
Li Xueqin's matter is very mysterious!

author:New Insights 2022

On June 27, entertainment star Li Xueqin said in an interview that "I can't swim", which caused an uproar, and public opinion is currently intensifying!

Li Xueqin's matter is very mysterious!

It's normal for a person to not know how to swim, but the problem is that some netizens broke the news that Li Xueqin has a certificate of "second-level swimming athlete", and it was with this specialty that she dropped 20 points to enter Peking University.

Li Xueqin's matter is very mysterious!

The market value college entrance examination has just ended, and with the two already eye-catching names of "Peking University" and "Li Xueqin", this matter is like adding fuel to the fire, and the heat keeps rising.

Li Xueqin's matter is very mysterious!

Now that things have arisen, there are some issues that must be clarified, otherwise it will arouse doubts about the system.

Like what:

Did Li Xueqin rely on these 20 points to enter Peking University?

Li Xueqin, who "can't swim", how did he get the certificate of a second-level swimming athlete?

Li Xueqin's matter is very mysterious!

This involves not only the fairness of the admission system, but also some practical issues.

If you don't give a reasonable explanation, it may be the beginning of Li Xueqin's collapse.

Fortunately, people from all walks of life came on the stage and began to stand up and explain.

Regarding the 20 points of "independent enrollment" lowered by Peking University for her, some netizens who suspected that they were her classmates stood up to clarify for her:

Peking University's 20 points have nothing to do with her swimming!

Li Xueqin's matter is very mysterious!

So, is Li Xueqin a second-level swimmer?

For most people, the bar for a Level 2 athlete is not low.

For the average child in high school, it is almost impossible to obtain a Level 2 athlete certificate while studying.

So many people are curious, how did Li Xueqin get her second-level swimming athlete certificate?

Why did she say she couldn't swim?

Regarding this issue, her "fan support club" stood up and spoke:

"We understand the public's curiosity and scrutiny of the past experiences of public figures, but please allow us to emphasize that every achievement of Li Xueqin has stood the test of time and facts."

"Li Xueqin's results are well-documented and factual, and they are public information after strict review by the education department, which is beyond doubt."

Li Xueqin's matter is very mysterious!
Li Xueqin's matter is very mysterious!

I don't know if these conclusive fans dare to take legal responsibility for their words, anyway, they are full of words:

Li Xueqin's achievements can stand the test, are well documented, have a real basis, and are beyond doubt!

I don't know why, but the more I say that, the more suspicious things feel.

As of now, I haven't seen Li Xueqin stand up and explain herself, so many things are also debated by netizens, so we just sit and wait for the protagonist to speak, and the bullets continue to fly.

Interestingly, with the fermentation of public opinion, some interesting information has appeared on the Internet:

In July 2014, state media published an article:

"College Entrance Examination Sports Bonus Points "Divine School" Involved in Fraud Investigated".

One of the schools is called "Liaoning Benxi Senior High School", which happens to be Li Xueqin's alma mater.

In this article, it is described as follows:

At that time, there were 1,072 students with excellent physical fitness in Liaoning, including 87 in a middle school of Benxi Senior High School, which was known as the "God School" of sports points.

Liaoning Benxi Senior High School has almost won the first place in liberal arts and sciences in Liaoning Province in recent years (at the time of writing), and the pass rate of one book is also more than 95%. At this high school, the top 100 students in the class of 2014 were divided into two Aojia classes.

One of the Ao A classes has 40 people, and 22 have sports points.

Li Xueqin's matter is very mysterious!

Not surprised?! Surprised?!

There are always some people who are naturally smarter than you in learning, and even sports are more inherently powerful than you!

If you can't learn it, you can't forget it, and even swimming has been thrown off by others!

If there is no problem in this, it can only be said to be fate. Sometimes you have to believe that dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, and princes and generals have all kinds.

Li Xueqin's matter is very mysterious!

But why does Li Xueqin, a second-level swimmer with excellent character and learning, say that she "can't swim"?

On this issue, her fans also explained:

When Li Xueqin said "can't swim", it means "can't dive".

But if you can't dive, you can't swim, so what can you say?

Can't drink water?!

Li Xueqin's matter is very mysterious!

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