
Li Yitong posted a message of thanks, and his emotional stability was praised: If you don't look at it, you will be scared and stunned, hug your fists and thank the old iron!

author:Evening Breeze wants to say


Li Yitong was shocked on the set: centipedes crawled on their legs, and fans screamed

At the scene of filming "A Dream of Books", Li Yitong experienced a thrilling vignette. At the time, she was concentrating on filming and had no idea that a large centipede had crept up her legs.

Li Yitong posted a message of thanks, and his emotional stability was praised: If you don't look at it, you will be scared and stunned, hug your fists and thank the old iron!

It wasn't until the screams of her fans began that she realized that something was wrong. This scene was recorded by the audience at the scene and quickly sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

Li Yitong posted a message of thanks, and his emotional stability was praised: If you don't look at it, you will be scared and stunned, hug your fists and thank the old iron!

Netizens have said that they can feel the tension and fear through the screen, and some even joked that they were about to jump out of their chairs in fright.

Li Yitong posted a message of thanks, and his emotional stability was praised: If you don't look at it, you will be scared and stunned, hug your fists and thank the old iron!

Liu Yuning heroically saved the United States, and the centipede crisis was lifted

Just when Li Yitong was still in a state of ignorance, Liu Yuning, who was in the same crew, reacted quickly and showed his manhood. He not only calmly helped Li Yitong find the centipede, but also successfully drove the centipede away from her lap with the assistance of the staff.

Li Yitong posted a message of thanks, and his emotional stability was praised: If you don't look at it, you will be scared and stunned, hug your fists and thank the old iron!

This scene was praised by netizens as a "real man" performance, and Liu Yuning also gained the favor of many fans. Some netizens joked that after this incident, Liu Yuning's image in Li Yitong's heart must be even higher.

Li Yitong posted a message of thanks, and his emotional stability was praised: If you don't look at it, you will be scared and stunned, hug your fists and thank the old iron!

Li Yitong posted a message of thanks, and his mood was stable and praised

Afterwards, Li Yitong posted on social media, thanking fans for their timely reminders and Liu Yuning's help. She humorously wrote: "Hug your fists and thank you to the old irons, if it weren't for you, I might have had a 'close contact' with the centipede." ”

Li Yitong posted a message of thanks, and his emotional stability was praised: If you don't look at it, you will be scared and stunned, hug your fists and thank the old iron!

Her calmness and sense of humor have won wide praise from netizens. Many people said that they might have been scared for a long time, but Li Yitong was so calm and composed, which is really admirable.

Li Yitong posted a message of thanks, and his emotional stability was praised: If you don't look at it, you will be scared and stunned, hug your fists and thank the old iron!

Netizens are hotly discussed: the centipede incident has become a hot topic


This centipede incident not only made the filming site of "A Dream of Books" the focus, but also became a hot topic among netizens. Someone joked that this may be the most "real" scene in Li Yitong's new play, after all, who would have thought that filming would meet such an "unexpected guest"?

Li Yitong posted a message of thanks, and his emotional stability was praised: If you don't look at it, you will be scared and stunned, hug your fists and thank the old iron!

Some netizens said that this incident greatly increased their favorability towards Liu Yuning, and they thought that he not only had good acting skills, but also his character was commendable.

Li Yitong posted a message of thanks, and his emotional stability was praised: If you don't look at it, you will be scared and stunned, hug your fists and thank the old iron!

Ending: Horror on the set, a new level of interaction between fans and stars

Although the centipede incident is thrilling, it also shows a new type of interaction between celebrities and fans. In an emergency, the timely reminders of fans and the calm response of celebrities together constitute a warm scene of this incident.

Li Yitong posted a message of thanks, and his emotional stability was praised: If you don't look at it, you will be scared and stunned, hug your fists and thank the old iron!

This not only added a special memory to the filming of "A Dream of Books", but also allowed the audience to see a more realistic and down-to-earth side of the stars off camera. In the future, such interaction may become a new normal in the relationship between celebrities and fans, making star chasing more interesting and meaningful.

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