
Diabetes mellitus with itchy skin, how does the treatment and care work?

author:Dr. Koppwang

Diabetic friends, have you ever had itchy skin? It's not just a skin problem, it can be a sign of diabetes complications. Today, we will talk about how to deal with itchy skin associated with diabetes and improve our quality of life again!

Diabetes mellitus with itchy skin, how does the treatment and care work?

【The Truth Behind the Symptoms】

First of all, we need to understand the cause of itchy skin in diabetic friends. High blood sugar can cause skin microcirculation to be impaired, causing itching due to insufficient nutrient supply to the skin. In addition, the skin barrier function of diabetic friends is impaired, which makes the skin more susceptible to external irritation and easy to cause itching.

【Treatment & Care Strategy】

1. Control blood sugar: The key to treating itchy skin is to control blood sugar. Only by controlling blood sugar within the ideal range can it be effective in relieving itchy skin. Friends, remember to monitor your blood sugar regularly and adjust your medication according to your doctor's advice to keep your blood sugar stable.

2. Skin Cleansing: Keeping your skin clean is an important step in relieving itchy skin. Use warm water to clean your skin every day, avoid alkaline soaps, and opt for gentle skincare products. After cleansing, apply moisturizer promptly to keep your skin moisturized.

Diabetes mellitus with itchy skin, how does the treatment and care work?

3. Professional care: For severe itchy skin, professional care can be sought. For example, methods such as herbal baths and phototherapy can help improve skin symptoms and relieve itching.

4. Dietary modification: Diet is also important for the treatment of itchy skin. Avoid spicy, greasy foods, eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, and keep your diet light. In addition, moderate supplementation of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, etc., can help improve skin symptoms.

5. Proper exercise: Proper exercise can improve the body's immunity and help control blood sugar. At the same time, exercise can also improve blood circulation to the skin and reduce itching.

Diabetes mellitus with itchy skin, how does the treatment and care work?


Diabetes with itchy skin is not invincible. Friends, as long as we actively treat and care scientifically, the itching will definitely be relieved. Let's work together to make life better! If in doubt, do not hesitate to consult a medical professional. I wish you all good health and a happy life! #头条创作挑战赛 ##妙笔生花创作挑战#

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