
How terrible the thinking of the poor is, it is too classic and worth savoring

author:Mountains and rivers have met - there will be a period later
How terrible the thinking of the poor is, it is too classic and worth savoring
How terrible the thinking of the poor is, it is too classic and worth savoring
How terrible the thinking of the poor is, it is too classic and worth savoring
How terrible the thinking of the poor is, it is too classic and worth savoring
How terrible the thinking of the poor is, it is too classic and worth savoring
How terrible the thinking of the poor is, it is too classic and worth savoring
How terrible the thinking of the poor is, it is too classic and worth savoring
How terrible the thinking of the poor is, it is too classic and worth savoring
How terrible the thinking of the poor is, it is too classic and worth savoring
How terrible the thinking of the poor is, it is too classic and worth savoring
How terrible the thinking of the poor is, it is too classic and worth savoring
How terrible the thinking of the poor is, it is too classic and worth savoring
How terrible the thinking of the poor is, it is too classic and worth savoring
How terrible the thinking of the poor is, it is too classic and worth savoring
How terrible the thinking of the poor is, it is too classic and worth savoring
How terrible the thinking of the poor is, it is too classic and worth savoring
How terrible the thinking of the poor is, it is too classic and worth savoring
How terrible the thinking of the poor is, it is too classic and worth savoring

In the old East, there was a village called "Hanmen", where the inhabitants had lived from agriculture for generations, and lived a poor but warm life. Although the village is small, it has a thought-provoking story about the legendary experience of a young man named Ah Fu.

Ah Fu was born into a poor family, his father was a hard-working farmer, and his mother died young due to years of hard work. From an early age, he understood that he was different from the other children in the village, he did not have a prominent family background, did not have a lot of wealth, only a pair of hands and a heart that was not willing to be mediocre.

In the depths of Ah Fu's heart, there has always been a voice calling: "You can't just live your life like this, you have to change your fate!" However, the reality of poverty was like a mountain that weighed him down. He gets up early every day and works greedily at night, but he can still only make ends meet.

One day, Zhang Yuanwai, a wealthy businessman in the village, held a grand banquet and invited the village's celebrities and virtuous people. Although Ah Fu knew that such an occasion had nothing to do with him, the desire in his heart still drove him to sneak to the back door of the banquet. He hid in the shadows, looking at those well-dressed people who were chatting and laughing, and his heart was full of envy and longing.

Just then, he overheard a conversation. Zhang Yuanwai was showing off his wealth and status to the guests, but a guest named Li Xiucai said lightly: "Zhang Yuanwai, you know that real wealth is not gold, silver and jewelry, but wisdom and insight. No matter how poor a person is, as long as he has wisdom and insight, he can change his destiny. ”

When Ah Fu heard this, his heart suddenly brightened. He realizes that although he is poor, it does not mean that he is destined to be mediocre. He made up his mind to study hard and improve his wisdom and knowledge.

From then on, Ah Fu began his journey of knowledge. He worked during the day and read by the moonlight at night. He read everything from classics and history to agricultural technology, from astronomy and geography to medical wellness. His wisdom and insight are growing, and his heart is growing.

A few years later, with his wisdom and insight, Ah Fu invented a new type of agricultural tool that greatly increased the yield of crops. His invention soon spread throughout the village, and villagers came to ask for advice. Ah Fu did not hesitate to pass on his knowledge and experience to the villagers, helping them improve their lives.

As his reputation spread, Ah Fu was summoned by local officials. He presented his invention to officials and made many suggestions for the development of agriculture. The officials praised Ah Fu's talent and wisdom and decided to fund him to open a school in the village to teach the villagers various knowledge and skills.

Ah Fuk's school quickly attracted a large number of students. He used his own experience to tell the students: "Poverty is not terrible, what is terrible is that we have lost the courage and wisdom to pursue our dreams." As long as we have wisdom and insight, we can change our destiny. ”

Ah Fuk's story spread throughout the village and became a legend. People see hope and courage in Ah Fu, as well as the power of wisdom and insight. They come to believe that if they study and work hard, they can change their destiny.

Ah Fu's legendary story teaches us that poverty is not a shackle that cannot be shaken off. As long as we have wisdom and insight, we can break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly and realize our dreams. In this era full of opportunities and challenges, let's pursue our dreams bravely like Ah Fu!

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