
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

author:Balls AA that don't eat sugar candy

Didn't we send a strategy for Mianyang a few days ago, and many shareholders left messages: Why didn't you go to Jiangyou?

As a fat gut fanatic, of course I made a pilgrimage to the "hometown of fat sausage all over the world"! Jiangyou Raiders is not coming~

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

This small city in northern Sichuan, which was Amway by "Flavor World" and "Breakfast China", made a name for itself with only one Jiangyou fat sausage. People like me who go to Jiangyou in order to eat fat sausages are actually not a minority

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Jiangyou is also very powerful, in addition to fat intestines, there are many wonderful things

In terms of cultural heritage, it is Li Bai's hometown.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Li Bai Memorial Hall

In terms of natural scenery, there are outstanding scenic spots such as Dou Mountain, and there are also places suitable for summer such as Zhonghua Cave Heaven, Strange Stone Beach, and Fujiang Six Gorges.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Six gorges of the Fujiang River

Jiangyou's Fangte Oriental God Painting Theme Park has a very good reputation, and it is full of big friends and children who come to it on weekends.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Jiangyou is a county-level city managed by Mianyang, and it is as convenient as taking a bus from Mianyang to Jiangyou by high-speed rail, as long as 17 minutes. From Chengdu to Jiangyou by high-speed rail, it only takes 1 hour

Even friends in Xi'an have listed Jiangyou as a place to go around, and the Xi'an high-speed rail to Jiangyou takes less than 3 hours.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Today's Jiangyou strategy, first give a plate of delicious and fun places with convenient transportation, and you can play without driving!

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Part1.Jiangyou urban food

Walking around the city of Jiangyou, food must come first. Eat fat sausages first, then go to Artillery Street to eat, and finally mingle into the streets and alleys to find other authentic food!

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

1. [Jiangyou fat intestines].

Jiangyou fat sausage is very clean, and the fat will be removed, leaving only the elastic and tough skin. It is usually served in a small bowl, and it looks small, but because there are no cushion vegetables such as bean sprouts and potatoes, the portion is still very solid.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!


How much do Jiangyou people love fat sausages? I even take fat sausage for breakfast! A combination of a bowl of fat sausages, a bowl of vinegar soup, and a bowl of rice. Fat intestines with rice, vinegar soup to relieve greasy.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!


After Jiangyou fat sausages became popular, various flavors were also launched on the market, such as braised bean curd, raw explosion, sauce explosion, back to the pot, bean curd, cold dressing, steamed powder, stew, and lo-mei. I think the best thing to eat is the classic braised fat sausage, and if the choice is difficult, you can't go wrong with braised sausage.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

The "braised oil" of Jiangyou is not the same as the "braised oil" of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and the finished product is soaked in red oil

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Generally, fat sausage shops will also have ball soup and roasted white to provide. Burning white will be fatty, and the fresh ball soup can neutralize the heavy mouth of the fat intestines

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

"Li Kee Snacks" is an old shop that has been visited by celebrities and filmed in food documentaries, and it is the most famous. Therefore, the popularity can be imagined, from the first business to the closing of the seats, the meals have to be lined up in long queues, the diners are crowded, and the experience is not so good. Then the store closed at 15:00 in the afternoon, and it was not easy for tourists from other places to eat

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

The "Heaven and Earth Restaurant" next to Li Ji's snacks is open 24 hours a day, and it is a night snack shop of Jiangyou people. The main focus is fat sausage, and there are also many other home-cooked food options. When it came to dinner, the locals came to patronize it, and the store was full

If you don't eat Li Kee's snacks, it's not bad to come to Tiandi Restaurant

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Locals love to go to the "Healthy People Fat Sausage" in residential areas. The opening hours on the review are wrong, and it closes at 15:00, and I went late and didn't eat

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

That's right! Most of the old fat intestine shops in Jiangyou are doing morning and afternoon business, and they close in the afternoon

Finally, I went to the branch of "Yongfei Sausage" in Maluwan, which is open for a longer period of time, from 8:30 to 21:00. This dining environment will be better than the old store at the train station, and there are not so many people, and the owner's sister is taking care of it

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

The braised fat sausage of Yongfei sausage has a crisp and elastic taste, chews neatly, and the seasoning is relatively simple, without a strong flavor of freshness, and the umami of the ingredients themselves can be eaten.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Zhou Fat Sausage is a successful chain of fat sausage shops, each with its own products, and the reputation is already very average, so it is not recommended to eat

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

2. [Artillery Street]

Artillery Street is a must-visit food street in Jiangyou, next to the most famous scenic spot in the city, "Li Bai Memorial Hall".

First go to "Qinglian Granny Deng" to eat spring rolls (embarrassing, they were on holiday when I went).

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Then go inside and eat "Sister Su Lao Zhan". Sister Su has a storefront, and the opposite side is an open-air cold dip.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

The store and the stall belong to the same family, and the dishes are the same, but sometimes there are many people, so they make two places to diverge

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Everyone prefers to eat at roadside stalls, and the atmosphere is better together. The shop is more hygienic and cooler. Where to sit depends on personal preference.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!


Cold dipping is a bit like a miniature version of the bowl chicken. The food is skewered with a toothpick and placed in the middle. Once the customer is seated, they look at their favorite food and eat it with dipping sauce.

The dipping sauce is boiled in the store itself, and there are generally three types: hot sauce, five-spice, and rattan pepper. Hot sauce is the best.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Note that the food can only be dipped once, so that the next person can continue to dip. Finally, count the toothpicks to count the money

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Sister Su is 5 cents a piece. This form of snack is especially suitable for sitting when you are tired of walking. Sit and eat as much as you want

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

The nearby "Juntun Guokui" is also very delicious, with two flavors, 7 pieces of beef and 6 pieces of pork. The guest in front of me packed more than two dozen of them.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

The skin is crispy, it doesn't feel oily, and the aftertaste is a little numb

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

If you want to eat something cold, you can come to this "Dazhou Rice Shrimp Ice Powder", I chose the cute panda ice dumplings

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

There is also a local coffee brand "Joy Coffee" in Jiangyou Street, which has a lot of special coffees in the store, and the price of the bubble tea shop is about 10 yuan a cup. If you use a coupon, it's only a few dollars, the price is too conscientious, and the taste is okay.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

After eating snacks, you can come to the store to blow the air conditioner and drink coffee.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

3. [Tianqiao Old Store]

The flyover is not far from Artillery Street, and there are a few old shops that do neighborhood business

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

"Tenhashizen Ramen" focuses on beef knife shaved noodles.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

"Zhou Liangfen" was first famous for making cold noodles, and now it has also joined the army of fat intestines, selling fat intestines and stir-fried vegetables. This "boiled cold powder" is boiled and then mixed, and it tastes warm, harder than ordinary uncooked, and the alkaline taste is heavier, and the taste is quite different. 5 yuan a small bowl, you can try it

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

"Minghui rice noodles" eats Jiangyou rice noodles, standard fine flour and thick oil. Their barbecued pork buns are also famous, with big stuffing buns

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

But to eat steamed buns still have to come in the morning to eat freshly baked, in the afternoon is reheated, the fat in the filling has soaked the skin of the buns, and it tastes too oily.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

4. [Delicious Street]

Good Food Street is also a famous food street, which is different from the style of Artillery Street, and the Good Food Street is mainly restaurants for dinner. I took a stroll, but I wasn't very interested, but I found a treasure fly restaurant nearby, "Toothless Ba Jianghu Cuisine".

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

There is a pergola under the big tree, the sky is still bright, and there are already tables to eat and drink, and there are special trips to pack big dishes. Usually, the taste of such a shop is not bad.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

The price of the large menu is about 100 yuan, which is not cheap, but the amount of dishes is large

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Not far away, there is a "June Snow Dry Pot", which is a famous chain dry pot shop in Mianyang, and the taste is super good, especially the signature glutinous palm wings.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

I have already eaten in Mianyang because I have been in Mianyang for a few days. If you only come to Jiangyou, then you must go to eat

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

5. [Tianbao Street]

Compared with various online celebrity stores, I believe more in restaurants where locals vote with their feet.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

At mealtime, Tianbao Street is quite lively, and it is a place for locals to settle dinner. Like small kitchen home cooking, Baba small barbecue, Shuerlang fresh beef skewers

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

There is also a "Poetry Rabbit" on this road, which eats rabbit hot pot.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Part2.Jiangyou city tour

The scenic spots around Jiangyou are scattered, if you can stay for one more day to go around, the most worth going to is Dou Yuan Mountain (you can go to Wujiahou Mountain to see the Xinyi Flower Sea in March).

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Mt. Kuen-hsien

Fangte Paradise is huge, so stay for a whole day. Therefore, those who come to play Fangte Park will stay for one night. Fangte is less than 10 kilometers away from the city, and it is quite convenient to play in the park with the listing area for 2 days and 1 night

If you don't drive or go to the park like me, you can take Jiangyou city one day.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

【Li Bai Memorial Hall】


This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Li Bai is Jiangyou's big IP. Jiangyou has the earliest Li Bai research institution, and also built the Li Bai Memorial Hall and Li Bai's hometown scenic spot.

Li Bai grew up in Jiangyou, studied and lived for 24 years, leaving behind many poems and relics.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

But there has always been controversy about where Li Bai is from. At present, it is more accurate to say that Jiangyou is the place where Li Bai lived as a teenager.

Li Bai Memorial Hall is in the center of the city and is a must-visit place when you come to Jiangyou. It is open all year round to Taibai Hall, Taibai Book House Li Bai's life exhibition, Gufeng Hall historical relics exhibition, poetry garden boutique exhibition and other exhibition halls.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

There are two treasures in the museum, both of which are national first-class cultural relics, which are important evidence to confirm Li Bai's life in Jiangyou.

One is a stone cow in the Tang Dynasty, not far from Li Bai's residence in historical materials, and it is likely to be the prototype of Li Bai's poem "Yongshi Cow": this stone is like a cow, buried in the ground for thousands of years. The wind blew all over the body without movement, and the rain hit the sweat all over the body. The grass is difficult to enter, and the shepherd boy does not look back. There is no rope on the nose, and the heaven and earth are not collected at night.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

The other is a stone stele from the Northern Song Dynasty ("Mr. Tang Li's old residence stele in Zhangming County and preface"). At that time, Yang Sui, the county commander of Zhangming County, collected Li Bai's poems in Shu, and thus wrote the inscription. The inscription is arranged vertically in 25 lines, with 54 characters per line, which explains Li Bai's growth experience.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Jiangyou does not have a special regional museum, and it also assumes some of the role of a regional museum.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

After browsing the Li Bai Memorial Hall, you can not only understand Li Bai, but also have an overall impression of the history of Jiangyou.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

The memorial hall is built along the river, and the memorial itself is very beautiful, with exquisite gardens and small lakes.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

It's also very interesting to wander around inside.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Originally, there was also a Taibai Park next to the memorial hall, which has recently been under maintenance and is not expected to open until the end of the year.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Li Bai's hometown scenic spot is in Qinglian Town, covering an area of more than 380 acres, which is currently the largest scenic spot about Li Bai and belongs to the 4A level. Qinglian Town has a special high-speed rail station, which is convenient for everyone to come to this scenic spot (Mianyang-Qinglian 12 minutes, Chengdu-Qinglian 51 minutes).

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

After I went, I felt quite disappointed, I almost couldn't see any traces of Li Bai's life, and there was no cultural relics exhibition, I felt like a big park.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Then the center stage of the big square in front of the scenic spot has been doing live broadcasts, and the decibels are too big, even if you climb the Taibai Building at the highest place, you can hear it, which is very disappointing.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

The Li Bai Cultural Museum near Li Bai's hometown actually costs 40 yuan for a ticket. The Li Bai Memorial Hall in the city is free to visit without tickets.

I recommend visiting the Li Bai Memorial Hall in the city, so that Qinglian doesn't have to make a special trip.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!


I went to Mianyang, Jiangyou, and Nanchong this time. I have to say that Sichuan people really love to drink tea, and every climbing point and park will be equipped with a teahouse.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Jiangyou has two parks: Xishan Park and Mingyue Island Park.

"Nishiyama Park" is the climbing point, and the central ladder is relatively steep, and the hiking trails on both sides are easier to climb.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

At the top of the hill is a day camp where you can drink, eat, and drink. The top of the mountain is very cool, and you can overlook the Jiangyou city. One tea, order a cup of green tea for 10 yuan, you can enjoy an afternoon of leisure.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

If you don't want to climb the mountain, you can go to "Meigetsu Island Park".

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

This park is next to the Fujiang River, with a wide view, an artificial beach, a children's playground, and water sports. It's very comfortable to take a walk or walk around the baby.

This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!
This small town is stunning! It's hot with a heavy dish!

Jiangyou is a small city where you can drive to check in various scenic spots, and you can also go shopping and eating happily in the urban area.

Jiangyou Food Jiangyou Fat Sausage (Li Ji Small Snacks, Tiandi Restaurant, Jianmin Fat Sausage, Yong Fat Sausage) Artillery Street (Qinglian Deng Po, Su Sister Lao Zhan, Juntun Guokui, Joy Coffee) Other special delicacies (Zhou Liang Noodles, Ming Hui Rice Noodles, Toothless Bajiang Lake Cuisine, June Snow Dry Pot) Jiangyou City Tour Fangte Oriental God Painting Theme Park (Reserve 1 full day) Li Bai Memorial Hall (tour time is about 1 hour), Xishan Park (climb the heights to view and drink tea), Mingyue Island Park (there is a beach by the river, suitable for walking the baby) Recommended routes for one-day tour of Jiangyou city Li Bai Memorial Hall - Artillery Street - Li Ji Snacks / Tiandi Restaurant - Xishan Park - Missing Tooth Bajiang Lake Cuisine / June Snow Dry Pot Self-driving around Jiangyou Dou Pi Mountain (natural beauty, Yunyan Ancient Temple), Fujiang Six Gorges (viewing point, known as the Little Three Gorges), Zhonghua Cave (see the cave and rafting)


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