
The woman married to her crush for 15 years, smiled from ear to ear throughout the whole process, best friend: Look at your little bit of talent

author:Wanwan Emotional Zone

"Married to his crush for 15 years, overflowing with happiness"

The woman married to her crush for 15 years, smiled from ear to ear throughout the whole process, best friend: Look at your little bit of talent

The picture comes from the Internet

On the sunny day of June 30, 2024, it was an ordinary Sunday, but it was also the most extraordinary day in Lin Xiao's life. She was dressed in a white wedding dress, holding delicate flowers in her hand, and her smile was like a flower blooming in spring, and she couldn't stop smiling the whole time. By her side is the man who has had her crush on for a full 15 years - Su Woo.

The story of Lin Xiao and Su Yu starts from their high school days. At that time, Lin Xiao was a shy and introverted girl, always sitting silently in the corner of the classroom, secretly watching Su Yu. Su Yu is a sunny boy in the class, with excellent grades and excellent sports, and he can attract many eyes wherever he goes. Lin Xiao knows his ordinariness, so he can only hide this love deep in his heart.

After graduating from high school, they went to college in different cities, and the connection gradually diminished. However, Lin Xiao could never forget Su Yu, his smile and his voice often appeared in her dreams. During college, Lin Xiao also tried to date other boys, but he always unconsciously compared them with Su Yu in his heart, and the result was nothing.

After graduation, Lin Xiao returned to his hometown to work. By chance, she reunited with Su Yu on the street. At that moment, time seemed to freeze, and Lin Xiao's heart beat wildly again. It turned out that Su Yu also returned to his hometown to develop. This reunion allowed them to reconnect.

The woman married to her crush for 15 years, smiled from ear to ear throughout the whole process, best friend: Look at your little bit of talent

The picture comes from the Internet

With the increase in communication, Lin Xiao found that Su Yu was still the one who made her heart move, and Su Yu seemed to have a different kind of attention to her. They began to watch movies, eat, and go shopping together, and their time together was always full of laughter.

During a romantic dinner, Su Yu finally confessed to Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao was so excited that she burst into tears, she couldn't believe that the person she had been secretly in love with for so many years actually liked her. At that moment, she felt like the happiest woman in the world.

Since then, their love has quickly heated up. Su Yu cares about Lin Xiao and always shows up for her when she needs it. Lin Xiao also loved Su Yu wholeheartedly, learned to cook and knit scarves for him, and worked hard to be a caring companion.

However, the road to love has not been easy. Su Yu's career suffered a setback, he fell into a trough, and he was extremely depressed. Lin Xiao did not complain or dislike him at all, but always stayed by his side, encouraging him and supporting him. She told Su Yu: "No matter what difficulties we encounter, we will face them together." With Lin Xiao's encouragement, Su Yu regained his strength, and after unremitting efforts, he finally ushered in a turning point in his career.

And Lin Xiao is also facing great pressure at work, but she never complains to Su Yu and always bears it alone. Until one day, Su Yu discovered her exhaustion and anxiety. He hugged Lin Xiao distressedly and said, "My dear, if you have any troubles in the future, you have to tell me, we are people who want to go through a lifetime together." ”

The woman married to her crush for 15 years, smiled from ear to ear throughout the whole process, best friend: Look at your little bit of talent

The picture comes from the Internet

After several years of long-distance love, Su Yu decided to propose to Lin Xiao. He carefully planned a romantic marriage proposal ceremony, and in the presence of relatives and friends, he knelt down on one knee and put on a ring symbolizing eternity for Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao was so moved that he couldn't cry, and readily agreed to his proposal.

The process of preparing for a wedding is full of sweetness and busyness. Lin Xiao and Su Yu chose wedding dresses, customized dresses, and determined the venue together, and they did every detail themselves. They hope that this wedding will be the best memory of a lifetime.

Finally, the wedding day came. Lin Xiao got up early and started to put on makeup accompanied by his best friend. When she put on that carefully selected wedding dress, it was as if she had become a beautiful princess.

The wedding scene was set up like a dream, surrounded by flowers and fluttering streamers. Su Yu stood at one end of the stage, nervously and expectantly waiting for his bride.

When the music sounded, Lin Xiao took his father's hand and slowly walked towards Su Yu. At that moment, Su Yu's eyes were only Lin Xiao, and his eyes were full of affection and love. Lin Xiao's father put her hand in Su Yu's hand and said solemnly: "From today on, I will hand over my precious daughter to you, hoping that you can give her a lifetime of happiness." Su Yu held Lin Xiao's hand tightly and said firmly: "Dad, don't worry, I will be good to her for the rest of my life." ”

In the presence of the priest, they made eternal vows and exchanged rings. When Su Yu gently kissed Lin Xiao's lips, the audience burst into warm applause and cheers.

The woman married to her crush for 15 years, smiled from ear to ear throughout the whole process, best friend: Look at your little bit of talent

The picture comes from the Internet

During the wedding, Lin Xiao smiled from ear to ear throughout the whole process. The girlfriend quipped on the side: "Look at your little bit of appearance, you're almost silly laughing." Lin Xiao didn't care, she responded: "I just can't help it, I'm so happy." ”

At the wedding banquet, relatives and friends sent blessings one after another. Lin Xiao and Su Yu toasted from table to table, thanking everyone for coming. Their faces were filled with happy smiles, which infected everyone.

As night falls, the wedding ends in a warm and romantic atmosphere. Lin Xiao and Su Yu embarked on a new journey of life hand in hand, they knew that there may be wind and rain in the coming days, but as long as they love each other and support each other, they will definitely be able to go through every spring, summer, autumn and winter, and write a beautiful chapter that belongs to them together.

Many years later, when they look back on this day, they will still remember the full happiness and touch. And this love will also last for a long time and never fade in the long river of years.