
To prove that time does not exist, scientists let a woman live in a cave for 130 days, and the result?

author:Xiao Jia said popular science


"You little cuties, you've been living in this cave for 130 days, I don't know what time of the week it is, and there's no sunlight, can you tell if it's day or night?"

Stephanie asked her teammates about the fact that they had been living in a cave made by American scientists to prove that time did not exist for 130 days, but three months after being locked up in the cave, they were completely confused.

Why did scientists Freeman Dyleman and Albert McShane do this, but what kind of reaction does Stephanie have after living in a cave for 130 days?

To prove that time does not exist, scientists let a woman live in a cave for 130 days, and the result?

Time exists or does not exist.

Although we deal with her every day, the existence of time is still a controversial topic, and everyone has different opinions on whether time exists.

From Newton's absolute time and relative time to Einstein's theory of relativity, time is relatively natural, but these theories still have not yet reached a final conclusion.

To prove that time does not exist, scientists let a woman live in a cave for 130 days, and the result?

The concept of time has always been a concept formulated by human beings in order to facilitate their own lives, it does not travel through the universe at all, it is just an abstract concept born in human society, and for a long time people have a very low degree of understanding of time, and only calculate time through the alternation of day and night.

With the progress and development of society, people's understanding of time has gradually deepened, and people finally realized an almost incredible truth, that is, the concept of time will vary according to the reference system in which they are located.

To prove that time does not exist, scientists let a woman live in a cave for 130 days, and the result?

After all, the society in which humans and humans live is spent on the earth, but the universe is a very large place, and the frame of reference of human beings is too small, and the relationship between human society and the universe is like that between ants and elephants.

It was through this idea that Einstein gradually realized that the concept of time does not exist absolutely, and that time is relative to a frame of reference, which may be different concrete beings such as the earth, spaceships, photons, etc., all of which have their own frame of reference.

To prove that time does not exist, scientists let a woman live in a cave for 130 days, and the result?

This frame of reference determines the existence of time, but fortunately, our human society only lives on the earth, so our unified concept of time is formulated according to the frame of reference of the earth.

The time we are talking about here is only a kind of time relative to the reference frame of the earth, and there is nothing wrong with time in the reference frame of the earth, but there may be problems with time in other frames of reference.

To prove that time does not exist, scientists let a woman live in a cave for 130 days, and the result?

The experiment begins.

Therefore, if scientists want to prove the existence of time, if they want to discuss it from the dimension of the universe, it is very irrational, because we can't run to the frame of reference of the universe anyway.

However, if we discuss it from the dimension of the universe, time exists in the universe, but time does not exist in the frame of reference of the earth, where our human society lives.

To prove that time does not exist, scientists let a woman live in a cave for 130 days, and the result?

So scientists, in order to discuss this problem, they needed a frame of reference that did not have the concept of time on Earth, and that frame of reference could lead people to experiments, and finally they decided to take humans into the deepest, deepest place on Earth: the cave.

Since there is no sunlight in the depths of the cave, there will be no alternation of day and night, and if the cave is isolated and there is no sound going in, then living in the cave means that there is no reference system of time, so people do not know how much time they live in the cave, and they will not feel the existence of time.

So they started doing it according to this idea, and 100 years later, when the research finally started, two scientists from the United States, they built a cave underground, and then they brought six volunteers, five men and one woman, and they took six volunteers to live in the cave.

After the scientists closed the door of the cave, they set up a waterproof tent on the ground, completely isolated the six volunteers from the outside world, and they will live in the cave for 130 days, so the scientists recruited the best women of the tribe, because women are hungry and have a lighter body structure, and do not consume as much energy as men, so the scientists gave the task to the women.

To prove that time does not exist, scientists let a woman live in a cave for 130 days, and the result?

The woman, Stephanie, lived in the cave and was fine at first, as she had a biological clock and could sense day and night, but it didn't take long for her to feel the confusion of time in the cave.

Three days later, she felt that two weeks had passed since the experiment, and the more time went on, the more uncertain she became, until finally, she had no idea how long she had been in the cave, and she began to hallucinate.

She felt that she was falling into darkness, but there were countless flashes of light around her, as if she was in a "river of time", and finally woke up, it turned out that there was a problem with her biological clock when she was rubbing and bathing, and she couldn't grasp the time to cause such an illusion.

Later, her teammates also had such hallucinations, but this hallucination was at most a level of play, but Stephanie was different, she was playing intense sports every day, she played basketball every day, and she also played table tennis, and there were less than 10 laps, so she was very tired every day, but this alone could not offset her physical exertion, and she was still sleepy all day long.

To prove that time does not exist, scientists let a woman live in a cave for 130 days, and the result?

End of the cave.

So Stephanie didn't hesitate to eat more every day, but she still got hungry quickly after eating every night, so she gained a full circle of weight until the end of the cave, and her psychology changed a lot in addition to getting bigger.

She didn't know that she had rested for 130 days at the end of the cave, and she thought she had been living in the cave for half a year, so her biological clock was so disturbed that she had such a delusion.

Another big problem is that Stephanie lives in the cave day and night, she sleeps during the day and activities at night, so she never gets a good night's sleep, and finally after the cave is over, she needs to take sleeping pills to fall asleep.

Therefore, we must also develop a good daily routine, we must not be night owls, and we must develop a good habit of going to bed early and getting up early, so that we can not only develop a good biological clock, but also make a good start to our future life.

Through this experiment, scientists have come to the conclusion that time is also a rule set for the operation of the world, there is no right or wrong for us humans, but not for nature, she is a cold combination, she chooses not to be emotional, she can't communicate emotionally, but she has her rules.


Therefore, we human beings are very lucky to be able to live in nature and live smoothly, sometimes it is like time, it does not exist, but we have to work hard for our lives and add color and brilliance to our lives.

Time will also appear more beautiful in the passing, we must learn to cherish time, otherwise we will miss more beauty!

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