
Too arrogant! The top star of the Chinese Super League beat up his opponent violently and beat people in front of the referee, and the Football Association fine has been prepared

author:Black and white football

In the 17th round of the Chinese Super League on June 29, Shenzhen Xinpeng City suffered a major blow in the contest with Tianjin Jinmen Tigers. Shortly after the start of the game, Shenzhen lost a key player to Andrade's violent acts.

Too arrogant! The top star of the Chinese Super League beat up his opponent violently and beat people in front of the referee, and the Football Association fine has been prepared

In the 27th minute of the game, Andrade clashed with Tianjin player Guo Hao while fighting for the ball. In the fierce grappling, Andrade not only strangled Guo Hao's neck tightly with his elbows, but also impulsively punched his opponent in the face, causing Guo Hao to fall to the ground in pain. This action happened to be in the line of sight of the referee, making it impossible for the referee to ignore the serious foul.

Too arrogant! The top star of the Chinese Super League beat up his opponent violently and beat people in front of the referee, and the Football Association fine has been prepared

Immediately afterwards, the referee acted decisively and showed Andrade a red card and ejected him from the game. This decision left Shenzhen in a huge dilemma in the first half, as they not only lost Andrade, an important player, but also had to play with nine men due to the red card of another player.

Too arrogant! The top star of the Chinese Super League beat up his opponent violently and beat people in front of the referee, and the Football Association fine has been prepared

Andrade's impulsive behavior not only put the Shenzhen team in a difficult situation, but could also face further punishment from the Chinese Football Association. According to past practice, Andrade may be suspended for several additional games, which will undoubtedly add more difficulties to Shenzhen's road to relegation.

As the most expensive recruit in the Super League this season, Andrade originally carried the high hopes of the Shenzhen team. However, his first season in the Chinese Super League has been quite struggling, with ups and downs in form. Now he has been punished for violence on the pitch, which undoubtedly casts a shadow on his Super League career. Shenzhen now needs to adjust their strategy to cope with the upcoming matches and more challenges they may face.

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