
Undergraduate is just the bottom? Regarding the truth about academic qualifications, how much do people who firmly believe that academic qualifications are not important?

author:Meditation on the Tao

Author's first | Meditation on the Tao

Undergraduate is just the bottom? Regarding the truth about academic qualifications, how much do people who firmly believe that academic qualifications are not important?

The college entrance examination has ended, and various localities have entered the link of filling in volunteers.

Unlike previous years, the number of people taking the college entrance examination this year is 510,000 more than last year, that is, on this single-plank bridge, more and more people are competing for these places.

In fact, many candidates have already evaluated their scores before the exam, and I believe that the real scores are not much worse, and the problems to be considered now are nothing more than professional and school matters.

In any case, the college entrance examination is only one way to success, but it is by no means the only way, and the discussion about academic qualifications is now in full swing.

First, do academic qualifications really matter?

The most popular sentence now is: throw a brick at random, and all the undergraduates are hit. This may sound like an exaggeration, but it's not unreasonable.

Undergraduate is just the bottom? Regarding the truth about academic qualifications, how much do people who firmly believe that academic qualifications are not important?

A simple sentence does not mean that the importance of academic qualifications is not important, in the comment area of different educational incomes, everyone discussed very fiercely, some people say that the income of graduate students is not as good as undergraduates, and some people say that after entering the company, they found that the leader is not as good as their own classmates.

I believe that there must be such a situation, and many people have come to a conclusion that the amount of money earned has nothing to do with the level of education, and examples are also cited.

For example, those Internet celebrities on video platforms have low educational qualifications, but their income has reached tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions, and there are some celebrities whose educational qualifications are not high, but their income is very considerable.

But let's turn our heads and look at the children of those Internet celebrities and celebrities, which ones are not transferred to various famous schools, and which ones are not accompanied by multiple tutors?

Undergraduate is just the bottom? Regarding the truth about academic qualifications, how much do people who firmly believe that academic qualifications are not important?

Therefore, whether academic qualifications are important or not, the answer is only two words: important.

Second, where is the gap between different educational qualifications?

As mentioned in a previous article, there was an experiment in a middle school where hundreds of students were ready to start on the same running line in the playground.

I thought this was an ordinary competition, but I didn't expect the teacher to ask five questions:

1. If your parents have a college education or above, take ten steps forward.

2. If your parents have asked you for a one-on-one tutor, take ten steps forward.

3. If your parents have made you continue to learn a specialty other than schoolwork, and you have maintained a certain level, please take ten steps forward.

4. If you have had an experience abroad during your trip from childhood to adulthood, take ten steps forward.

5. If your parents have promised to send you to study abroad in the future, take ten steps forward.

After asking five questions, there were less than ten students who stayed where they were, and when the students at the front looked back, they found that they had surpassed the other students by dozens of steps.

Undergraduate is just the bottom? Regarding the truth about academic qualifications, how much do people who firmly believe that academic qualifications are not important?

With such a gap, they must be more labor-saving when they run to the end, and seeing this, the gap between different academic qualifications is needless to say.

Some people say that the college entrance examination is the best way to cross classes, but what we have to know is that the college entrance examination does not allow us to cross classes, if the college entrance examination can cross classes once, then there are tens of thousands of people with more than 600 points every year, can these people cross classes?

Undergraduate is just the bottom? Regarding the truth about academic qualifications, how much do people who firmly believe that academic qualifications are not important?

Moreover, crossing classes is not an overnight thing, let alone a generational thing, your academic qualifications can make your children at the starting line easier, so that your children will take fewer detours when crossing classes.

The above is the impact on the next generation, and the impact of different academic qualifications on me is also different, and the teaching methods of ordinary school teachers and 985 school teachers may be different.

It may take 40 minutes for a teacher in an ordinary school to talk about a knowledge point, while a teacher in a 985 college may only need 10 minutes to talk about a knowledge point, and it may even teach you a different shortcut.

The knowledge and experience of teachers in different schools are also different, and the gap formed during the four years of college can be imagined.

Third, even if you have a low academic background, don't feel inferior, experience is more important

In today's society, there are two kinds of people who are discriminated against, one is the poor and the other is the low-educated.

But we must know that academic qualifications do not represent ability, let alone a person's morality, such as the previous Sun Thallium incident, this is Peking University, and Fudan Eighteen Donkeys.

Undergraduate is just the bottom? Regarding the truth about academic qualifications, how much do people who firmly believe that academic qualifications are not important?

They are all graduates of top universities in China, but what they do is despised by the general public and discredits their schools.

As an ordinary person, it is easy to feel inferior because of academic qualifications, either because the school you attended before was not very good, or because you studied undergraduate.

At some point, you can even say out loud "My family is poor", but you never dare to say out loud "I have a low education", because one of the criteria for measuring whether you have education or not is your academic qualifications.

Undergraduate is just the bottom? Regarding the truth about academic qualifications, how much do people who firmly believe that academic qualifications are not important?

A good academic qualification can prove that you have worked hard, which cannot deceive people, which is why some people will feel inferior when it comes to academic qualifications.

In the same way, if you are willing to make time to read more books and increase your experience, even if you are not highly educated, your conversation can also make up for the lack of academic qualifications when chatting with other people.

Therefore, academic qualifications can only represent your past, not your future, and how to develop in the future is still in your own hands.

Whether you can choose to get by, or enrich yourself, you can choose.

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