
The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

author:point of view

Cadre derailment incidents are not uncommon, and they finally occupy important positions, but because they can't control their lower bodies, their careers are ruined. Generally speaking, if a cadre scandal is exposed, the relevant departments will quickly intervene in the investigation and deal with the cadres involved accordingly, usually suspended for investigation, and the official will issue a notice to explain to the public.

However, the situation of Director Song of the Yancheng Development and Reform Commission seems to be different, since his derailment scandal was exposed on April 24, it has been two months since the public opinion on the whole network, and after the media reported that the official responded as soon as possible that "the Commission for Discipline Inspection has paid attention to this matter", there has been no follow-up. There are various indications that Director Song is still in his original position, and the latest developments have leaked out.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

This is still on the job after being exposed in the cadre derailment incident in recent years, and Director Song of the Yancheng Development and Reform Commission is the first and only case, which is really not simple.

  1. The chat history is too explicit, and the whole network goes viral
  2. Director Song cheated on his wife, and the city was full of wind and rain
  3. Director Song's background was exposed, and it was really not simple
  4. The heroine is beautiful and pure, and she writes a letter of guarantee with her husband
  5. Follow-up: She is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and the heroine is miserable

The chat history is too explicit, and the whole network goes viral

As soon as the chat record between Director Song of the Yancheng Development and Reform Commission and his wife and daughter was posted on the Internet, it instantly went viral on the whole network, with provocative words and constant love words, which was heartwarming. The chat content is even more ambiguous, and the two are commensurate with "wife and husband", like a couple in love.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

The chat history makes every normal man want to stop reading it, "not only thinking about it, but also wanting to love my brother"; The heroine shyly confessed to Director Song. "I always thought I was a person with a cold personality, but after being with you, I felt so eager to be close to you and lustful." Director Song asked gently: "When do you have time", "Because of love", I really want to be with you more.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

stayed in the hotel for a few days, and the two became more and more emotional. Whenever they hugged each other, that affection turned into sweat and soaked the sheets and quilts. In order to create a comfortable atmosphere, the hostess carefully turned on all the air conditioners to dehumidify and sent the sweaty bedding to dry. Then, she quietly waited in the room for Director Song to arrive at night, and the picture was mouth-watering.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

The heroine said affectionately to Director Song: "You are the only person in my life who has made me physically and mentally delivered. If her husband hears this, his heart will be like a knife. This is undoubtedly a great hurt to the husband, although they share the same bed, but the heroine's heart has never really belonged to him, even if she has a child, her heart has never been fully given to her husband.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

According to the opening record, Director Song and the heroine opened an hourly room at the Yancheng Government Store of the Orange Hotel at noon on July 18, 2023, from 12:30 to 16:30. Although it was working time, they chose to spend time together in bed, and for Director Song's busy life, they combined work and rest to enjoy the blessings of all people.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

And how did such private chat records and room opening records circulate on the Internet to detonate public opinion?

Director Song derailed, causing a storm in the city

On April 24, Yancheng residents were shocked by the shocking content on a new energy green car. The car, which was driving on the main road in Yancheng, was plastered with screenshots of WeChat chats, and the prominent position on the body read: "Director Song of the Yancheng Development and Reform Commission seduced a married woman to cheat, and he is still at his post half a year after the incident." While waiting for the traffic light, passing netizens took videos and uploaded them to the Internet, and the incident quickly caused an uproar on social media and continued to dominate the hot search for many days.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

The whistleblower chose a very ironic way to publicize the matter - a screenshot of Song's WeChat chat with a married woman was plastered on a new energy green car, was it a sign that he was "green"? And Director Song is the director of the new energy department of the National Development and Reform Commission, which is ridiculous, causing heated discussions in Yancheng and quickly detonating the whole country.

Immediately after that, netizens broke the news: During the secondment of the National Development and Reform Commission, the daughter-in-law had an improper relationship with Section Chief Song of the New Energy Section of the Yancheng Development and Reform Commission. The incident caused great harm to his son and caused him to suffer from depression. When the wife learned about it, she was very angry and had a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and her newborn grandson had no one to take care of her. Netizens questioned: Do the people's servants sincerely serve the people, or use power to satisfy their selfish desires?

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

As the incident spread like a virus on the web, it quickly became the focus of public buzz. On April 26, the Yancheng Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection expressed concern about the matter. Regrettably, there have been no official updates or notifications on this matter since then. However, the public can still reveal the latest progress and dynamics about Director Song and the heroine through public channels and insiders.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

At this point, the truth of the incident was revealed, and the netizen broke the news that the father-in-law of the heroine involved, and the chat record was also screenshotted by her husband when the heroine was asleep one day, and was posted on the Internet by her father-in-law after reporting for 8 months without results, detonating public opinion.

Why does the heroine have such a great charm that the director can't control the lower half of her body, and she takes the risk of cheating on her wife with her career? It is reported that the heroine worked in Yancheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and was later seconded to the National Development and Reform Commission, and because of this, she met Director Song and derailed. Her appearance has been described as particularly innocent, and she has even been called a great beauty.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

According to insiders, Director Song only received a "serious warning" and is still in his original position.

Director Song's identity background was exposed, and it was really not simple

The identity of Director Song, who is the director of the new energy department of the Yancheng Development and Reform Commission, and still holds this position, has also been revealed. This young post-90s generation, graduated from Xuzhou Institute of Technology in 2014, and surprisingly, he has held the important position of director of the National Development and Reform Commission at a young age, and the background and experience behind it are undoubtedly thought-provoking.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

The New Energy Division of the National Development and Reform Commission, which is headed by Director Song, is indeed a department with real power, and its influence cannot be ignored. In just 10 years, he has made the leap from a newcomer to a senior, an achievement that many people can only dream of. However, upon digging deeper, we can't help but discover that the story behind it is not simple.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

Director Song was not born in a prestigious school as people usually think, but graduated from Xuzhou Institute of Technology, which is indeed not a 985 or 211 university, and for those who are not familiar with it, it may be the first time to hear of it. However, with his talent and unremitting efforts, Director Song successfully stood out in 2014 and became a candidate for transfer in Jiangsu Province, which undoubtedly demonstrated his outstanding ability and potential.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

On April 10, Xuzhou Institute of Technology officially released a message, revealing that in the search for outstanding alumni in Nantong, Yancheng and other places in Jiangsu, a special visit was made to Alumni Song, who is currently the director of an important department. It is reported that Director Song was the president of the student union of the School of Civil Engineering of Xuzhou Institute of Technology when he was in college, and his performance is quite outstanding because he can be widely recognized.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

According to public information, since graduating in 2014, Director Song has stepped into the Yancheng Development and Reform Commission as a selected student. He has won wide recognition from his colleagues and superiors in his work, and six years later, in a public announcement on May 11, 2020, he was successfully promoted to "Deputy Director of the Division for the Utilization of Foreign Capital and Overseas Investment".

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

Director Song has shown remarkable speed of promotion. According to public information, on October 24, 2022, only two years after being promoted to deputy director, Director Song was appointed as the director of the New and Renewable Energy Division (Energy Planning Division) of the National Development and Reform Commission. Such a promotion speed is indeed uncommon, especially considering that Director Song did not graduate from a prestigious school, which is even more valuable.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

On April 23, Ms. Han's father-in-law exposed his daughter-in-law's cheating on Director Song on Weibo, which aroused widespread attention and reports on the whole network and the media. However, just when public opinion was boiling, on April 26, the whistleblower suddenly emptied all Weibo content and has not spoken out since.

Netizens speculated that he was under local pressure to do so, which shows that Director Song's background is not ordinary.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

And Director Song can risk his career to cheat on his wife and daughter, Ms. Han, so what is the charm of Ms. Han? After being picked up by netizens, he suddenly became bright, with such a look, no wonder the high-spirited post-90s Director Song couldn't stop.

The heroine is beautiful and pure, and she writes a letter of guarantee with her husband

Although the two have been cautious in the unit, they have not escaped her husband's eyes after all. After Han fell asleep, her husband looked through her mobile phone, found the chat history between the two, and took screenshots one by one to save them. The husband and wife fell into a fierce quarrel because of this, and after careful consideration, in order to save his family, Han solemnly wrote a letter of guarantee, promising to run his family wholeheartedly and never make such a mistake as cheating again.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

This guarantee records in detail the process and reasons for the derailment, and Han has become emotionally unstable due to the pressure of work and family. And the appearance of Director Song gave her a kind of emotional comfort. After a family conflict intensified, she did not keep the bottom line on her birthday and had a relationship with Director Song.

Han and Director Song have only known each other for three months, but their relationship has developed extremely quickly, and it is even more unbelievable when Han is married. As for the reason for the rapid warming of the relationship, netizens were puzzled for a while. However, seeing Han's photo, her beauty and innocence made men feel moved.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

In 2019, Han successfully became a member of the career establishment of Yancheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and worked in the office. On the official public account of Yancheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, her photos have attracted a lot of attention. In the photo, she shows a fresh and refined temperament, her skin is as white as snow, her face is delicate and lovely, beautiful and pure, no wonder Director Song can't hold it.

In order to enter the system, Han has made great efforts. She has taken many career and civil service examinations in a row, and she is determined. In the first half of 2016, she took the Yancheng District Civil Service Recruitment Examination. Although she passed the written exam with excellent results, she suffered a setback in the interview process and unfortunately failed to be selected.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

However, in the face of setbacks, Han was not discouraged. In the second half of the same year, she once again devoted herself to the recruitment examination of the clerk of the Jiangsu court employment system, and successfully applied for the job with her outstanding performance. Although this position is not established for the time being, she chose to use it as a starting point to prepare for the exam while working.

It is worth mentioning that a detail was revealed from Han's ID card information, her ID card starts with 1523, which means that she is not a native of Yancheng, but from Tongliao, Inner Mongolia. During the three years of working in the Yandu District People's Court, she continued to prepare for the exam, and finally passed the recruitment examination of Yancheng Municipal Public Institutions in 2019 and successfully obtained a job within the establishment.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

After four years of hard work, from 2016 to 2019, Han finally got his wish and stepped into the door of the system. As a Chinese secretarial graduate, she is engaged in text-related work in the office of Yancheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and her talent has been fully developed, and many articles on the hospital's public account are written by her.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

After being seconded to the Yancheng District Development and Reform Commission, she felt pressured by the unfamiliar working environment and huge work pressure. At the same time, the conflicts within the family also made her feel anxious and helpless. At a time when she was desperately eager to rely on, the young post-90s Director Song came into her life.

Follow-up: Director Song was exposed for 2 months and still held his original position, and the heroine was resigned miserably

When civil servants and cadres arouse heated discussions and negative reports in public opinion for various reasons, the relevant departments usually respond quickly, issue circulars, and conduct further investigation and verification of the incident. This practice reflects the importance that government departments attach to public concern, as well as the regulation and restraint of public officials' behavior.

However, this time Director Song is an exception, on April 26, the local Commission for Discipline Inspection only made a simple "has paid attention to this matter", and no notice was issued after that, and the whole network searched for Director Song's information, and on the official website of the Yancheng Government and the Yancheng Development and Reform Commission, Director Song's name is still listed.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

Not only that, but the encyclopedia information has been updated recently, and the latest information shows that he is still in his original position, and the derailment incident has not had any impact on him.

It's really not ordinary.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

And the cheating heroine Han is miserable.

On April 23, the day before the incident of "Director Song cheating on a married female subordinate" became the focus of public attention, it was found that the signature at the end of the official account of the unit where the heroine Han worked was still Han (editor). This shows that Han is engaged in editorial work in the office of Yancheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and after being seconded to the National Development and Reform Commission, she has been transferred back to her original unit, Yancheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, because the incident has not been widely disseminated and fermented on the Internet.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

But since April 24, in all the relevant articles of Yancheng Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, the name of the heroine Han has not appeared, and the information shows.

In the recent personnel recruitment released by Yancheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Han's previous position is recruiting, and it is interesting that the requirements of "good conduct and good professional ethics" are clearly listed in the recruitment conditions, which shows the great impact on the unit.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

According to the insider's revelations, the relationship between the heroine and her husband and her father-in-law is not harmonious. The heroine's husband seems to have domestic violence and often speaks ill of her, and her father-in-law frequently intervenes in the internal affairs of his son's family, resulting in an unhappy family life. These revelations are consistent with the content of the guarantee letter written by the heroine.

In the letter of guarantee, the heroine mentioned that her emotions could not be resolved due to family trivialities, and she lived in the home of her local in-laws as a foreigner (Tongliao, Inner Mongolia), and her in-laws were very strong, and her family life seemed quite depressing. Causes her to seek emotional solace during her secondment, which eventually leads to infidelity.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

The marital status of the heroine Han is also a matter of great concern, and many people are leaving private messages asking how it is.

When the heroine Han's father-in-law broke the news on the Internet, it was mentioned that "Song, a cadre born in the 90s, facilitated their divorce during my daughter-in-law's work at the National Development and Reform Commission", showing that they had divorced.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

But according to the latest insider's news, the two divorced at that time, but the divorce angered the heroine's father-in-law, so he angrily reported and exposed. And now their latest status is a state of separation, and now it is the heroine Han who does not agree to the divorce, but it is difficult for her husband to accept it psychologically, and there is no too certain information about the work status at present.

The post-90s director cheated on his wife: He is still on the job for 2 months after being exposed, and it is really not simple! The woman was dismissed miserably

The most powerful is Director Song, who is unscathed; It's just that the price of a cheating woman is a bit big, the job that she worked so hard to make up is gone, the family is gone, and there is nowhere to live for the rest of her life.

And the biggest influence is that the heroine Han's child who was born not long ago grew up in an environment without maternal love.

What do you think about this matter, please comment!