
Summer evening catch up with the sea: an adventure with clams

author:Cute little bunny

On a summer evening, as the sun sets, the sky is dyed golden. On the beach by the sea, people gather in twos and threes to enjoy this wonderful time. At this moment, it is a very good thing to take your children to the beach, blow the sea breeze, and catch the sea.

Summer evening catch up with the sea: an adventure with clams

We walked along the beach, stepping on the soft sand and feeling the breeze under our feet. Children run around excitedly, picking up seashells and starfish on the beach. And I was immersed in this wonderful atmosphere and felt the quality time spent with my family.

Suddenly, Dabao shouted in surprise: "Mom, look! There are a lot of clams here! I looked in the direction of her finger, and sure enough, there was a small hole in the beach not far away, scattered with shells and sand.

"Then let's catch the sea together!" I said excitedly. So we grabbed a small shovel and a small bucket and started looking for clams on the beach.

Summer evening catch up with the sea: an adventure with clams

After a while, we found some clamshells. Next, we discover a larger cave that seems to hold more treasures inside. We carefully dug through the sand and sure enough, we found a bunch of clams. One by one, they close their shells, as if to show us their beauty.

In the process of catching up with the sea, we laughed and laughed constantly. The children are constantly exploring new things, and I am constantly feeling the quality time spent with my family.

Summer evening catch up with the sea: an adventure with clams

In the end, we returned with a small bucket full of clams and shells. Back at home, we can't wait to clean the clams and get ready to cook. Looking at those delicious clams, you can't help but have an appetite.

Summer evening catch up with the sea: an adventure with clams

At dinner, the family sat around and savored delicious clams. While tasting the delicious clams, Dabao told interesting stories about catching the sea. My husband and I shared the quality time we spent with our children and felt the warmth and happiness of our family.

Catching the sea on a summer evening is a very fun thing to do. Not only did it make us feel like we had a good time with our family, but it also gave us a taste of delicious seafood delicacies. And most importantly, it allows us to learn to cherish the good things that nature has given us, and it makes us love life even more.

Summer evening catch up with the sea: an adventure with clams

In the days to come, we can continue to take our children to the beach to walk and feel the breeze and the softness of the beach. We can also try to explore more sea-catching skills and methods to dig up more treasures. And in the process of catching the sea every time, we can feel the good time spent with our families and the warmth of family.

Finally, let's cherish every quality time spent with our families and make them the most precious treasure in our lives.


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