
U18 Asian Cup: Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, Zhang Ziyu 34+16, advanced to the final against Australia

author:Ball Emperor Sports

On June 29, Beijing time, the semifinals of the 2024 FIBAU18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup were in full swing, and the Chinese U18 women's basketball team ushered in the challenge of a strong opponent, the South Korean team. In a fierce game, the Chinese team successfully defeated the South Korean team 79-61 with Zhang Ziyu's excellent performance, winning four consecutive victories, and also paving the way for themselves to advance to the finals.

U18 Asian Cup: Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, Zhang Ziyu 34+16, advanced to the final against Australia

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At the beginning of the game, Zhang Ziyu showed strong inside dominance, scoring 6 points in a row to help the Chinese team get off to a good start. However, the South Koreans were not to be outdone, hitting two consecutive three-pointers from the outside to tie the score. At this critical moment, Wang Jiaxin stepped forward, felt hot outside the three-point line, and a precise shot once again opened the score. Xu Fengwei's quick layup gave the Chinese team a 5-point advantage.

U18 Asian Cup: Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, Zhang Ziyu 34+16, advanced to the final against Australia

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The South Korean team then launched a counterattack, blossoming inside and out, narrowing the difference. However, Zhang Ziyu and Xu Peilin's successive inside scores once again expanded the difference to 8 points. The South Korean team still did not give up, they hit another three-pointer from the outside, and Xu Peilin responded with a 2+1. The South Korean team chased 5 points in a row, and the suspense was reborn. Chen Jing hit both free throws at the critical moment to stabilize the situation. At the end of the first quarter, the Chinese team led the South Korean team 24-21.

U18 Asian Cup: Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, Zhang Ziyu 34+16, advanced to the final against Australia

In the second quarter of the game, the Chinese team continued to show strong competitive strength. Xu Peilin performed well on the court, making consecutive opponent fouls and hitting all four free throws, earning the team valuable points. Immediately afterwards, Zhang Ziyu played a decisive role on the inside, sending the ball into the basket again and again to further extend the team's lead.

U18 Asian Cup: Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, Zhang Ziyu 34+16, advanced to the final against Australia

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In the face of the fierce attack of the Chinese team, the South Korean team was not to be outdone. Zheng Xuan found a good opportunity on the outside and hit a three-pointer to force the Chinese team to call a timeout. However, after the pause, the Chinese team once again took advantage of Zhang Ziyu's advantage on the inside line, hit four goals in a row, and one person scored 8 points in a row, stopping the South Korean team in an instant. During this period, Zheng Xinru also showed excellent shooting skills on the outside, hitting three-pointers, further consolidating the team's leading position.

U18 Asian Cup: Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, Zhang Ziyu 34+16, advanced to the final against Australia

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South Korea made a series of offensive errors in the following games and fell into a scoring drought. At this time, Chen Jing stepped forward and made a layup, coupled with Zhang Ziyu's stable play on the inside, the Chinese team crushed the South Korean team with a huge advantage of 21-3 in this quarter. At the end of the first half, the Chinese team led the South Korean team 45-24 and achieved a significant advantage.

U18 Asian Cup: Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, Zhang Ziyu 34+16, advanced to the final against Australia

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After the break, the game resumed, and the mainland's Zhang Ziyu showed strong individual ability on the inside, not only shooting and scoring himself, but also being able to make up for the rebound, showing excellent physical fitness and keen offensive awareness. Subsequently, Pei Xiaorun made a decisive shot outside the three-point line to narrow the difference. Chen Jing was stable at the free throw line, hitting both free throws. After Zhang Ziyu appeared again, he continued his previous good form, scored another 4 points, and then went to rest.

U18 Asian Cup: Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, Zhang Ziyu 34+16, advanced to the final against Australia

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During this period, Zhang Ziyue's layup gave China a 28-point lead. However, during the rest of the game, the South Korean team seized the opportunity to play a wave of 6-2 offensive to narrow the difference. Wang Jiayi of the mainland was still able to hit a layup and stabilize the situation when facing difficulties. The South Korean team then chased the score again, and Son Kaiwen stepped up at this time, and got two free throws by making a foul, both of which were hit. In this way, the Chinese team won by 5 points in the score of 16-11 in this quarter, and at the end of the third quarter, the Chinese team had a 61-35 lead over the South Korean team.

U18 Asian Cup: Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, Zhang Ziyu 34+16, advanced to the final against Australia

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In the first three quarters of the game, Zhang Ziyu played 18 minutes and hit 15 of 23 shots, contributing 30 points, 16 rebounds, 3 assists and 1 steal. His outstanding performance was undoubtedly the key factor for the Chinese team to take a big lead in the first three quarters. As the game progressed, Zhang Ziyu's condition was getting better and better, which also made people look forward to his performance in the subsequent games.

U18 Asian Cup: Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, Zhang Ziyu 34+16, advanced to the final against Australia

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The Chinese team entered the fourth quarter with a 26-point lead with an excellent performance. At the beginning of the final quarter, the South Korean team showed tenacious fighting spirit, and a wave of 7-0 offensive narrowed the gap to 19 points. However, the Chinese team was not disrupted by the counterattack of the South Korean team, but scored four points in a row to re-stabilize the situation.

South Korea then went after another 4-pointer, at which point China's Zhang Ziyu stepped up to score 4 points inside and drew a foul on an offense to get a free throw. However, Jang Ziyu's free throw was missed, and the South Korean team took the opportunity to chase another 2 points, and the score came to 19 points. Subsequently, Zhang Ziyu had to rest because of excessive physical exertion.

U18 Asian Cup: Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, Zhang Ziyu 34+16, advanced to the final against Australia

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After Zhang Ziyu got off the court, Li Yuwei took over the offensive banner and hit the shot, and the South Korean team chased 2 points next. At this time, Zhang Yifan stepped forward and hit both free throws, and the Chinese team continued to control the situation of the game in an orderly manner.

As the game progressed, although the South Korean team tried their best, they still could not stop the Chinese team's progress. In the end, the Chinese women's basketball team easily defeated South Korea 79-61 and advanced to the finals. The Chinese women's basketball team will face Australia in the final to compete for the championship honor, and the game will be played tomorrow night Beijing time.

U18 Asian Cup: Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, Zhang Ziyu 34+16, advanced to the final against Australia

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Statistics show that the Chinese team performed well in this game, especially Zhang Ziyu's performance was eye-catching. She played just 21 minutes and 35 seconds on the court, hitting 17 of 25 shots and contributing an astonishing 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists. In addition, Xu Peilin also contributed 12 points and 11 rebounds, and Chen Jing scored 8 points.

U18 Asian Cup: Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, Zhang Ziyu 34+16, advanced to the final against Australia

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In this semi-final, Zhang Ziyu once again became the focus of attention. She performed bravely in the group stage, scoring 19 points, 7 rebounds and 3 blocks on 9-of-9 in G1 games, 36 points, 13 rebounds and 4 blocks on 16-of-20 in G2 games, and 44 points, 14 rebounds and 5 assists on 20-of-22 in G3 games. Now in the semi-finals, Zhang Ziyu continued her brave performance, she contributed at least 30+10 data in 3 consecutive games, and led the Chinese team to defeat the South Korean team to advance to the finals.

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