
Shi Dakai's mistakes were repeated, which was shocking, revealing the mystery of the defeat of the Wing King!

author:For the historical indicator full high

Where is my home?

June 25, 1863, Chengdu execution ground.

A burly, heroic young man is calmly walking towards the end of his life under the meat cleaver of an executioner specializing in Ling Chi.

During the hours-long execution, he did not beg for mercy, did not groan, and always maintained a smiling expression on his face, and the calm gaze that always flowed with the meat cleaver in the executioner's hand, until the serene smile withered in a pool of congealed blood.

Shi Dakai's mistakes were repeated, which was shocking, revealing the mystery of the defeat of the Wing King!

This young man who made the executioners who had been on the execution ground for a long time couldn't help but be secretly amazed, was Shi Dakai, the winged king of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, who had once dominated the battlefield of the Western Expedition.

This year, he was only thirty-three years old.

At the last moment of his life, Shi Dakai's thoughts were not on the sharp knife, the scenes that flashed in front of his eyes were the legendary and tragic expedition of the past seven years.

Shi Dakai's mistakes were repeated, which was shocking, revealing the mystery of the defeat of the Wing King!

Shi Dakai began his journey in 1857, when he was twenty-seven years old.

From June to September 1857, Shi Dakai, who escaped from Tianjing without permission, stayed in Anqing for only three months, and because of his strong personal charm, he soon spontaneously gathered 60,000 or 70,000 Taiping troops around him. During this time, Shi Dakai was in a deep contradiction, he kept asking himself where to go, where is my home in the world, and where is the ideal place to start a new career?

Shi Dakai, who was in Anqing, was in a mood like a wave, with a heavy burden on his body, and his future alone was uncertain. Now that you are the boss, there will be no king of heaven on the road in the future, and there will be no king of the east, and the difficulties on the road ahead will be solved by yourself, no one will give you instructions, no one will arrange anything for you, everything must be decided by yourself. But there is no loneliness on the road ahead, and there are tens of thousands of brothers waiting for you to have a more exciting performance.

Let's go! Now that you have broken up, you don't have to be attached to it anymore!

From the day he made up his mind, Shi Dakai embarked on a seven-year expedition, and in this arduous seven-year period, countless difficulties and obstacles awaited him ahead.

Shi Dakai, who had abundant capital in his hand, decided to officially part ways with Hong Xiuquan and go alone, leading the troops from Jiande, Anhui to Jiangxi, stationed in Jingdezhen, and captured Leping.

Shi Dakai's mistakes were repeated, which was shocking, revealing the mystery of the defeat of the Wing King!

Jiangxi was single-handedly defeated by Shi Dakai during the Western Expedition, although most of it was still under the control of the Taiping Army at this time, but because there was no unified command of the commander, all parts were fighting separately, and the situation was quite difficult under the siege of the Hunan army. Ruizhou in central Jiangxi has been lost, and Lin'an, Ji'an, and Jiujiang are all under the frantic attack of Liu Changyou, Zeng Guoquan, Li Xubin and other Hunan army generals at this time, and there is a possibility of loss at any time.

Although Shi Dakai has already held the belief of running away, he still can't let go of these brothers in Jiangxi, after all, they have been born and died with him. After analyzing the battle situation in Jiangxi, Shi Dakai believed that Jiujiang was guarded by Lin Qirong and should not be in mortal danger in a short time, so he decided to go south to rescue Linjiang and Ji'an.

On December 13, 1857, Shi Dakai led his troops from Fuzhou to Zhangshu Town, preparing to rescue Linjiang. In order to block Shi Dakai's division, the Hunan army's naval division carried out a strict blockade on the Ganjiang River, and Shi Dakai had no water camp in his hands and could not cross the river, so he had to continue to go south to seek to rescue Ji'an.

Ji'an is also on the west bank of the Gan River, opposite Jishui on the east bank. When Shi Dakai arrived on the other side of Ji'an, Jishui had already been captured by the Hunan army, and if he wanted to rescue Ji'an, he had to take Jishui first. Shi Dakai organized several sieges of the city, but was defeated by the Hunan army, and had to retreat east to Fuzhou in January 1858. In February 1858, Shi Dakai left Fuzhou and marched eastward, his intention was to attract the Hunan army to relieve the pressure on Ji'an, but he did not expect Guangfeng to be unable to attack for a long time, in order to replenish grain and grass, Shi Dakai had to enter Zhejiang first in April.

Shi Dakai's mistakes were repeated, which was shocking, revealing the mystery of the defeat of the Wing King!

From September 1857 to April 1858, Shi Dakai stayed in Jiangxi for seven months, trying to save Jiangxi but to no avail, Linjiang, Jiujiang, Fuzhou, and Ji'an were lost successively. Seeing that these territories that he had personally laid down in the past were taken away by the Qing Demon, Shi Da was as happy as a knife, but what can he do, since he has issued a statement of running away from home, he can't always stay at home, right?

But seeing that these brothers of his were bleeding desperately, Shi Dakai couldn't bear to just leave, just go around the door of the house, and he could cheer for his brothers anyway. Since there is no future in Jiangxi, let's go to Zhejiang, Chen Yucheng and Li Xiucheng are not preparing to break the siege of Beijing, and entering Zhejiang can be regarded as indirectly supporting Jiangxi and Tianjing!

But Zhejiang was still in the hands of the Qing army at this time, after Shi Dakai entered Zhejiang, the troops were divided into two routes, one way to capture Changshan and Kaihua, and the other way he personally led the main force to attack the strategic Quzhou, but the Qing army gathered heavy troops here to guard, Shi Dakai could not attack for a long time, and led his troops into Fujian four months later.

From leaving Beijing in June 1857 to entering Fujian in August 1858, Shi Dakai wanted to leave and rest, and spent fourteen months in wandering, like a child who did not resolutely run away from home, but had to turn back three times one step at a time.

After roaming in Fujian for two months, Shi Dakai re-entered Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province, and stationed his camp in Nan'an (Dayu) in January 1859. Nan'an is located at the junction of Jiangxi, Guangdong and Hunan provinces, and the question of "where to go" is once again in front of Shi Dakai.

It's time to make a decision, it's not a way to wander around like this!

Shi Dakai's mistakes were repeated, which was shocking, revealing the mystery of the defeat of the Wing King!

When Shi Dakai was in Tingzhou, Fujian, he had already realized that he must find his own direction of march as soon as possible and determine his strategic goals, and then he could widely publicize that all the soldiers and soldiers would have a clear goal of struggle, and they could no longer toss around like this.

Facts have proved that the consequences of blind tossing and wandering are serious, and the power of Shi Dakai in Tingzhou, Fujian Province has been greatly weakened for the first time, and the general Shi Zhenji led his troops to start acting alone, and Yang Fuqing, who acted with him, also left him and returned to the central government of the Kingdom of Heaven.

After the conquest of Nan'an on January 3, 1859, Shi Dakai set up his command in Chijiang Town, and then gathered the senior commanders for a study meeting, the main topic of which was to discuss the next step.

Due to the lack of historical materials, there is no way to know the specific details of the specific discussion process, but the results of the discussion are very clear - take Hunan and kill Sichuan!

Sichuan since ancient times the people are rich and dangerous, located in the west, has always been the ideal territory for hegemony, Liu Bei once achieved hegemony here, Zhang Xianzhong once did the king of the mountain here, for Shi Dakai, in Sichuan far away from Tianjing, and then establish a small Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and the Great Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of the Hong sect echoes from afar, a head office, a branch, although not subordinate to each other but complement each other, is not a unique story in history?

Shi Dakai's mistakes were repeated, which was shocking, revealing the mystery of the defeat of the Wing King!

The problem is that thousands of miles from Jiangxi to Sichuan, countless lofty mountains, countless rivers and dangerous rivers, countless Qing army encirclement and interception, will be waiting for you ahead, how difficult the road ahead is, have you ever fully predicted, have you ever had the determination to overcome this unpredictable danger?

There is no turning back from the bow, for the sake of this exciting and magnificent cause, put aside cowardice, summon up courage, and lead your brothers forward bravely!

Has Shi Dakai been abolished martial arts?

After seventeen months of nostalgia and wandering, on February 26, 1859, Shi Dakai gave up Nan'an and entered Hunan, opening the prelude to the march into Sichuan.

From February to April 1859, Shi Dakai's offensive in southern Hunan was very smooth, successively capturing Guiyang (Rucheng), Xingning (Zixing), Yizhang, Chenzhou, Guiyang, Jiahe, Ningyuan, and Yongzhou (Lingling).

Hunan is the hometown and backyard of the Hunan army, Shi Dakai's military offensive in southern Hunan has caused panic among the officers and men of the Hunan army, Shi Dakai's combat ability they have been taught, if there is a problem in Hunan in the rear, where does the Hunan army still have the heart to fight on the front line?

In order to ensure the safety of their own territory and avoid the worries of the Hunan army, Luo Bingzhang, the governor of Hunan, Guan Wen, the governor of Huguang, and Hu Linyi, the governor of Hubei, gathered troops to intercept in southern Hunan in an attempt to prevent Shi Dakai from entering central and northern Hunan with the help of the Xiang River.

After Shi Dakai failed to capture Yongzhou, he decided to divide his troops into two ways to kill Baoqing (Shaoyang), preparing to kill Sichuan from northwest Hunan to achieve his strategic goal.

Shi Dakai's mistakes were repeated, which was shocking, revealing the mystery of the defeat of the Wing King!

From the perspective of military common sense, if you want to enter Sichuan quickly and smoothly, you must advance lightly, try to avoid the heavy troops of the Qing army, and do not make too many entanglements, so as to enter the destination before the Qing army is assembled and arranged. However, in the past two years, more than 100,000 Taiping soldiers have slept in the open air, have no fixed residence, lack of provisions, and the troops are tired and nervous.

Shi Dakai also wanted to march quickly, but the troops also had to eat and rest. He knew that he should find a place to rest, replenish a little nutrition, and boost morale, otherwise if he continued to fight like this, he would not have to fight with the Qing army, and the team would collapse by itself.

Shi Dakai decided to take Baoqing before the Qing army, replenish supplies, restore military strength, and then go north.

Baoqing is an important town in southern Hunan, with a dangerous location and abundant products, which is an ideal place to rest and recuperate, and Shi Dakai, who urgently needs to recover his military strength, decided to take Baoqing first and then march north.

On May 24, 1859, Shi Dakai led a large army to Baoqing, surrounded Baoqing from the east, south and west, and began to attack the outlying strongholds.

However, the battle situation was completely unexpected, more than a month passed quickly, and Baoqing still failed to fight. The quick decisive battle turned into a protracted battle, Shi Dakai was depressed, and after careful thinking and summarizing, he finally found that he had made two mistakes, one was that he underestimated the defensive ability of Baoqing City, and the other was that he underestimated the speed of reinforcements of the Qing army. If these two mistakes are put in another angle, that is, Shi Dakai not only overestimated the Taiping army's siege ability, but also overestimated the Taiping army's ability to block reinforcements.

Shi Dakai's mistakes were repeated, which was shocking, revealing the mystery of the defeat of the Wing King!

What's even more serious is that Shi Dakai didn't realize that the mistake he made in Baoqing was like the first domino in the dominoes, and after the fall, it caused an uncontrollable chain collapse effect, and he himself has not been able to take effective measures to stop this endless domino effect.

The situation is still deteriorating further, the reinforcements mobilized by Luo Bingzhang, Guan Wen, Hu Linyi and others are rushing to Baoqing from all directions, in order to save the dangerous city, there is no hope for a quick decisive battle, Shi Dakai is faced with two choices at this time: continue to attack the city or give up the siege.

Shi Dakai chose the former, and he continued to overestimate himself and underestimate the enemy. In late July 1859, reinforcements from all walks of life of the Qing army arrived at the periphery of Baoqing, and the total number of Qing troops inside and outside Baoqing soared to 40,000.

It needs to be reminded that the 40,000 Qing army is not a green battalion, and its core force is the elite of the Hunan army with about 10,000 people, including Liu Changyou's Hunan army, which is a relatively capable force. In addition, there is an even more terrifying Hunan army, Li Xuyi's 11th battalion, a total of 5,300 Hunan troops, has also rushed to Baoqing from Huangzhou, Hubei.

Li Xuyi is Li Xubin's younger brother, after Li Xubin was killed by Chen Yucheng in Sanhe, he became one of the most dazzling commanders of the Hunan army, before he had cooperated with Duolonga in Anqing to help, and was later transferred to Hubei to block the Taiping Army from attacking Hubei, judging from his performance, his combat ability and the combat effectiveness of the troops were not under Li Xubin, so at this time he was transferred to Baoqing by Guanwen and Hu Linyi, serving as the former enemy commander-in-chief of the Baoqing Defense War.

Shi Dakai's mistakes were repeated, which was shocking, revealing the mystery of the defeat of the Wing King!

If Shi Dakai knew this, he should have withdrawn the siege as soon as possible, quickly interspersed with the weak links of the Qing army, and used movement warfare to approach Sichuan while looking for opportunities to gather and annihilate the pursuers, but he did not do this, but continued to organize troops to attack Baoqing.

Shi Dakai's mood is understandable, and to a certain extent, his choice is also forced to be helpless. From the beginning of the expedition to the present, there has not been a big victory, it is necessary to fight a victory to boost morale, it is good that the Qing demon is here, just to defeat Baoqing, and destroy you, killing two birds with one stone, isn't it happy?

It's a pity that Shi Dakai once again ignored an important problem, that is, the difficulty of attacking the city has increased significantly at this time, not only to attack Baoqing City, but also to block reinforcements from all walks of life.

If Shi Dakai is seriously deployed, with his ability, with his outstanding performance in the western expedition to Hukou and the great victory in the Jiangxi counteroffensive, we have reason to believe that he should be able to create his military glory again in Baoqing.

But in fact, the result was completely opposite, and it was precisely because of the many defeats in Baoqing that later generations often suspected that Shi Dakai's victory in the west was inseparable from Yang Xiuqing's correct guidance, that is, his ability to fight independently was nothing more than that.

Questioning Shi Dakai's combat capability in Baoqing, convincing evidence can indeed be found, that is, there is a fatal loophole in Shi Dakai's troop arrangement.

Shi Dakai's mistakes were repeated, which was shocking, revealing the mystery of the defeat of the Wing King!

According to the tactical requirements of besieging the city for reinforcements, Shi Dakai should have placed heavy troops in the east and north after besieging Baoqing, because the reinforced Hunan troops came from these two directions; Liu Changyou and Liu Yuezhao came from Hengzhou (Hengyang) in the east, while Li Xuyi came from Hubei in the north.

Shi Dakai's deployment focused on the east and south, but the deployment in the north was quite empty, which laid a huge hidden danger for the development of the subsequent war.

At the same time as Shi Dakai organized the siege of the city, he organized heavy troops to attack on the east road, but was met with stubborn resistance from the Qing army, and the battle was once stuck on the eastern front.

After the loss of the Western Front, the troops, food and ammunition in Baoqing City were replenished, and the difficulty of Shidakai's siege of the city further increased.

Judging from the military situation at that time, Shi Dakai was faced with three choices: the best strategy was to decisively withdraw the siege, preserve his strength, get rid of the heavy troops on the periphery of Baoqing, and quickly advance into Sichuan; The middle strategy is to feign siege the city, annihilate the main force of the Qing army, and then quickly march into Sichuan; The next strategy is to continue to attack the city and fight for reinforcements, and not to give up without laying an oath.

Shi Dakai's choice was once again a big surprise, and he chose the most incredible next step. What's worse is that he made another serious mistake in the process of implementing the next policy.

Since he suffered a loss on the west bank of the Zijiang River, Shi Dakai should learn a lesson, as long as Li Xuyi's troops who crossed the river and returned to the east bank were resolved, the Battle of Baoqing could be regarded as a success.

Shi Dakai's mistakes were repeated, which was shocking, revealing the mystery of the defeat of the Wing King!

On August 10, 1859, Li Xuyi gathered elite troops such as Liu Changyou and Liu Yuezhao in the north of Baoqing to launch a deep counterattack on the army of Shi Dakai East Road, because of the suddenness of the incident, the Taiping army suffered heavy losses.

The situation on the front line has been completely reversed, and if it continues like this, I am afraid that Baoqing will not be able to fight, and the elite will be buried in this sad ghost place, Shi Dakai finally recognized the situation and decided to lead his troops to withdraw from the siege, no longer wasting precious time in Baoqing.

On August 13, 1859, Shi Dakai organized the elite to launch a fierce counterattack against the Hunan army, covering the main force to retreat south. A day later, the whole army withdrew from the periphery of Baoqing, and the troops were divided into two routes, heading south to Dong'an and Xinning on the border between Hunan and Guangxi.

The three-month Battle of Baoqing finally ended hastily, Shi Dakai gained nothing, in addition to the loss of troops and generals, and then left a historical case - ironclad evidence that Shi Dakai was not good at fighting.

Why did Shi Dakai, who once swept the battlefield of the Western Expedition, repeatedly make mistakes in Baoqing, could it be that his martial arts were abolished?

I don't want to make any justification for Shi Dakai here, because in the face of real history, any justification is meaningless. But what I want to say is that there are no victorious generals in this world, and the victory or defeat of a war is the result of a combination of factors, and the commander's command ability is only one of them.

Shi Dakai's mistakes were repeated, which was shocking, revealing the mystery of the defeat of the Wing King!

It is more appropriate to sum up the situation at that time in one sentence, that is, "the situation is stronger than the people". I'm not against the worship of heroes, but I don't agree with the "heroic view of history." Heroes can only be produced in the era when heroes are cultivated, such as the Warring States and the Three Kingdoms. People are stronger than the situation, and no matter how great and heroic anyone is, they are always so small and powerless in the face of reality. In subsequent developments, this statement will be proven again and again.

Clausewitz, a German military theorist, once said in his book "On War" that a commander-in-chief's combat capability must be directly proportional to his confidence and courage, and wisdom must depend on these two in order to give full play to its potential. In addition to the fatigue of the troops and the lack of food and grass, Shi Dakai's impatience and rash mentality in the first battle of Baoqing may also be an important reason for affecting the battle situation.

The terrible thing on the road of life is not to fall, but to keep falling in the same place. But as long as you take the road ahead with your heart, you will still be an invincible hero. The Winged King, who was once brave and good at fighting and fearing the enemy, cheer up, there is still a long road ahead!

Shi Dakai's mistakes were repeated, which was shocking, revealing the mystery of the defeat of the Wing King!

What is it like to return to the dynasty for thousands of miles?

The long journey is endless, the road ahead is difficult and dangerous, and what awaits Shi Dakai will be a series of unexpected blows, the heaviest of which is probably the unexpected event of "Ten Thousand Miles Back to the Dynasty".

I have to go back to the Battle of Baoqing first.

It is said that after the defeat in the Battle of Baoqing, Shi Dakai was once again faced with a choice that affected the overall situation - this choice he would need to face constantly - where to go?

Before withdrawing from Baoqing, Shi Dakai had already made a decision, it was impossible to go north from Baoqing, so let's go back to his hometown! The goal is Guangxi!

On August 22, 1859, Shi Dakai led his troops out of Hunan and into Guangxi, passing through Quanzhou, Xing'an, Longsheng, Yining, Yongfu, Yongning, and Rongxian.

On October 15, 1859, Shi Dakai's army successfully arrived in Qingyuan, Guangxi.

Shi Dakai's entry into Guangxi was naturally a good move, and this move was completely unexpected by the imperial court, and the Qing army never imagined that he would return to the birthplace of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, which allowed the Taiping army to have a good rest here.

Shi Dakai's mistakes were repeated, which was shocking, revealing the mystery of the defeat of the Wing King!

Earlier than Shi Dakai returned to his hometown in Guangxi, there was another legendary Taiping army, the commander was Shi Zhenji, their movements were not small, but the Qing army always thought that this was Shi Dakai's plan to attack the west.

Shi Zhenji, a native of Guixian County, Guangxi, was born in 1835, is Shi Dakai's younger brother, called Guozong, from the beginning of the Western Expedition to follow Shi Dakai to fight abroad, is a more capable of fighting a fierce general, outstanding military achievements were once named Xietianyan.

In October 1858, Shi Zhenji began to break away from Shi Dakai to act alone, but he consciously provoked the strategic task of covering the main force of the expeditionary force, the general direction of his march was similar to Shi Dakai, and his 20,000 soldiers fought in the city, and killed the enemy, once the Qing army was tossed bitterly, and was mistaken by the Qing army for the main force of Shi Dakai's headquarters when attacking Tingzhou in Fujian.

In July 1859, Shi Zhenji led the army into Guangxi to attack Guilin, all the way from the east of Guangxi to the west, the more important cities were almost all beaten by him, a large number of Qing troops were led by his nose to fight fires, and the heaven and earth will be very active in Guangxi, and these have provided great convenience for Shi Dakai to successfully enter Guangxi.

Although Shi Dakai stayed in Qingyuan for eight months this time, he did not seem to have any intention of staying in the Guangxi base area, and the main purpose of his coming here was to rest and train the army, so that he could regain his combat strength before carrying out the plan to enter Sichuan.

Just when Shi Dakai was raising food and training at the same time, he suddenly received a report from his subordinates, saying that there was a major situation to report to the leader.

The report that there had been a large-scale escape of the troops is not accurate, and strictly speaking, it should be that they are preparing to break away from Shi Dakai and return to the central government to pledge allegiance to Hong Xiuquan.

Shi Dakai's mistakes were repeated, which was shocking, revealing the mystery of the defeat of the Wing King!

The eldest brother in charge was Cai Cixian, the commander of the Wuwei Army, who was killed by the order of Yuan Zai Zhang Suimou soon after the incident.

Yuan Zai is the biggest official under Shi Dakai, equivalent to the prime minister, and the second-in-command of the expeditionary force, except for Shi Dakai, he is the largest, and this position was canonized by Shi Dakai in Qingyuan.

After leaving Tianjing, Shi Dakai has not played his own banner, and still uses the old signboard of "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom". Shi Dakai is like a runaway child and constantly breaks off the relationship between father and son, he made it very clear in his statement of departure that he is not going to betray the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, but to go out and make a career by himself, to repay the kindness of the Heavenly King, if he achieves results, it is still considered the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, so he has not given the expeditionary force any more country name, still calls himself the Wing King, and the official system has not changed, it is still the same as before.

With the increasingly difficult situation, coupled with the increasing rampant separatist actions caused by low morale, Shi Dakai felt that he should take advantage of the opportunity to rest in Qingyuan to increase the number of officials and promotions to everyone, so as to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm, so there were some official systems with Shi Dakai's characteristics, such as Yuanzai, Zaifu, Dajun Strategy, and Great Power Pillar, and the military system also added flags and teams, which were mixed with the original army, division, and brigade, and it was estimated that these were the planning results of Zhang Suimou, the first strategist under him.

Unlike Shi Dakai's "carrot" policy, Zhang Suimou, a representative of the "hardcore faction" of the expedition, felt that the "big stick" still worked, so he always advocated striking hard at separatism. He thinks that Shi Da's open-minded attitude is tantamount to connivance and encouragement, and he will leave without saying hello all the time, and it will not work if he doesn't deal with it, otherwise everyone will follow suit, and hundreds of thousands of troops will disperse, and at that time they can only "regret it too late".

Shi Dakai's mistakes were repeated, which was shocking, revealing the mystery of the defeat of the Wing King!

After learning about the Cai Cixian incident, a strong sense of guilt rose in Shi Dakai's heart, and in the eight months of Qingyuan, he fully understood the true meaning of the phrase "A child without a mother is like a grass".

Qingyuan is a mountainous area in the north of Guangxi, which is already vast and sparsely populated, and there are continuous wars for many years, which is not much better than the situation in the disaster area, it is almost a no-man's land, and the people are still counting on someone to come to the disaster relief and soup porridge, where is there still food to feed Shi Dakai's hundreds of thousands of troops?

Shi Dakai had no choice but to let the army disperse to various places to find food, but he was stabbed in the back by the local regiment, and the grain collection team suffered from phobia later.

I can't even eat, what future does the expedition have? There is news that Shi Zhenji's 20,000 men were wiped out by Liu Changyou, the governor of Guangxi, in Baise, and Shi Zhenji himself was captured alive by the "joint defense team" led by Tusi in Anding, which added a touch of pessimism to the hearts of the soldiers who already had a bleak future.

With the increasing difficulties and successive military defeats, disappointment and even despair continued to spread in the army, and the sympathy of the majority of officers and soldiers for Shi Dakai had almost expired, and their worship of Shi Dakai began to gradually turn into doubt, and they were thinking about the meaning of this expedition and whether it was worth it.

After entering Qingyuan, Shi Dakai had already noticed that the soldiers had begun to complain about him, but he didn't expect that there would be so many brothers deserting collectively, and the scale was still escalating.

The first split that broke away from Shi Dakai and returned to the Celestial Empire took place in early 1860, led by Fu Zhongxin and Tan Tifang, who later joined Li Shixian's forces in Anhui.

The second is the Citi Army, and the leading brothers are Zheng Xuan and Li Hongzhao. The Citi Army was a member of Heaven and Earth in Guangdong who joined the Taiping Army, and was named because of the complex color pattern of the flag after the reorganization, and was later incorporated into Li Xiucheng's troops in Jiangxi.

The division process of the third team was a little more complicated, and Yu Zhongfu, the assistant of Houqi, was killed by the eldest brother Yu Mingfu for preventing the return of his subordinates, and the troops were active in Sichuan and Guizhou after breaking away from Shi Dakai.

Shi Dakai's mistakes were repeated, which was shocking, revealing the mystery of the defeat of the Wing King!

Shi Dakai has not taken strong measures to stop these splitting moves, because he doesn't want to raise a butcher's knife against his brothers, and they are now repeatedly staging separatist actions, which can be regarded as learning from themselves, if they deserve to die, then what should he be guilty of taking them to split from the central government?

Zhang Suimou killed Cai Cixian in the first place, but he wanted to use force to intimidate and contain the recurrence of the split, but soon he knew that he was completely wrong.

In the shouts of the Eastern Return to the Heavenly Dynasty, Shi Dakai's "carrot" and Zhang Suimou's "big stick" were useless. Killing a Cai Cixian not only did not play a role in killing chickens and monkeys, but made more monkeys jump out to commit crimes against the wind, including the guards and secretaries around Shi Dakai who were involved in the incident of returning to the East to Korea.

In the summer of 1860, the largest division since the expedition finally broke out irrepressibly.

Shi Dakai's mistakes were repeated, which was shocking, revealing the mystery of the defeat of the Wing King!

There are many leading brothers this time, and their levels are relatively high, including the army slightly expanding Tianyan Peng Dashun, Guantianyan Tong Ronghai, Jingzhong Dazhuguo Zhu Yidian, and Ji Qingyuan, all of whom are generals who have followed Shi Dakai for many years. Tens of thousands of elite Taiping troops returned to Tianjing with them, and this army was divided into three groups and went through many hardships, and returned to the headquarters of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom one after another, plus the displaced people who joined along the way, the total number reached as much as 200,000, and then was awarded the title of Fuchao Heavenly Army by the Heavenly King Hong Xiuquan, which was called "Ten Thousand Miles to Return to the Dynasty" in the history of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

After a series of separatist incidents, Shi Dakai's situation became even more difficult, and Shi Zhenji, He Mingbiao, and Feng Tianxi, the local rebel army Dachengguo, were successively eliminated by Liu Changyou's troops of the Hunan army, and Qingyuan became the target of the Qing army's key attacks.

Qingyuan's ghost place seems to be unable to stay, and a question that has been bothering Shi Dakai is inevitably placed in front of him again: where to go? Go! Go......

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