
Zhang Ziyu shot 17 of 25 shots, 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team advanced to the Asian Cup final

author:Brother Long takes you to play the game
Zhang Ziyu shot 17 of 25 shots, 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team advanced to the Asian Cup final

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Brother Long will take you to play a game

Edit|Brother Long will take you to play the game

As a fan, I was so excited today! On June 29, 2024, our U18 Chinese women's basketball team competed fiercely with the South Korean women's basketball team in the semifinals of the Asian Cup.

Zhang Ziyu shot 17 of 25 shots, 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team advanced to the Asian Cup final

This game, that's called a wonderful! At the beginning, the Chinese team was slow to heat up, and our hearts were in our throats.

Don't worry, the girls later caught up, especially Zhang Ziyu, whose performance was outstanding! She led her teammates to overtake and defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the final.

Zhang Ziyu shot 17 of 25 shots, 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team advanced to the Asian Cup final

Tomorrow we will face off against Australia! In the previous group stage and quarterfinals, our women's basketball girls also worked hard all the way and performed well.

Everyone is looking forward to their success in the final!

On June 29, 2024, the semifinals of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup ignited, and the Chinese women's basketball team and the South Korean women's basketball team met in a narrow way.

Zhang Ziyu shot 17 of 25 shots, 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team advanced to the Asian Cup final

In the end, the Chinese women's basketball team defeated the South Korean women's basketball team with a score of 79-61 and advanced to the finals.

In this thrilling showdown, Zhang Ziyu's performance is undoubtedly the most dazzling existence.

At the beginning of the game, the Chinese team did not seem to be in the best condition, and they were slowly heated up by the South Korean team, leading by 3 points at one point.

Zhang Ziyu shot 17 of 25 shots, 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team advanced to the Asian Cup final

This instantly made the audience's hearts rise to their throats, could it be that the Chinese team will fall into a bitter battle in this game? But how can the girls of the Chinese women's basketball team easily say defeat! They quickly adjusted their tactics and stabilized their positions.

In the second quarter, the Chinese team sounded the horn of the counterattack, showing tenacious fighting spirit and excellent team cooperation.

A tight defense allowed South Korea to score just three points, while a sharp attack allowed China to successfully overtake.

Zhang Ziyu shot 17 of 25 shots, 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team advanced to the Asian Cup final

In the second half, South Korea tried to turn the tide with frequent three-point shooting, but the Chinese team was in control of the pace of the game.

Every wave of attack launched by the South Korean team was defused by the Chinese team's solid defense line and decisive counterattack.

Zhang Ziyu is like a needle in this game.

She played 21 and a half minutes, shooting 17 of 25 shots and scoring an efficient 34 points.

Zhang Ziyu shot 17 of 25 shots, 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team advanced to the Asian Cup final

Her strong offense under the basket was almost unstoppable, and the South Korean defenders looked so weak in front of her.

16 rebounds, 9 of which were frontcourt rebounds, fully demonstrated her absolute dominance over the rebounding ball.

Her five assists show that she doesn't play alone, but actively drives her teammates in the attack.

Zhang Ziyu shot 17 of 25 shots, 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team advanced to the Asian Cup final

One steal showed her keen defensive awareness, with a plus/minus of +28, which is enough to prove her huge impact on the court.

The rest of the Chinese team also contributed to it.

Zhang Ziyu shot 17 of 25 shots, 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team advanced to the Asian Cup final

Zheng Xinru actively fought on both offensive and defensive ends, contributing 6 points, 6 rebounds and 2 assists; Although Wang Jiayi didn't score much, her 2 points and 3 assists played a key role in the team's offensive tandem; Xu Fengwei's 2 points, 3 rebounds and 5 assists showed her efforts in playmaking and rebounding protection; Wang Jiaxin's 3 points and 1 assist contributed to the team at a critical moment; Li Yuwei's 4 points, 3 rebounds and 2 assists were stable and comprehensive; Zhang Ziyue's 4 points and 5 boards provided strong support for the team's interior line; Xu Peilin's 12 points, 11 rebounds and 3 assists demonstrated excellent scoring and rebounding ability; Chen Jing's 8 points and 6 boards played an important role on both offensive and defensive ends; Sun Kaiwen's 2 points, Zhang Yifan's 2 points and 3 boards, and Hu Yifan's 2 boards and 3 assists all contributed to the team's victory.

Zhang Ziyu shot 17 of 25 shots, 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team advanced to the Asian Cup final

Looking back on the journey of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup, the performance of the Chinese team in the group stage and quarterfinals is also remarkable.

In the first game against Indonesia, the Chinese team won 109-50, and Zhang Ziyu scored 19 points, 7 rebounds and 2 assists, showing strong dominance.

Zhang Ziyu shot 17 of 25 shots, 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team advanced to the Asian Cup final

In the second game against New Zealand, China won 90-68, and Zhang Ziyu was the team's number one contributor to winning this game with 36 points and 13 rebounds.

In the third game against the Japanese team, the Chinese team defeated the opponent 97-81, and Zhang Ziyu handed over 44 points, 14 rebounds and 5 assists luxurious statistics, almost single-handedly destroying the opponent's defense.

Zhang Ziyu shot 17 of 25 shots, 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team advanced to the Asian Cup final

Netizens praised Zhang Ziyu's performance.

Her outstanding height advantage makes her feel like no one under the basket, her excellent touch makes her shooting extremely accurate, and her super high ball intelligence allows her to see the situation on the court and make the most informed choices.

Her strong deterrent under the basket provides a solid guarantee for the Chinese team's offense and defense.

Zhang Ziyu shot 17 of 25 shots, 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team advanced to the Asian Cup final

However, some netizens calmly pointed out that there is still some room for improvement in other team members in terms of game awareness, technical application and detailed processing.

Now, the Chinese women's basketball team has successfully advanced to the finals and will face off against the Australian team at 19:00 on June 30, 2024.

This final has attracted a lot of attention, can the Chinese team defeat the strong Australian team under the leadership of Zhang Ziyu and climb to the championship? This has become the most concerned issue in the hearts of the majority of fans.

Zhang Ziyu shot 17 of 25 shots, 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team advanced to the Asian Cup final

Zhang Ziyu's amazing performance in the semifinals not only helped the Chinese women's basketball team advance to the finals, but also injected strong confidence into the team against strong opponents in the finals.

But at the same time, this victory is also a warning to the team that there is still a need for continuous polishing and improvement on the road to excellence.

I believe that in the future games, the Chinese women's basketball team will continue to work hard and bring more surprises and glory to the country and fans.

Zhang Ziyu shot 17 of 25 shots, 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team advanced to the Asian Cup final

The U18 Chinese women's basketball team performed remarkably in this Asian Cup.

Zhang Ziyu's eye-catching performance makes people look forward to the future of the Chinese women's basketball team, and the team's overall unity and cooperation and never-give-up spirit deserve our applause.

Let's look forward to their wonderful performance in the finals and cheer for the Chinese women's basketball team!

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