
U18 Chinese women's basketball team 79:61 South Korea entered the finals, but the performance was very poor, and it was difficult to win the championship

author:Carry the weight forward

U18 Asian Championships: The Chinese women's basketball team easily defeated South Korea and advanced to the final

When you watch a basketball game, you always want to see that kind of ups and downs, exciting scenes. However, in the semifinals of the U18 Asian Championships, the matchup between the Chinese women's basketball team and the South Korean women's basketball team was calm, and the Chinese women's basketball team easily won the game 79:61. However, although there is not much suspense in this game, it reveals a lot of questions worth thinking about.

U18 Chinese women's basketball team 79:61 South Korea entered the finals, but the performance was very poor, and it was difficult to win the championship

Zhang Ziyu: The team's Dinghai Shen Needle

Zhang Ziyu is undoubtedly the MVP of this game. She scored three goals in a row in the opening game, and scored 12 points on 6-of-7 shooting in the first quarter of the game, laying a lead for the Chinese women's basketball team. By the end of the half, Zhang Ziyu had scored 22 points, while the South Korean women's basketball team only scored 24 points at this time. Her performance can be described as "unstoppable".

However, when the game reached the fourth quarter, the Chinese women's basketball team once led by 26 points, and Zhang Ziyu wanted to rest and not play. The result? The Chinese women's basketball team was beaten 7:0 in one minute, and Zhang Ziyu had to re-enter the game. In the end, she shot 17-of-25 from the field and scored 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists, including 9 rebounds in the frontcourt, with a plus/minus of +28. This means that after Zhang Ziyu left the game, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to the opponent by 10 points.

U18 Chinese women's basketball team 79:61 South Korea entered the finals, but the performance was very poor, and it was difficult to win the championship

This can't help but make people think: After Zhang Ziyu went off the court, why did the Chinese women's basketball team perform so badly? I don't know who to pass the ball to, let alone what tactics to pass it to. Zhang Ziyu has become the team's anchor.

Technical basis: the gap is obvious

The Chinese women's basketball team exposed the problem of weak technical foundation in this game. In the whole game, the Chinese women's basketball team made 24 mistakes, including 5 times by Zhang Ziyue, 4 times by Zheng Xinru, and 4 times by Li Yuwei. Ball control, passing and receiving, driving layups, and making mistakes. It's hard to imagine that there are so many mistakes in such an important game.

U18 Chinese women's basketball team 79:61 South Korea entered the finals, but the performance was very poor, and it was difficult to win the championship

Compared with the South Korean women's basketball team, although they collapsed in the second quarter, only made one three-pointer in the whole quarter, and were beaten 21-3, they did a good job in pressing defense. The ratio of tackles between the two sides reached 3:15, which is enough to tell the story. The Chinese women's basketball team does have a lot of room for improvement in its ability to handle the ball.

Fighting enthusiasm: inferior to the opponent

Let's look at the enthusiasm of the fight. In the frontcourt, the Chinese women's basketball team and the South Korean women's basketball team actually have as many rebounds, both 18. You must know that Zhang Ziyu alone grabbed 9 frontcourt rebounds, and other players only grabbed 9 in total. In other words, except for Zhang Ziyu, the performance of other players in the scramble is obviously inferior to that of the opponent.

U18 Chinese women's basketball team 79:61 South Korea entered the finals, but the performance was very poor, and it was difficult to win the championship

In basketball, the battle for rebounds in the front court often determines the chances of secondary offense. The performance of the Chinese women's basketball team in this regard is on par with that of the opponent, which is obviously not enough. Especially when facing stronger opponents, the gap in this scramble can be infinitely magnified.

Future outlook: Improve the overall strength

Although the Chinese women's basketball team easily defeated the South Korean women's basketball team and successfully advanced to the finals, judging from the problems exposed in the game, the overall strength of the team does need to be further improved. Without Zhang Ziyu, the Chinese women's basketball team is definitely not the opponent of Australia, Japan, and South Korea, and even New Zealand and Chinese Taipei may not be able to play. The Chinese women's basketball team ranked sixth in the last U16 and lost to the New Zealand women's basketball team by 22 points, which is the best proof.

U18 Chinese women's basketball team 79:61 South Korea entered the finals, but the performance was very poor, and it was difficult to win the championship

The team needs to reduce its over-reliance on key players. Zhang Ziyu is certainly the mainstay of the team, but basketball is a team sport, and other players also need to step up when it matters most. The coaching staff needs to develop a more scientific rotation strategy to ensure that the team can remain competitive when Zhang Ziyu is off the bench.

Strengthen technical training and improve the basic skills of players. Ball control, passing and receiving, and breaking layups are all the foundations of basketball, but in this game, the Chinese women's basketball team made frequent mistakes in these aspects. Through targeted training, players need to make breakthroughs in these basic skills and reduce unnecessary mistakes.

U18 Chinese women's basketball team 79:61 South Korea entered the finals, but the performance was very poor, and it was difficult to win the championship

Improve the motivation to scramble, especially the competition for rebounds in the front court. On the basketball court, fighting for frontcourt rebounds is not only a competition of physical fitness, but also a manifestation of willpower. Every frontcourt rebound is an offensive opportunity, and the Chinese women's basketball team needs to work more hard in this area to not fall behind in the face of strong opponents.

Outlook for the Finals: Challenges and opportunities coexist

In tomorrow's finals, the Chinese women's basketball team will face Australia. This game is undoubtedly a huge test of the overall strength of the Chinese women's basketball team. The Australian women's basketball team narrowly defeated Japan 68-63 in the other semi-final, showing strong competitiveness and tenacious willpower.

U18 Chinese women's basketball team 79:61 South Korea entered the finals, but the performance was very poor, and it was difficult to win the championship

So, how should the Chinese women's basketball team deal with this tough battle?

Mindset is key. In the face of strong opponents, players need to stay calm and not panic because of the strength of the opponent. In the last game, Zhang Ziyu's calmness and poise set an example for the team, and other players also need to learn from her and stay focused in the game.

Tactical adjustments are essential. The coaching staff needs to develop a tactical plan based on the characteristics of the Australian women's basketball team. For example, strengthen the defense on the inside to prevent the opponent from scoring easily through the inside. At the same time, it is necessary to make good use of Zhang Ziyu's advantages and create scoring opportunities for other players through her leading role.

U18 Chinese women's basketball team 79:61 South Korea entered the finals, but the performance was very poor, and it was difficult to win the championship

The performance of the substitutes is also a key factor in determining the outcome of the game. In the last game, when Zhang Ziyu was at rest, the team's performance declined significantly. This will have to be addressed in tomorrow's game. Substitutes need to get into shape quickly once they come on to keep the team competitive.

Player Story: Zhang Ziyu's basketball journey

Speaking of Zhang Ziyu, I have to mention her hardships and efforts along the way. Zhang Ziyu has shown outstanding basketball talent since she was a child, but her growth path has not been smooth sailing. When he was a child, Zhang Ziyu was often ridiculed as a "giraffe" by his classmates because of his outstanding height. But instead of being discouraged, she trained harder and was determined to prove herself on the basketball court.

U18 Chinese women's basketball team 79:61 South Korea entered the finals, but the performance was very poor, and it was difficult to win the championship

After entering the junior team, Zhang Ziyu had to conduct high-intensity training every day. Whether it's a hot summer or a cold winter, she never stops. Her hard work has also paid off, from the youth team to the youth team, and then to the national team, Zhang Ziyu has taken one step at a time and finally became the core of the Chinese women's basketball team.

In this year's U18 Asian Championships, Zhang Ziyu's performance is obvious to all. Not only did she excel in scoring and rebounding, but more importantly, she always stepped up when it mattered and led the team to victory. Her basketball journey is not only an affirmation of her own efforts, but also an inspiration to all young players who love basketball.

U18 Chinese women's basketball team 79:61 South Korea entered the finals, but the performance was very poor, and it was difficult to win the championship

Message from fans: Don't forget your original intention and keep moving forward

For the Chinese women's basketball team, tomorrow's finals are not only a game, but also a challenge and opportunity. What fans want to see is a team that is united, hardworking, and relentless. On this stage, victory or defeat is important, but more importantly, it shows the spirit of the Chinese women's basketball team.

Fans want to say to the Chinese women's basketball team: "Every hard work and every effort you have, we have seen it." Whatever the outcome, we will always have your back. I hope that you will not forget your original intention in the competition, continue to move forward, and prove your strength with practical actions. ”

U18 Chinese women's basketball team 79:61 South Korea entered the finals, but the performance was very poor, and it was difficult to win the championship

Sports competitions are always full of unknowns and challenges. The Chinese women's basketball team not only performed brilliantly in this U18 Asian Championship, but also exposed many problems. Tomorrow's finals will be a comprehensive test for the team. I hope that the Chinese women's basketball team can sum up experience, adjust the state, and play the best level in the game. As Zhang Ziyu said: "On the basketball court, nothing is impossible. "As long as you persist in working hard and face it bravely, the Chinese women's basketball team will definitely be able to show its best self in the finals.

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