
Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, but netizens questioned the poor school!

author:Little White Duck chases dramas

Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei were super nervous at the end of June, and they were met by netizens to interview their eldest daughter for a primary school test. The 6-year-old daughter went in for an interview, and the couple were super nervous when they were waiting outside, Zhu Dan was even so scared that he closed his eyes and prayed, and Zhou Yiwei next to him was also nervous, in order to comfort Zhu Dan, he held Zhu Dan's hand and cheered together. Judging from the pictures, there are quite a lot of people interviewing together, no wonder Zhu Dan is nervous, it seems that this school is not very easy to enter!

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, but netizens questioned the poor school!
Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, but netizens questioned the poor school!

The couple also visited around the school to see how the environment and education were, and the anxiety of the novice parents was felt through the screen!

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, but netizens questioned the poor school!

Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei's daughter studied in Hangzhou Qiantang Experimental Primary School, I heard that this school is very difficult to enter, just look at what the parents said!

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, but netizens questioned the poor school!

Parents and insiders who interviewed together said that in addition to the normal process, this school also has to conduct a small test for children, which turned out to be quite difficult, and the questions asked are also more tests of response ability, if the children are timid in their hearts, it is really difficult to pass. It seems that the TV series is not an exaggeration at all, it is really difficult to get into a good school in a big city, in addition to children to test, parents also have to go to interviews. Cecilia Cheung said before that in order to study well for her children, she went from Hong Kong to Shanghai to buy a house, and she was super nervous during the interview, and she had to consider a lot when choosing clothes.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, but netizens questioned the poor school!
Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, but netizens questioned the poor school!
Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, but netizens questioned the poor school!
Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, but netizens questioned the poor school!

Most celebrities will send their children to private schools, but after Zhu Dan's daughter's school was exposed and the interview was exposed, many netizens questioned that the school was not good, thinking that this was an ordinary public school, why did Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei want to give their children to this school? They are not without money, and even the photographer was surprised to meet them at school.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, but netizens questioned the poor school!
Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, but netizens questioned the poor school!
Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, but netizens questioned the poor school!

Netizens also wondered why Zhu Dan didn't let his children go to school in Beijing, and insiders broke the news that Zhu Dan was from Hangzhou, and Zhu Dan was accommodated on Monday, and they bought a house in Hangzhou, and their house is now priced at 77,799 square meters, which is very expensive. I am sure that the school in the school district will not be bad, the school is at the doorstep, whether it is pick-up or drop-off, it is convenient to live and travel. They must have thought it through before choosing, and if it is really good for studying, they will get good grades there. What's more, the school they chose is also very good, and it doesn't have to be hundreds of thousands of years old to be called a good school.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, but netizens questioned the poor school!
Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, but netizens questioned the poor school!
Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, but netizens questioned the poor school!

Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei have a son and a daughter, and now the eldest daughter is in elementary school, and the younger son will definitely follow in the same school, so the choice of school must have been inspected, and the decision was made after deep reflection and comparison.

Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, but netizens questioned the poor school!
Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, but netizens questioned the poor school!
Zhu Dan took her daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, but netizens questioned the poor school!

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