
If China succeeds, lunar exploration will become a simple matter? A certain scientific and technological power has done it three times, and all of them have failed

author:Broken Thoughts of the King


The mainland's Chang'e-6 probe successfully returned to Earth with lunar soil from the far side of the moon, which is a key step in the continent's exploration of the moon: the far side of the moon has a completely different topography from the front side, and it is relatively less impacted, preserving more intact lunar soil, which may reveal the relationship between the Earth and the moon.

Exploring the moon is not a very simple matter, the moon is becoming more and more familiar to people, but in fact, there are not many countries on the continent that can successfully land a probe on the moon and return to the earth, only the United States, the mainland, and the former Soviet Union, the "first power in the galaxy".

However, for Japan, its combat index for lunar exploration is actually 0%, and for the increasingly familiar "little Japan", it seems that the difficulty of exploring the moon is no longer very difficult.

The difficulty of exploring the Moon.

The United States successfully sent humans to the moon in 1969, and the mainland has also successfully explored the moon twice around 2013 and 2018.

On the other hand, the former Soviet Union, which had experienced three failures, also seemed to have a certain "favorable time and place" advantage after successfully detecting the moon, and the combat index of the lunar exploration occupied a very large advantage.

If China succeeds, lunar exploration will become a simple matter? A certain scientific and technological power has done it three times, and all of them have failed

However, the combat index of unmanned lunar exploration is not as high as the commanders of the fleets of the United States, the former Soviet Union and other countries think, but it died on the mainland, and the reason is because of the difficulty of exploring the moon.

In the past half century, the United States has been the only country that has successfully landed a probe on the moon and returned to Earth, and only the mainland and the former Soviet Union have also had successful experiences, but they have respectively erected three "national beams" that "failed to go to the moon".

The proficiency and optimization of the United States in all aspects of scientific research are quite impressive, but the experience of the former Soviet Union in the technology of lunar exploration cannot be surpassed.

However, the combat index of its warships is about half of the low level, why is that?

In fact, the state of technology to explore the Moon is much more than just the experience of flying probes to the Moon and then returning them to Earth.

There are only two Mars, only one Jupiter, and only one Siren's ocean, and it is difficult to have two or three of these similar planets or environments, but it is difficult for us to photograph only one of them, because they are so far away, and the distance between the Earth and the Moon is the closest we can reach, because there will be more problems beyond imagination.

The United States pioneered the first human landing on the moon in 1969, and the continent successfully tested the moon landing technology on animals for the first time in 2003.

In fact, there is not much difference between the United States, the former Soviet Union and the continent when it comes to the technology of launching space probes to explore the moon.

In this time to land the probe on the moon and return to the earth, although the technology of the former Soviet Union is somewhat backward, as long as we Chinese improve the rocket manufacturing technology and find the technology to send the probe to the moon, then we can do it.

If China succeeds, lunar exploration will become a simple matter? A certain scientific and technological power has done it three times, and all of them have failed

However, after that, projects such as the export pipeline and the return to the Earth Commonwealth were confusing to the United States and the former Soviet Union, and it was not until the success of the mainland's Chang'e lunar exploration that they first felt the real difficulty of exploring the moon.

Japan's three lunar explorations failed.

In fact, the "empire on which the sun never sets", which once made Americans feel sad, is not so "small" about the exploration of the moon.

Japan began to explore the moon nearly 20 years later than the mainland, although the mainland has had many failed experiences in space exploration, but the relative great success of military exploration after space exploration is particularly encouraging, Japan is undoubtedly very confident in the results of the mainland's space exploration, so after the success of the mainland's exploration of the moon, Japan has also launched its own lunar exploration operations one after another.

However, Japan's combat index is 0%, thanks to the fact that Japan has experienced many failures on the way to the moon, first HITEN, and then Little Penguin 2 and Little Penguin 3.

HITEN, Japan's first attempt to explore the moon, flew for nearly half a year in 1990 with the aid of a recharge, until it flew to the closest point of contact with the moon, and it became a veritable satellite probe.

However, while everyone was expecting to see pictures of the moon or record environmental indicators such as temperature and magnetic field when it was closest to the moon, Japanese satellites were unable to fly to the moon normally because they did not have enough energy before.

Japan's second attempt at lunar exploration, Little Penguin 2 was launched in 1993, and Little Penguin 2 was successfully developed with the assistance of NASA, and it can be said that this probe was born after a rather difficult "gestational period".

However, such a probe that seemed to be the name of the moon did not succeed, and although Japan spent a lot of money on the launch of the probe and the flight to the moon, the Little Penguin 2 did not make people happy even though it flew closer to the moon in 1994.

Away from the assistance of Japan and NASA, during the adaptation period to the moon, the satellite was afraid of too large radar and increased temperatures, so that the satellite could not hold on, and was finally forced to end the flight to the moon.

If China succeeds, lunar exploration will become a simple matter? A certain scientific and technological power has done it three times, and all of them have failed

Japan's enthusiasm for exploring the moon has been extinguished by repeated failures, and the Little Penguin 3 satellite almost had no chance to be born, but after the successful exploration of the moon on the mainland, Japan's enthusiasm slowly broke free from the low temperature.

When the Little Penguin 3 that lifted off in 1997 finally heard everyone's expectations for its exploration cycle, it had no problems on the way to the moon, and once again woke up the stage of the Little Penguin 3 robot vehicle, the former Soviet Union has repeatedly let the robot car successfully explore the original information on Mars that has not yet been exposed, and there are planes exploring the example of the Little Penguin 3, so people have a stronger trust in the Little Penguin 3 robot vehicle.

If China succeeds, lunar exploration will become a simple matter? A certain scientific and technological power has done it three times, and all of them have failed

But the reincarnation of fate is still that the Little Penguin 3 robot car has been sacrificed before flying to the moon, so that the Little Penguin 3 robot car can only stay on the way to the moon, not only did not detect the moon, but even crashed on the moon before it reached the moon, which needed it to stabilize the most.

India's path to the moon.

Although Japan has already tasted failure in lunar exploration, it has finally chosen to make a fourth attempt to explore the moon because of the lack of funds for improving technology in the later period, so although it has experienced many failures.

However, it is Japan's "fortune" that it has not succeeded in exploring the moon four times, and the despair of exploring the moon is also something that cannot be done by our satellites to explore the moon.

In fact, it is not only Japan that is overly optimistic about the technical difficulty of lunar exploration, but India has also experienced many failed lunar explorations.

Although India is originally an agricultural country, it has always been one of the world's leading levels in the research of defense technology, so India's agricultural disputes are not only tougher when Pakistan, China and other countries confront it, but also one of the important economic trading partners when trading with other countries.

However, India does not seem to have the slightest scientific research support in space exploration, and although India's space exploration vehicles such as the Mars satellite, the lunar satellite and the returner are very similar in appearance to the mainland's space satellites, their technology lags behind not only the mainland, but even Japan.

Although India has the world's leading nuclear weapons production technology in the territory between India and Pakistan, its backwardness in space technology has greatly reduced India's comprehensive scientific and technological level.

If China succeeds, lunar exploration will become a simple matter? A certain scientific and technological power has done it three times, and all of them have failed

India has also made many attempts to explore the moon, but due to the backward level of technology to explore the moon, problems in the operational stage of communication systems and other problems have led to almost no success.

India's combat index for lunar exploration is also 0%, and although it has not experienced many failures, its backward lunar exploration technology is enough to make India feel the hardships of lunar exploration as much as Japan.

Japan's failure in lunar exploration has allowed the mainland to achieve a 100% success rate in exploring the moon, but the combat index of lunar exploration is 1%, which makes many countries underestimate the mainland's lunar exploration technology.

In terms of the technology that Japan, the former Soviet Union, and the United States have not succeeded in exploring the moon, the mainland's space technology is still somewhat backward, and the export pipeline and return to the earth union are not only the United States and the former Soviet Union, but even the mainland is powerless.

However, the mainland's level of space exploration is the most advanced in the world, so we should not underestimate the mainland's level of space technology just because the continent has succeeded in exploring the moon.

For India, although it has not yet tasted the success of lunar exploration, it can still see from the failure of Japan and the backwardness of India itself that lunar exploration is not an easy task.


Exploring the moon first requires a probe to fly to the moon, and a probe to fly to the moon requires a rocket, but rocket technology is ...... And so on, the exploration of the moon is the embodiment of comprehensive strength.

It's not because countries like the Netherlands and India are also exploring the moon, so it's not difficult to explore the moon at all.

There are many things that need to be controlled in the technology of lunar exploration, stability and reliability are the top priorities in space exploration, and a detailed problem is enough to make the probe sleep on the moon forever.

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