
Queen Na Ying responded to the seventh place in "Singer" with tears, this time, she pointed the finger at the audience!

author:Old Mo

Na Ying cried again!

The last time I cried was the fifth, and at that time, the director of the film played a video of her singing out of tune!

Queen Na Ying responded to the seventh place in "Singer" with tears, this time, she pointed the finger at the audience!

Live singing is out of tune, if it happens to other singers, maybe the other party won't feel anything, but Na Ying is different, she is a recognized diva in the Chinese music industry, the ceiling in the singer, she should be flawless on stage!

Na Ying cried this time because she felt the pressure of "being eliminated", and the seventh place was her worst result since the competition! If the topic of "Queen Na Ying was eliminated from the singing competition" appears, the heat will definitely be purple!

Queen Na Ying responded to the seventh place in "Singer" with tears, this time, she pointed the finger at the audience!

At the beginning of the eighth issue of "Singer 2024", the director interviewed Na Ying! Before the interview, Na Ying's assistant instructed to "be gentle", which means "don't rub salt on that sister's wound"!

Then Na Ying talked about the seventh place in the game, she said that this ranking exceeded her expectations, obviously more and more relaxed, the state is getting better and better, how can the ranking get worse and worse?

Queen Na Ying responded to the seventh place in "Singer" with tears, this time, she pointed the finger at the audience!

Facing the camera, Na Ying said: Am I not able to sing? I don't know, what do you think everyone likes? Or are you asking too much of me?

From these three questions, it can be seen that Na Ying has fallen into self-doubt, she doesn't know what the audience wants, and she doesn't know if her current singing style is out of step with the times!

Attentive netizens noticed: After saying "It's too demanding of me", Na Ying cried, the last time it was tears that had to roll in her eyes, but this time it flowed out directly!

Queen Na Ying responded to the seventh place in "Singer" with tears, this time, she pointed the finger at the audience!
Queen Na Ying responded to the seventh place in "Singer" with tears, this time, she pointed the finger at the audience!

Obviously, at that moment, Na Ying was extremely aggrieved, thinking that the reason why she got such a poor result was because she was targeted by the audience!

The question is, is the audience of "Singer 2024" really aimed at Na Ying? Did you deliberately not choose her?

All of this has to start with Na Ying's coffee position and performance!

Queen Na Ying responded to the seventh place in "Singer" with tears, this time, she pointed the finger at the audience!

In terms of coffee position, Na Ying is the biggest name in this season's "Singer", and the word "diva" is by no means in vain!

As the saying goes, "if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight", since Na Ying is the ceiling of the Chinese music scene, naturally, the outside world's expectations for her are higher than those of other contestants!

In addition, the first issue of the program group played the slogan "Fifty-year-old lady guards the country", which invisibly pushed Na Ying to the position of "goalkeeper", she must win, she must win the first!

With this premise, when Na Ying was beaten by Chantimo and Fan Xia, the audience's expectations for her turned into disgust, Na Ying could have won the fourth and fifth, but it turned out to be seventh!

Queen Na Ying responded to the seventh place in "Singer" with tears, this time, she pointed the finger at the audience!

In terms of performance, in the past seven games, Na Ying has not met the standard!

The first three issues can be described as a disaster, the fourth, fifth and sixth issues are slightly better, but there are still flaws, and the seventh issue is Na Ying's best state, but the way she sings and the songs she chooses have long been abandoned by this era!

Queen Na Ying responded to the seventh place in "Singer" with tears, this time, she pointed the finger at the audience!

The music variety is improving, the audience's aesthetics are improving, "Singer", as the ceiling of the mainland music comprehensive, has always put "singing skills" in the first place, which is not good news for Na Ying, who chooses to lie in the comfort zone!

Singing competition, the first song selection, singing traditional love songs, and without any singing skills, Na Ying is obviously not the type that the audience likes!

Queen Na Ying responded to the seventh place in "Singer" with tears, this time, she pointed the finger at the audience!

Therefore, the audience of "Singer" did not target Na Ying, but she did not make adjustments herself, just like Sun Nan, who participated in five episodes of the show, the results were very bright at the beginning, and she won the first place in two consecutive games, but because the style is too fixed, it is now also going downhill!

Therefore, Na Ying's confidence is not destroyed by the audience, as a veteran, she has to think of a way, complaining about the sky and people can't get out of the predicament!

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