
A brunch collection for 3-year-old + babies, delicious and nutritious, and the baby's appetite is getting better and better

author:A Cantonese girl who loves life

Hello everyone, I am a Cantonese girl who loves life!

I am also a mother, my eldest baby is 6 years old, the second baby is one and a half years old, and the virtual age is three years old. Usually I will get some complementary food for Dabao Erbao to eat. Let him grow up healthy and happy.

A brunch collection for 3-year-old + babies, delicious and nutritious, and the baby's appetite is getting better and better

Today I just finished feeding breakfast, sitting on the sofa and looking at the mobile phone, Erbao came to follow me, pointed to his feet, and held my hand, (because he can't speak yet, only make movements) I looked over, ah, there is blood coming out, it must have mentioned that sharp thing, so quickly use a tissue to stop the bleeding, when I used a tissue to stick to his feet, I found that there are still hard objects in it, and I feel a little stuck, so there must be hard objects.

Later, I asked my dad to help, I took a needle to help him pick it, Erbao didn't say anything, so he wouldn't say that he was in pain, but crying tears flowed, I couldn't pick it out, and then I changed my dad to pick it out, but fortunately, in the end, my dad gave me a lot of strength, and I picked it out, it was a piece of glass!! It is a glass shard of oral liquid that was accidentally broken before.

The child has a little problem, I am very worried, and the fleshy foot is injured, so in the future, try to be careful.

Dabao and Erbao are usually fed very well by me, and they rarely get sick, and I match them with these at brunch!

On the first day, breakfast was pork polenta and yam omelets.

A brunch collection for 3-year-old + babies, delicious and nutritious, and the baby's appetite is getting better and better

On the first day, lunch was green vegetable meatball soup, stir-fried beans, and seaweed rice

A brunch collection for 3-year-old + babies, delicious and nutritious, and the baby's appetite is getting better and better

Breakfast the next day, lunch meat oatmeal, vegetable tofu cake

A brunch collection for 3-year-old + babies, delicious and nutritious, and the baby's appetite is getting better and better

Lunch on the second day was scrambled eggs with loofah and stir-fried tomatoes with white mushrooms

A brunch collection for 3-year-old + babies, delicious and nutritious, and the baby's appetite is getting better and better

On the third day, breakfast was three black and red date porridge and purple potato glutinous rice cakes

A brunch collection for 3-year-old + babies, delicious and nutritious, and the baby's appetite is getting better and better

Lunch on the third day is: zucchini stir-fried meat, tomato and egg soup

A brunch collection for 3-year-old + babies, delicious and nutritious, and the baby's appetite is getting better and better

Breakfast on the fourth day is: vegetables, shrimp, seasonal vegetables and seaweed shrimp steak

A brunch collection for 3-year-old + babies, delicious and nutritious, and the baby's appetite is getting better and better

Lunch on Day 4: Tomato and meat foamed tofu, pumpkin and red date water, cabbage.

A brunch collection for 3-year-old + babies, delicious and nutritious, and the baby's appetite is getting better and better

Breakfast on the fifth day: yam and pumpkin porridge, with pork floss ham finger cake

A brunch collection for 3-year-old + babies, delicious and nutritious, and the baby's appetite is getting better and better

Day 5 Lunch: Pineapple slurpin pork, steamed fish belly, baby cabbage

A brunch collection for 3-year-old + babies, delicious and nutritious, and the baby's appetite is getting better and better

May all babies in the world grow up healthy and happy, and mothers can work with peace of mind and live happily [than heart] [than heart]

Recently, the weather is hot, and I occasionally boil some lotus seed lily water for the baby to drink, and it is the mother's biggest responsibility to take care of the baby's healthy growth!

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