
Chilling! sent all the children to the United States, and no one sent them to the end when they died, and the 3 children watched videos abroad for funeral

author:Recreational activities

In these fast-changing times, we often hear stories about the rich and famous, whose lives always seem to be full of glamour. However, behind this story, there is a chilling truth.

Chilling! sent all the children to the United States, and no one sent them to the end when they died, and the 3 children watched videos abroad for funeral

1. Children go to the United States, dreams and realities

There was once a successful businessman who, with his wisdom and hard work, built a huge business empire. He has three children, each of whom is his pride. In order for them to receive a better education and have a broader future, he did not hesitate to send them all to the United States.

Chilling! sent all the children to the United States, and no one sent them to the end when they died, and the 3 children watched videos abroad for funeral

In the United States, children receive state-of-the-art education and make friends from all over the world. They have their own dreams and pursuits, and are eager to create their own glory in this land. However, as time went on, the children gradually adjusted to life in the United States and became less and less connected to their hometowns.

Chilling! sent all the children to the United States, and no one sent them to the end when they died, and the 3 children watched videos abroad for funeral

Second, the lonely old age, no one to send the end

The years were unforgiving, and the merchant's physical condition gradually deteriorated. He longed to be able to have his loved ones by his side in the last moments of his life. However, when he became seriously ill, he found that there was no one around him. His three children are all in the United States, and they are too busy with their careers and lives to return home to accompany him.

Chilling! sent all the children to the United States, and no one sent them to the end when they died, and the 3 children watched videos abroad for funeral

Although the merchant has endless wealth and status, in the last moments of his life, he feels lonely and helpless like never before. He lay on the hospital bed, silently suffering from the pain. His heart was full of thoughts and expectations for his children, but he knew that they would not be able to get back to him in time.

3. Video funeral, family affection across the screen

In the last moments of the businessman's life, his three children decided to see him off via video. Through the screen of their mobile phones, they watched their father lying on the hospital bed, and their hearts were full of guilt and helplessness. They wanted to hug him and comfort him, but the screen separated them so far.

Chilling! sent all the children to the United States, and no one sent them to the end when they died, and the 3 children watched videos abroad for funeral

At the other end of the video, the businessman looks at the familiar faces of the children, his heart full of gratitude and emotion. He knew that although they could not come back to accompany him in person, their hearts were always with him. He felt their love and care, but also felt his loneliness and helplessness.

4. Reflection and vigilance

This story makes us wonder: which is more important, family affection or wealth? When we are away from home and loved ones for the sake of our careers and dreams, should we also pay attention to their feelings and needs?

Chilling! sent all the children to the United States, and no one sent them to the end when they died, and the 3 children watched videos abroad for funeral

In this fast-paced era, it's easy to get caught up in the pursuit and desire for material things. However, when we have enough wealth and status, should we also think about how to balance career and family?

Chilling! sent all the children to the United States, and no one sent them to the end when they died, and the 3 children watched videos abroad for funeral

Let's cherish our loved ones around us and pay attention to their feelings and needs. Let us pursue our careers and dreams while not forgetting our original intentions and family affection. Because in this world, there is nothing more precious and warm than family affection.

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