
Huang Zitao personally revealed: Without Lu Han, Xu Yiyang would not be able to become an artist at all?

author:Xingwen wants to say


Huang Zitao's words of gratitude: Without Lu Han, there would be no Xu Yiyang

In the program "Come With Me", Jiang Chao asked Xu Yiyang who he liked most in EXO before. Huang Zitao immediately replied, saying that Xu Yiyang's favorite is Lu Han, and he is especially grateful to Lu Han.

Huang Zitao personally revealed: Without Lu Han, Xu Yiyang would not be able to become an artist at all?

He said: "Without Brother Lu, Yiyang can't be an artist, can't go to SM, and can't come back to me." Hearing this, Xu Yiyang also agreed. She recalled the time after she was selected into SM as a trainee, and said that only Huang Zitao had not returned to China at that time.

Huang Zitao personally revealed: Without Lu Han, Xu Yiyang would not be able to become an artist at all?

Although she greeted him in Korean at that time, Huang Zitao did not respond. This past not only evokes their memories, but also gives the audience a new understanding of their relationship.

Huang Zitao personally revealed: Without Lu Han, Xu Yiyang would not be able to become an artist at all?

Xu Yiyang's idol road: from SM to Huang Zitao

Before Xu Yiyang entered the entertainment industry, his favorite idol was Lu Han in EXO. Because of her love for Luhan, she inspired her dream of becoming an artist. Later, she was successfully selected by SM Company and became a trainee.

Huang Zitao personally revealed: Without Lu Han, Xu Yiyang would not be able to become an artist at all?

During her time at SM, she worked hard to learn to sing and dance, and despite the hard training, she never gave up on her dream. Xu Yiyang said that that time taught her a lot and made her stronger. She never regretted her choice because it was a valuable experience.

Huang Zitao personally revealed: Without Lu Han, Xu Yiyang would not be able to become an artist at all?

Huang Zitao is Xu Yiyang's Bole. After she returned to China, Huang Zitao saw her potential and decided to sign her. Xu Yiyang is full of gratitude to Huang Zitao, and she said that without Huang Zitao's support, it may be difficult for her to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry.

Huang Zitao personally revealed: Without Lu Han, Xu Yiyang would not be able to become an artist at all?

Huang Zitao said that after Xu Yiyang came back from SM, she showed very hard work, which made him see her potential. He believes that the most important thing for an artist is to have dreams and the spirit of hard work, and Xu Yiyang has these qualities.

Huang Zitao personally revealed: Without Lu Han, Xu Yiyang would not be able to become an artist at all?

Huang Zitao's fans: support and skepticism coexist

For Huang Zitao's words, netizens reacted very enthusiastically. Some netizens questioned whether Xu Yiyang's success depended on Lu Han or Huang Zitao's fans. Some people believe that Xu Yiyang was able to debut because of the support of Huang Zitao and the help of his fans.

Huang Zitao personally revealed: Without Lu Han, Xu Yiyang would not be able to become an artist at all?

During the competition, Huang Zitao once called on his fans to vote for Xu Yiyang and said: "Please support my sister!" This sentence made many fans call Xu Yiyang willingly.

Huang Zitao personally revealed: Without Lu Han, Xu Yiyang would not be able to become an artist at all?

But some netizens believe that Huang Zitao is a PUA fan. They feel that on the one hand, Huang Zitao asked fans to support Xu Yiyang, and on the other hand, he emphasized on various occasions that Xu Yiyang's success was because of Lu Han.

Huang Zitao personally revealed: Without Lu Han, Xu Yiyang would not be able to become an artist at all?

This attitude has left some fans unhappy, who believe that Huang Zitao is using their support to build his own career. A netizen commented: "He is really standing up, idols are not idols, actors are not actors, he wants to play a play, and he also wants to brainwash fans to support falling in love." ”

Huang Zitao personally revealed: Without Lu Han, Xu Yiyang would not be able to become an artist at all?

Idol's view of love: Huang Zitao and Lu Han's different attitudes

Regarding the issue of idol love, Huang Zitao and Lu Han also have different attitudes. Some netizens believe that Huang Zitao and Lu Han should not be in a relationship because they are public figures and should remain single.

Huang Zitao personally revealed: Without Lu Han, Xu Yiyang would not be able to become an artist at all?

But some netizens have different opinions. They believe that idols are also ordinary people and have the right to pursue their own happiness. Huang Zitao's kindness to his girlfriend also made many netizens feel that he is a role model worth learning.

Huang Zitao personally revealed: Without Lu Han, Xu Yiyang would not be able to become an artist at all?

The double-edged sword of the fan economy: support and pressure

The fan economy occupies an important position in today's entertainment industry. The success of Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang is largely inseparable from the support of fans. Fans not only give them spiritual encouragement, but also contribute a lot to their career development in practical actions.

Huang Zitao personally revealed: Without Lu Han, Xu Yiyang would not be able to become an artist at all?

However, the fan economy is also a double-edged sword. The support of fans is important, but their expectations and requirements will also put a lot of pressure on idols. Huang Zitao often needs to spend a lot of time and energy to explain and clarify when facing the doubts of fans. For Xu Yiyang, she also needs to keep working hard to live up to the expectations of her fans.

Huang Zitao personally revealed: Without Lu Han, Xu Yiyang would not be able to become an artist at all?

Conclusion: The different choices of Huang Zitao and Lu Han


Huang Zitao and Lu Han both have their own achievements and influence in the entertainment industry. They chose a different approach when it came to facing fans and the public. Huang Zitao pays more attention to interaction and communication with fans, while Lu Han prefers to keep a low profile and mystery.

Huang Zitao personally revealed: Without Lu Han, Xu Yiyang would not be able to become an artist at all?

There are pros and cons to both options, but the end result is the pursuit of one's own happiness and career success. For Xu Yiyang, her success is inseparable not only from Huang Zitao's support, but also from her own efforts and persistence. In this process, the support of fans is an important motivation for her to move forward.

Huang Zitao personally revealed: Without Lu Han, Xu Yiyang would not be able to become an artist at all?

I hope that Huang Zitao and Lu Han can find their own balance in the coming days and continue to bring more surprises and touches to fans. For fans, their support and expectations are also the best reward for idols. I hope they can understand and tolerate the choices of idols, and grow and progress with them.

Huang Zitao personally revealed: Without Lu Han, Xu Yiyang would not be able to become an artist at all?

What do netizens think of Huang Zitao and Lu Han's different choices? Do you think idols should be allowed to fall in love? Or do you think the impact of the fan economy on idols is good or bad? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.

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