are public information after strict review by the education department, which is beyond doubt.

Among them, the most important is this sentence:

Li Xueqin did not have sports extra points in her admission results.

Li Xueqin was deeply involved in the "college entrance examination bonus score turmoil", and her personality collapsed? Who let her mess with someone she shouldn't have messed with

So, there is no doubt that Li Xueqin entered Peking University?

At first glance, this is indeed the case, but if you think about it carefully, Li Xueqin didn't go to Peking University because of sports bonus points, didn't she cheat?

What kind of bandit logic is this?

Li Xueqin was deeply involved in the "college entrance examination bonus score turmoil", and her personality collapsed? Who let her mess with someone she shouldn't have messed with

At the moment when Li Xueqin's parents were moved and Li Xueqin acquiesced, the fact of fraud and fraud had been established, and it didn't seem to have anything to do with whether she was admitted to Peking University by relying on second-level bonus points, right?

Besides, if you really want to say that it doesn't matter at all, according to the bandit logic of her classmates and the support club, who can dare to guarantee that Li Xueqin relied on Peking University's independent enrollment back then, and she added 20 points during the interview to go to Peking University, and there is no advantage of sports students in it?

If it weren't for the 20 points added during the interview, Li Xueqin's written test results alone would never have been able to get into Peking University.

Moreover, what kind of people are mainly targeted by Peking University's independent enrollment, you can also check it.

According to the relevant regulations of the mainland, since 2003, the mainland has explored the reform of the talent selection system through the implementation of independent enrollment of colleges and universities, allowing some colleges and universities to allocate a certain percentage of enrollment quotas to select those students with special talents who are not easy to be found by the college entrance examination.

The rest dare not say, if Li Xueqin was not holding the brand of a sports student, would it really be possible for her to participate in the independent enrollment of Peking University, and successfully get 20 extra points to make up for the difference of 3 points in the written test, and successfully go ashore?

I believe everyone knows the answer.

Therefore, no amount of justification is useless, unless Li Xueqin passed the score line of Peking University in the written test that year, she can prove her innocence.

Li Xueqin was deeply involved in the "college entrance examination bonus score turmoil", and her personality collapsed? Who let her mess with someone she shouldn't have messed with


Having said so much, of course, it is not to deny Li Xueqin's excellence, judging from her performance in the show, she is indeed worthy of the title of Peking University bully.

Perhaps it is precisely because she is good enough that the school took a fancy to the school in order to ensure that she was foolproof in the college entrance examination and sent her to do qualification fraud.

Therefore, this has nothing to do with her own ability and knowledge, netizens are holding on to it, but behind her admission to Peking University, is it unfair?

Li Xueqin was deeply involved in the "college entrance examination bonus score turmoil", and her personality collapsed? Who let her mess with someone she shouldn't have messed with

Just like Wang Hongqin, the son of "Qing Gege", who went viral on the Internet a few days ago, passed the high-level athlete exam of Peking University.

If nothing else, as long as his college entrance examination score reaches the undergraduate admission score line, he can be successfully admitted.

His specialty at the time was basketball.

But what makes netizens question is that Wang Hongqin's physical condition is not at all comparable to that of traditional basketball players.

Because of his height, he is not dominant.

Of course, there are not a few excellent basketball players who do not have an advantage in height, but netizens have raised such questions.

The most important thing is that although Wang Hongqin has participated in many national competitions, in terms of points, rebounds, assists, steals, blocks, etc., they are all 0 points or single-digit scores, which is difficult to explain.

If such results can pass the Peking University high-level athlete exam, it is no wonder that netizens ridiculed:

It always gives people a feeling of "I can do it too".

If I had known earlier that I could still go to Peking University in this way, I would have graduated from Peking University a long time ago.

There are also netizens who popularize science:

As long as the team ranks well, there will be a certain number of first-class athletes for the participating players. As for who to give and not to whom, there is room for "comprehensive consideration".

There are even bloggers who start teaching and send their children to prestigious schools, which is similar to the steps of putting elephants in refrigerators:

send your child to a strong school in a certain group program;

Let the child become a member of the school team;

Wait for the school team to get a good ranking, and let the school give the "first-class athlete" quota to their children;

Participate in the independent enrollment examination of high-level sports teams of prestigious schools and win self-recruitment places;

Take the college entrance examination and strive to pass the undergraduate line.

There have long been big Vs in the academic community who have complained:

Now there are fewer and fewer children who rely on the naked score of the college entrance examination to enter the 985 school. Take Qingbei as an example, only about 40% of those who are admitted with naked scores.

Where did the rest go?

Competition Escort, Foreign Chinese Escort, National Defense Orientation, Strong Foundation Program, Mathematics Talent Class, High-level Art Troupe, High-level Sports Team, International Student Enrollment, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Enrollment......

Even so, who can deny that these students are not top students and have no real talents?

It's just that it always feels a bit immoral to use this way to support a student with excellent grades.

Especially for those who don't have this resource, don't have this opportunity, and can only get up early and study hard in the small town, in the face of such a backdrop, even if they lose, how much of it is lost in the hard-fought written test score? More often than not, it is lost in the asymmetry of information.

Aren't they good?

Aren't they eligible to go to Peking University and Tsinghua University?

So why do they have to become losers in this kind of information gap, while those children in the city, who have good families and capable parents, can be "superior"?

Who can understand the suffering of this group of people, the pain of this group of people?

Those who complain about Li Xueqin grab a handful, but who complains about this group of people?

No wonder a big V once said:

The compassion of this society is dying en masse.

The premise for solving all this is that power and elites cannot extinguish compassion and conscience.

It's not easy to be original, if you like this article, your likes, forwards and messages are Uncle Mao's biggest motivation.

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