
Zhang Ziyu 34+16+5! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team will compete for the championship tomorrow night at 6 o'clock - revenge on Australia!

author:Ball Emperor Sports

On June 29, local time, the high-profile U18 women's basketball Asian Cup semifinals were launched, and the young women's basketball players from the mainland defeated the strong South Korean team with a significant advantage of 79-61. After a fierce battle, they successfully advanced to the final and will face Australia for the title. In this game, in the mainland team, there is a 17-year-old player who has an eye-catching performance, she is Zhang Ziyu, who is 2.23 meters tall.

Zhang Ziyu 34+16+5! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team will compete for the championship tomorrow night at 6 o'clock - revenge on Australia!

The picture comes from the Internet

In the semifinals, Zhang Ziyu played 21 and a half minutes, made 25 shots, hit 17 balls, and contributed 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists to the mainland women's basketball team. In particular, she grabbed nine rebounds on the offensive end and set the stage for the team's victory. It was the outstanding performance of this young player that helped the mainland women's basketball team successfully defeat South Korea and advance to the finals.

Zhang Ziyu 34+16+5! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team will compete for the championship tomorrow night at 6 o'clock - revenge on Australia!

The picture comes from the Internet

The Chinese women's basketball team's opponent in the final is Australia, which is the defending champion of the tournament. Looking back at the final of 2022, when the Australian team defeated the Chinese team with a score of 81-55 and lifted the championship trophy. In this encounter, the Chinese U18 women's basketball team undoubtedly has the determination of revenge and vows to regain the lost honor.

Zhang Ziyu 34+16+5! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team will compete for the championship tomorrow night at 6 o'clock - revenge on Australia!

The picture comes from the Internet

The U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup championship battle is of great significance to the Chinese women's basketball team. This is not only an honor competition after 6 years, but also an experience for the young players. In the face of the strong Australian team, the mainland women's basketball players showed a tenacious and hard-working spirit, and they used their sweat and hard work to interpret their love for basketball and their desire to win.

Zhang Ziyu 34+16+5! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team will compete for the championship tomorrow night at 6 o'clock - revenge on Australia!

The picture comes from the Internet

The finals will start on time at 18 o'clock Beijing time tomorrow, and we look forward to the Chinese U18 women's basketball team achieving new results in the game and adding new honors to the mainland basketball career. Let's cheer for them together and look forward to witnessing the glorious moment of the Chinese women's basketball team on the stage of victory!

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