
The Garden of the Underworld—The Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (12)

author:Looking at history and cherishing the present

The Garden of the Underworld—The Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (12)

The Garden of the Underworld—The Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (12)
The Garden of the Underworld—The Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (12)
The Garden of the Underworld—The Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (12)

The send-off did not go out on the streets, because it was safer. At that time, Fan, Taoist, monks, nuns, laymen, and of course Jews holding the Bible, lined up in a long procession, led by drums, and after going around the main avenues in the garden, the paper-tied buildings and houses were burned one by one.

It is said that the Hatong Mansion burned was made with the Aili Garden as the basic "blueprint". It is also the fence of tiger skin stone, and the inside can be called the green cover of the vermilion pavilion of yellow glazed tiles, and the bridge and corridor ring of the red railing.

The buildings and pavilions are scattered, the ponds and rockeries are set off, the large vegetable room, the marble room is vivid, and the equipment in the room, as well as cooks, messengers, servants, and doormen are also readily available. It's just that there is no Cangsheng Wise University, no monasteries, and no nunnery, but a towering synagogue has been added.

Although it is only a specific and micro model, it still covers an area of as much as half an acre. This is an artistic masterpiece accumulated by hundreds of pasteurs in Beijing and Shanghai. According to the customs and habits of the southerners. All the buildings of the papier-mâché are made by craftsmen, and the monks and Taoists chant and hold mantras on the side, indicating that they are casting spells and building libraries. When the paste is finished, the ritual is complete, and the two are corresponding.

In the end, the filial sons held the "Death Wenshu", and the monks and Taoists recited "Praise of Holy Merit" and "Praise of Transformation", and set fire to incineration. In this way, as a descendant of Hartung, he finally fulfilled his filial piety - let Hartung take away the property he had placed during his lifetime. Because he burned the fake garden of paper for Hartung, he could inherit his real garden with a clear conscience.

Hartung's funeral lasted 49 days, involving dozens of industries and thousands of people in Beijing and Shanghai. It is said that as much as 800,000 silver dollars were spent. The level of extravagance is staggering.