
56-year-old Na Ying responded to "ranking first from the bottom", reflecting with tears: Am I not able to sing?

author:A big cow who loves to share

Na Ying's tears: Is it the effect of the show or is it really sad?

"That sister" Na Ying, a figure who used to be a dominant figure in the Chinese music scene, is now crying because of her ranking first from the bottom in a music variety show. The 56-year-old admitted in an interview that she "doubted whether there was a problem with her song choice", and even bluntly said, "Am I not able to sing?" The words were full of helplessness and sadness.

56-year-old Na Ying responded to "ranking first from the bottom", reflecting with tears: Am I not able to sing?

In this episode of the show, Na Ying finally won the third place, but this was not enough to cover up the embarrassment and loss of her ranking at the bottom of the last episode. Many people expressed their distress when they saw her crying, and many netizens even pointed the finger at the program team, accusing the program team of "why did you make that sister cry".

Did the program team do it on purpose, or did Na Ying really can't bear the pressure?

56-year-old Na Ying responded to "ranking first from the bottom", reflecting with tears: Am I not able to sing?

The answer, I'm afraid, is both. In order to create topics and popularity, the program team deliberately linked the ranking with the emotions of the contestants to attract the attention of the audience, which has become a "routine" for many variety shows. And Na Ying, as a veteran singer who has worked hard in the music industry for many years, her brilliant achievements in the past make it difficult for her to accept her current downfall, so it is not surprising that she has an emotional breakdown.

used to be a "music diva", but now she is evaluated and even questioned by the judges and the audience in variety shows, which may be the cruelty of the entertainment industry. The glory of the past cannot become eternal capital, the times are changing, the audience's tastes are also changing, if you can't adapt to the changes of the times, even the former superstars will be eliminated by the times.

56-year-old Na Ying responded to "ranking first from the bottom", reflecting with tears: Am I not able to sing?

Na Ying's crying reminds me of those stars who were once smash hits, but now they are struggling on the edge of the entertainment industry. Their former glory has now become the capital of ridicule.

In my opinion, this is a pathology of society as a whole. We focus too much on immediate profits, too much traffic chasing, and ignore what is really valuable. We only pay attention to the appearance and gossip of celebrities, but rarely pay attention to their real strength and talent.

Na Ying's tears this time may be just a "case", but behind it is a reflection of the value deviation of the entire entertainment industry and even the entire society. We always like to divide people into three, six, nine and so on, and like to measure a person's worth with some illusory things.

56-year-old Na Ying responded to "ranking first from the bottom", reflecting with tears: Am I not able to sing?

Even former superstars should not be forgotten, and they still have something worth learning and learning from. Perhaps, we need to rethink what is the real value and what is the real meaning.

Na Ying's tears may be just the beginning, but this may be an opportunity, an opportunity for us to re-examine our values.

56-year-old Na Ying responded to "ranking first from the bottom", reflecting with tears: Am I not able to sing?

Finally, I want to say that whether Na Ying's tears are the effect of the show or really sad, this reminds us that everyone has their own pressures and dilemmas, and we should learn to understand and tolerate, rather than blindly mocking and blaming.

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