
When your period is about to "leave", your body will give you 5 signals to help you get through menopause

author:Dr. Zhang Yu, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner

Ms. Li is a 45-year-old business executive with a busy schedule and a fast-paced life.

However, in recent months, she has begun to notice some changes in her body.

As her attending doctor, I noticed during a routine check-up that her menstrual cycle had become irregular, accompanied by some other symptoms.

These signs indicate that she is gradually entering menopause.

When your period is about to "leave", your body will give you 5 signals to help you get through menopause

It marks the end of the reproductive period and is accompanied by a series of physical and psychological changes.

This article will take Ms. Li's case as an example to introduce the five signals that the body will give when menstruation is about to "leave" to help women go through menopause smoothly.

1. Changes in the menstrual cycle

The first thing Ms. Lee noticed was that her menstrual cycle had become irregular.

She used to have her periods very punctually, once every 28 days.

This change in the menstrual cycle is one of the most common signs of entering menopause.

Due to the gradual decline of ovarian function, estrogen levels fluctuate, resulting in irregular menstruation.

This change can last for months or even years, until complete menopause.

When your period is about to "leave", your body will give you 5 signals to help you get through menopause

Women are advised to seek medical attention in a timely manner to rule out other underlying health problems when this happens.

2. Hot flashes and night sweats

Ms. Li also experienced frequent hot flashes and night sweats.

She described feeling sudden hot surges for no apparent reason, especially at night, and often being awakened by night sweats.

This phenomenon makes it difficult for her to sleep at night and tired during the day.

Hot flashes and night sweats are one of the common symptoms of menopause, and about 75% of women experience this condition during menopause.

It is caused by a dysregulation of thermoregulation caused by a decrease in estrogen levels, which affects the parts of the brain that control body temperature.

When your period is about to "leave", your body will give you 5 signals to help you get through menopause

These symptoms can be alleviated by making lifestyle modifications, such as penetrating airtight clothing, keeping the room cool, and eating a light diet.

If necessary, hormone replacement therapy under the guidance of a doctor may be considered.

3. Mood swings and irritability

After entering menopause, Ms. Li found that she became emotionally unstable, easily irritable and anxious.

This mood swing is mainly caused by changes in hormone levels in the body.

Estrogen has a protective effect on the brain when its levels drop;

Neurotransmitters in the brain, such as serotonin and dopamine, can be affected, which can lead to mood swings.

When your period is about to "leave", your body will give you 5 signals to help you get through menopause

It is advisable for women to communicate more with family and friends during this time, seek psychological support, and adopt appropriate exercise and relaxation techniques;

Such as yoga and meditation to relieve emotional stress.

4. Sleep problems

Ms. Li's sleep quality was also affected.

In addition to frequent awakenings caused by night sweats, she also found herself having trouble falling asleep, sleeping lightly, and waking up early.

These sleep problems made her feel extremely tired during the day, affecting her work and life.

Sleep problems are one of the common problems in menopausal women.

The decline in estrogen and progesterone affects the sleep cycle and sleep quality.

To improve sleep, women are advised to practice good sleep habits;

When your period is about to "leave", your body will give you 5 signals to help you get through menopause

For example, maintain a regular sleep schedule and avoid caffeine and alcohol before bedtime to create a quiet and comfortable sleeping environment.

If the problem is severe, you can consult your doctor, who may need to use sleep aids for a short period of time.

5. Decreased bone density and bone pain

Ms. Li also began to experience bone and joint pain, especially in her knees and lower back.

This made her worry about osteoporosis.

Upon examination, it was found that her bone density had indeed decreased, which was due to a decrease in estrogen levels.

Decreased bone density and bone pain are among the major health problems faced by postmenopausal women.

Estrogen has a protective effect on bones, and its decrease can lead to a decrease in bone density, increasing the risk of fractures.

When your period is about to "leave", your body will give you 5 signals to help you get through menopause

In addition, moderate weight-bearing exercises, such as walking and strength training, can help build bone strength.

Doctor's advice: how to get through menopause smoothly

Through Ms. Li's case, it can be seen that menopause is a challenging stage;

But with scientific management and proactive response, it can be smoothly passed.

Here are some tips to help women better cope with menopause:

1. Regular medical check-ups

Menopausal women should have regular physical examinations, especially gynecological examinations and bone density tests, to detect and respond to potential health problems in a timely manner.

2. Eat a healthy diet

When your period is about to "leave", your body will give you 5 signals to help you get through menopause

Such as dairy products, dark green vegetables, fruits, and nuts to help maintain bone health and overall health.

3. Exercise moderately

Not only does it help maintain weight, but it also strengthens bones and muscles, improves mood and sleep.

4. Psychological support

With psychological support and positive thinking, mood swings and stress can be alleviated.

When your period is about to "leave", your body will give you 5 signals to help you get through menopause

5. Medical treatment

However, it is necessary to pay attention to the side effects and risks of the drug and choose the treatment plan that is suitable for you.