
I can't mess with the Japanese, I'm sorry Hu Youping!

author:New Insights 2022

Thanks should be given to the Suzhou police.

If it weren't for the Suzhou police announcing her name, people wouldn't even know who her last name was since the accident.

Now at least everyone knows that in the "Suzhou Slashing" incident, the woman who stood up and blocked the tip of the knife with her body and bravely stopped the murder, her name was:

Hu Yuping.

I can't mess with the Japanese, I'm sorry Hu Youping!

Now, she doesn't need to worry about being condemned by "patriots" for "protecting the Japanese", and she doesn't need to worry about being cyberbullied by "ultra-nationalists" in the future.

I can't mess with the Japanese, I'm sorry Hu Youping!
I can't mess with the Japanese, I'm sorry Hu Youping!

Because she's dead.

Officials finally spoke briefly after her death.

Hu Youping, at the bus stop, someone committed murder with a knife, desperate to stop it, and was stabbed several times and unfortunately died.

I can't mess with the Japanese, I'm sorry Hu Youping!

The introduction of just one or two hundred words is her life in the official narrative.

I don't know if it's deliberately blurred, people can only see a vague back in these vague words.

What kind of person is Hu Youping? What kind of life does she have? What exactly did she do?

We don't know any of this!

But for Hu Youping's understanding, it should definitely not stop at letting people know her name, but should be more about telling people her story, telling, singing, and commemorating.

This is worthy of Hu Youping's bravery and sacrifice.

In the 1,200-word article, of course, there is no mention of "Japanese school", nor does it say that it is a "Japanese school bus", let alone the name "Japanese students on the bus".

Now it seems that the report wants to downplay this incident as much as possible as much as possible as an ordinary case of knife wounding, and Hu Youping is just an ordinary person who came forward in the case and unfortunately passed away.

As of now, no one knows what force drove Hu Youping to stand up regardless of the danger of her own life and use her weak body to block the ruthless blade at the critical moment?

It may be the nature of kindness, or it may be the duty and mission of the "school bus guide" who guides children to get on and off the bus.

But in any case, Hu Youping, who bravely stood up and used his body to block the sharp blade to stop the gangsters from committing murder, is worthy of a close-up to arouse people's respect.

I can't mess with the Japanese, I'm sorry Hu Youping!

Of course, we are convinced that the official briefing was made after careful consideration and consideration of all aspects.

For example, some domestic public opinion backgrounds.

I can't mess with the Japanese, I'm sorry Hu Youping!

To understand this, every sentence in the circular, what words to use, and what words to write must be carefully considered, weigh the pros and cons, repeatedly scrutinize, and comprehensively consider.

As a "highland for Japanese enterprise investment", Suzhou must of course take into account the consequences of internationalization, and try not to affect the city's economic development and investment environment.

Therefore, those words that are not written into the bulletin must have been considered, or there are concerns.

I can't mess with the Japanese, I'm sorry Hu Youping!

in his position.

Of course, we can't be critical of the fact that the content of the briefing will be as long and detailed as a non-fiction narrative.

But what cannot be understood is our authoritative media. They should have reported the events in a timely and comprehensive manner, so that people could see the truth in time.

However, after the incident, no authoritative media was heard to express their independent and objective voice for the first time.

Then, as the popularity of the case increased, a large number of authoritative media only stared at the "Japanese mother and son" to make a fuss and grab traffic, and there were various reports everywhere that "the suspect who attacked the Japanese mother and son was arrested", but they did not say a word about the woman Hu Youping, who bravely stood up and was still rescuing at that time.

At that time, I was curious, that woman who bravely stood up, didn't she deserve to have her own name in our media?

What is unsettling is that in the three days after the incident, there was no decent authoritative news about her life and death, until she unfortunately passed away.

Is this a respect for a righteous and courageous person?

The impact of the incident was great, but the hasty words of our media simply did not allow the public to understand the truth of the matter.

A valiant woman who was stabbed several times to protect others and eventually lost her own life. No matter who she protects, she has demonstrated the kindness and courage of the Chinese, and has also maintained the international image of the Chinese, which should be talked about and widely praised.

Even the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her to pay her respects.

I can't mess with the Japanese, I'm sorry Hu Youping!

Those who bravely stood up have gone.

And the living, some of them can't afford to mess with the Japanese, and some are sorry for Hu Youping!

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