
Forge a strong community, the Chinese family focuses on the warm city, and media reporters have praised →

author:Warm news
Forge a strong community, the Chinese family focuses on the warm city, and media reporters have praised →

On June 29, the reporters of the interview group of the propaganda campaign with the theme of "Forging a Strong Community, China as a Family" carried out by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, and the State Ethnic Affairs Commission went to Yijin Horo Banner, Kangbashi District, and Wushen Banner in Ordos City to carry out centralized interviews.

Forge a strong community, the Chinese family focuses on the warm city, and media reporters have praised →

At the Yijin Horo Campus of Ordos No. 1 Middle School, the reporters of the interview group learned about the whole process of building the sense of community of the Chinese nation through the whole process of establishing morality and cultivating people, and carried out the theme practice activities of "party building, 'union' between the two places, and the unity of the ethnic group", so as to promote the extensive integration and exchange of teachers and students of all ethnic groups.

Forge a strong community, the Chinese family focuses on the warm city, and media reporters have praised →

The reporters of the interview group in Zhanggangtu Village, Yijin Holoqia Town, interviewed the central government for the development of ethnic minorities to support the milk tea industry project, and learned about the story of getting rich here by strengthening the collective economy of the village and improving the vocational skills of the surrounding farmers and herdsmen.

China Women's Daily reporter Wang Yishu :

Forge a strong community, the Chinese family focuses on the warm city, and media reporters have praised →

"I learned that 80% of the employees in Anu Milk Tea are women, and this collective economy provides great support for women's employment, so I think Ordos has set a good example in all aspects."

Forge a strong community, the Chinese family focuses on the warm city, and media reporters have praised →

The reporters of the interview group walked into the Ordos Zero Carbon Industrial Park and felt the surging power in the field of new energy and intelligent manufacturing.

Xu Xinyi, reporter of the Literature and Art Department of Guangming Daily:

Forge a strong community, the Chinese family focuses on the warm city, and media reporters have praised →

"I didn't expect Ordos to make such great efforts and achievements in resource utilization and environmental protection, and I will make follow-up reports from the aspects of economic development, enterprise development, and the utilization and protection of resources and the environment."

Forge a strong community, the Chinese family focuses on the warm city, and media reporters have praised →

In the Ordos Cultural Industry Park, the reporters of the interview group immersed themselves in the history of the integration and development of the Chinese nation through three-dimensional displays such as graphics, videos, and physical objects in the exhibition hall of the Chinese nation's sense of community in Yijin Horo Banner. Everyone took pictures and records from time to time, and expressed that they had a more intuitive and in-depth understanding of the sense of community of the Chinese nation. Later, I also watched the large-scale live drama "Poetry and Dance", which integrates ritual music, dance, interaction and culture, and fully felt the shock and charm of China's excellent traditional culture.

Forge a strong community, the Chinese family focuses on the warm city, and media reporters have praised →

Walking into the Ordos Museum, the reporters of the interview group visited the exhibition "The Yellow River Flows Through the Grassland - Ordos History and Culture Exhibition".

"China Nationalities Daily" reporter Zheng Hanyue:

Forge a strong community, the Chinese family focuses on the warm city, and media reporters have praised →

"This is the first time I came to Inner Mongolia, to the Ordos Museum, through the visit let me really feel that Ordos has been a place of exchanges and exchanges between various ethnic groups since ancient times, and it is also a place where all ethnic groups help each other and live in harmony.

Forge a strong community, the Chinese family focuses on the warm city, and media reporters have praised →

In the chemical branch of Wushenqi Zhongtian Hechuang Energy Co., Ltd., the reporters of the interview group visited the factory together to understand how the company develops the modern coal chemical industry and promotes the clean and efficient use of coal resources.

Forge a strong community, the Chinese family focuses on the warm city, and media reporters have praised →

After more than 20 years of unremitting efforts, the 190,000 acres of desert have been turned into a contiguous oasis, and the transformation of green and rich has been realized step by step. Everyone carefully interviewed and recorded the touching story behind it.

Vice President of the Inner Mongolia Academy of Social Sciences, Wuyun Geril:

Forge a strong community, the Chinese family focuses on the warm city, and media reporters have praised →

"Inner Mongolia is an important ecological security barrier in the north of the motherland, and it bears the responsibility of guarding this ecological barrier in the north for the motherland. Ordos has made great achievements in ecological construction over the years, and today, from Kangbashi to Menkeqing Gacha for more than 80 kilometers, I barely closed my eyes all the way, and I have been observing the outside, all the way is green, and my eyes are full of green. This is one of the most convincing results. ”

Source: Warm News WeChat public account

Reporter of Ordos Financial Media Center: Liu Ruiying, Zhao Rouyue, Zhang Yuan, Zhang Jiarong, Pan Yizhang, Zhao Chenwei

Editor: Li Rong

Proofreader: Wu Zhuoqun

Review: Yang Yang