
Magnolia's night, Liu Yifei, who has a "big waist and a round waist"! It has taught a vivid lesson in the aesthetics of internal entertainment

author:All the way to film and entertainment
Magnolia's night, Liu Yifei, who has a "big waist and a round waist"! It has taught a vivid lesson in the aesthetics of internal entertainment

Liu Yifei became the focus of attention at the 29th Shanghai Magnolia Awards ceremony. She not only won the image ambassador award, but also was awarded by the "elder brother" Tong Dawei in the play. On the stage, Liu Yifei appeared in a sexy evening dress, showing her unique "big shoulders and round waist" figure. This kind of figure is not common in the entertainment industry, but it makes the audience's eyes shine and re-examine the definition of beauty.

Liu Yifei's appearance has aroused widespread discussion and attention. Wearing a sexy evening dress, she stood on the stage to accept the image ambassador award, which was presented by the "brother" Tong Dawei in the play. Her unique "big shoulders and round waist" figure is in stark contrast to Wan Qian on the same stage, Wan Qian's "round and jade" and Liu Yifei's "skinny" make people intuitively feel the diversity of aesthetics in the entertainment industry.

Magnolia's night, Liu Yifei, who has a "big waist and a round waist"! It has taught a vivid lesson in the aesthetics of internal entertainment

Various comments and discussions immediately sprung up on the web. Some netizens expressed their appreciation for Liu Yifei's courage to break through the shackles of traditional aesthetics, believing that she showed a healthy and confident beauty. Someone wrote: "Although Liu Yifei's figure is not the traditional 'thin beauty', her confidence and aura make people feel that she is the real beauty." Others look at the phenomenon from a different angle, with one commenting: "Liu Yifei's emergence challenges our traditional definition of beauty, and this attitude of diversity and inclusion is something we need to encourage and support." ”

In the past "The Story of Rose" press conference, Liu Yifei has caused a lot of controversy because of her "thick legs", but she has always adhered to her own aesthetic standards and style. She was not affected by the doubts of the outside world, but won the love and support of more people with her healthy beauty and confident attitude. A fan left a message on social media: "Liu Yifei is not only an actor, she is also a symbol of attitude and spirit, and her title of 'fairy sister' is well deserved." ”

Magnolia's night, Liu Yifei, who has a "big waist and a round waist"! It has taught a vivid lesson in the aesthetics of internal entertainment

A conversation at the ceremony was widely disseminated by netizens. When Liu Yifei took the stage to accept the award, when the host asked her how she thought of the positioning of this figure in the entertainment industry, she replied with a smile: "Everyone has their own beauty standards, and I hope to use my way to show more people the diversity of beauty." This frankness and open-mindedness immediately won the applause and praise of the audience, and also sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

Liu Yifei's appearance is not only the highlight of the award ceremony, but also a challenge and redefinition of traditional aesthetic concepts. Her self-confidence and eclecticism made her stand out from the crowd and the center of attention of the night. She conveys a positive and beautiful attitude to the world with practical actions, and her image is not limited to her appearance, but also reflects an inner strength and charm.

Magnolia's night, Liu Yifei, who has a "big waist and a round waist"! It has taught a vivid lesson in the aesthetics of internal entertainment

On the Internet, many fans shared their support and love for Liu Yifei. A fan wrote on social platforms: "Liu Yifei is the goddess in my heart, and her every performance makes me proud and proud. This emotional connection to her idol is not only because of her appearance and acting talent, but also because she dares to be herself and dare to challenge traditional aesthetic standards.

Some netizens commented: "Liu Yifei is very beautiful and beautiful, and her figure is good, she is neither fat nor thin, she doesn't like it if she is too thin, she is still better looking at her bones or this kind of slightly fat, and it is comfortable to watch." These words reflect the preference of some viewers for a healthy body and natural beauty, and they believe that Liu Yifei's body condition just meets the aesthetic standards in their minds.

Magnolia's night, Liu Yifei, who has a "big waist and a round waist"! It has taught a vivid lesson in the aesthetics of internal entertainment

Other netizens commented from the perspective of aesthetic diversity, saying: "Liu Yifei's figure shows a beautiful demeanor that is different from the traditional 'thin beauty', and her confidence and elegance are her charm." These comments emphasize Liu Yifei's unique personal style and aesthetic in the entertainment industry, and she has won the support and love of fans with her eclectic attitude.

When Liu Yifei took the stage to accept the award, the host asked her how she thought of her image in the entertainment industry, and she responded calmly: "Everyone has their own standards of beauty, and I hope to be able to show more people the diversity of beauty in my own way." Her words immediately sparked resonance and praise from the audience, and also sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

Magnolia's night, Liu Yifei, who has a "big waist and a round waist"! It has taught a vivid lesson in the aesthetics of internal entertainment

This is not the first time that Liu Yifei has attracted public attention because of her figure. At the press conference of "The Story of Rose", she once became the focus of attention because of her "thick legs", but she always adhered to her aesthetic standards and confident attitude, and won the respect and support of more people. Some fans have shared their support for her on social media, believing that she is not just an actress, but also a symbol of spirit and a representative of a beautiful attitude.

On the stage of the Magnolia Awards, Liu Yifei was both the winner and the guest of honor, and she showcased the diversity and inclusiveness of beauty in a unique way. When she walked on stage to accept the award, there was continuous applause and cheers from the audience, and these voices came like a tidal wave, expressing the audience's love and support for her.

Magnolia's night, Liu Yifei, who has a "big waist and a round waist"! It has taught a vivid lesson in the aesthetics of internal entertainment

Liu Yifei, standing in the spotlight, looks particularly radiant. She wore an elegant evening gown with simple lines but gorgeous lines, which complemented her angelic countenance. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, revealing a sense of calmness and confidence, as if she had long been accustomed to this kind of praise and attention. Beside her, Wan Qian, who was also dressed in gorgeous clothes, looked taller and slender, and the two formed an obvious contrast, but this contrast did not weaken Liu Yifei's demeanor, but highlighted her unique charm.

When the host handed over the trophy, Liu Yifei took it and held it up, she bowed her head slightly, scanned the audience with her eyes, and felt their enthusiasm and congratulations. At this time, a trace of relief and gratitude welled up in her heart. As an actor, being recognized and affirmed on such a big stage is a great encouragement and honor for her. She is not only a representative of an individual, but also a representative of all those who work and struggle with her.

Magnolia's night, Liu Yifei, who has a "big waist and a round waist"! It has taught a vivid lesson in the aesthetics of internal entertainment

During the awarding process, Liu Yifei's speech was short and powerful. She expressed her cherishing and gratitude for this award in a clear and soft voice: "This award means a lot to me, it is not only a recognition of me, but also an affirmation of my continuous efforts. She didn't say much, but it made the audience feel the sincerity and truth in her heart.

In the interval of the awards ceremony, Liu Yifei's thoughts returned to the starting point of her acting career. She recalls that from her youth and nervousness when she first debuted, to her maturity and confidence now, every role and every challenge along the way has left a deep mark on her life. She has never stopped pursuing her acting dreams, and each work is a showcase of her emotions and skills, and this award is a testament to and reward her unremitting efforts.

Magnolia's night, Liu Yifei, who has a "big waist and a round waist"! It has taught a vivid lesson in the aesthetics of internal entertainment

She also had a few messages and comments from fans and viewers in her head. They shared their love and support for her on social media: "Liu Yifei is not just an actress, she is a symbol of spirit. "Her beauty is not just on the outside, it's about strength and charm on the inside." These remarks made her feel extremely warm, because she knew that her hard work and perseverance had finally won the recognition and love of more people.

After the entire award ceremony, Liu Yifei left the stage with the team, and her mood was happy and satisfied. She knows that this award is not only an honor for her, but also a new starting point, a source of motivation to continue to explore and challenge. She hopes to continue to interpret more roles in her own way, convey more emotions and thoughts, and become an eternal "fairy sister" in the hearts of the audience.

Liu Yifei's appearance is not only the highlight of an award ceremony, but also a challenge and reshaping of traditional aesthetics. With her actions and attitude, she proved to the world that everyone has their own standards of beauty and does not have to be bound by preconceived notions.

Magnolia's night, Liu Yifei, who has a "big waist and a round waist"! It has taught a vivid lesson in the aesthetics of internal entertainment

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