
In the United States, 2 percent of public charging piles are damaged, and many copper-containing cables are "purchased for 0 yuan"

author:I think you'll think of me too

With the increasing number of new energy vehicles in the U.S. market, the problem of charging piles is becoming increasingly prominent. Professor Omar Asensio of Harvard Business School surveyed millions of user reviews and found that only 78 percent of public charging stations in the United States are effectively used, meaning that more than two-in-10 charging attempts fail. This not only causes problems for car owners to commute on a daily basis, but also seriously affects their remote self-driving travel arrangements. Imagine arriving at your destination and finding that the charging station is not working properly, and the anxiety and helplessness that will surely make you feel more distressed.

The root cause of the problem of damage to charging piles is not only technical problems, but more importantly, the lack of effective maintenance measures. Many charging piles fail to be maintained in a timely and comprehensive manner, resulting in frequent breakdowns, which brings the trouble of not being able to charge the car owner, as well as the resulting time consumption and additional expenses. This unstable status quo has greatly weakened the satisfaction of NEV users, and may even affect their further development in the US market.

Charging pricing is unstable, and the burden on car owners increases

In addition to the problem of damaged charging stations, the ever-changing charging prices are also confusing for EV owners. In the United States, for example, charging prices fluctuate frequently and vary from day to day, making it difficult for car owners to predict how much they will cost, putting them under additional financial pressure. Especially when driving long distances, this dynamic pricing often leads to budget overruns and worries car owners.

Another major problem that arises with the development of the times is that charging spaces are often occupied by fuel models, thereby reducing the charging opportunities of new energy vehicles and making the already limited charging resources more strained. In such a situation, new energy vehicle owners need to compete with other electric vehicles and fuel vehicles to use valuable charging piles and parking spaces, which undoubtedly increases the inconvenience of charging.

In the United States, 2 percent of public charging piles are damaged, and many copper-containing cables are "purchased for 0 yuan"
Cables were stolen and charging stations were paralyzed

Ironically, global copper prices have soared recently, and cases of cable theft at charging stations are frequent across the Americas. It is reported that in May this year, the copper price set a record of $5.2 per pound, but a cable can only be sold at the scrap yard for a small profit of $15 to $20, but this has not stopped the criminals from stealing cables. According to ElectrifyAmerica, in the past two years, there has been an average of one "zero yuan purchase" of cables every six months, however, in the first five months of this year, as many as 129 cables have been illegally taken by local residents.

In the United States, 2 percent of public charging piles are damaged, and many copper-containing cables are "purchased for 0 yuan"

The abuse of free charging cables occurs frequently, pointing to the problems of overburdened charging piles and difficult charging for car owners. However, charging equipment companies have suffered greater losses than production costs, such as nearly $1,000 in Minneapolis for a line change. Such theft undoubtedly causes economic trauma to the company, and also has a serious impact on the daily use of new energy vehicles.

The maintenance problem is difficult for the charging pile company

Under many challenges, charging pile companies are under heavy pressure. The high maintenance cost and insufficient efficiency of charging piles, especially some maintenance difficulties due to geographical location, make equipment failures not properly solved for a long time; In addition, frequent theft incidents force businesses to invest more in security, which increases operating costs.

In the United States, 2 percent of public charging piles are damaged, and many copper-containing cables are "purchased for 0 yuan"

Although the current situation of no public charging piles in some areas has alleviated the related problems in the short term, it profoundly reflects the difficulties faced by charging pile companies and the difficulty of maintaining and promoting new energy vehicles.

Retaliatory business wars, the deep-seated reasons behind cable theft
In the United States, 2 percent of public charging piles are damaged, and many copper-containing cables are "purchased for 0 yuan"
In the United States, 2 percent of public charging piles are damaged, and many copper-containing cables are "purchased for 0 yuan"

The reasons behind the cable thefts may be more complex. A number of repair companies in the industry said that the thieves did not intend to sell the cables, because they believed that "the procedures of the recycling bin are stricter than those of banks". In the U.S., destruction enters the recycling bin through a number of rigorous vetting processes, such as signature authentication, image recording, fingerprinting, and entry into state-level databases. Therefore, such acts may be motivated by malicious commercial competition, similar to the previous cases of sabotage of shared bicycle seats.

Such retaliatory measures undoubtedly increase the operational burden of charging pile companies and adversely affect the driving environment of electric vehicles. In the future, if the lighthouse is found to be extinguished, it is very likely that the cable has been stolen.

The dilemma and future outlook of the promotion of new energy vehicles
In the United States, 2 percent of public charging piles are damaged, and many copper-containing cables are "purchased for 0 yuan"

In the U.S., the U.S. continues to see frequent failures in charging equipment, cost instability, and cable theft, which hinder consumer action and promotion. In order to solve these problems, it is necessary for industry, government and society as a whole to work together and have their full support.

In the United States, 2 percent of public charging piles are damaged, and many copper-containing cables are "purchased for 0 yuan"

In order to address these issues, we need to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy. The first task is to improve the maintenance and control of charging piles to ensure that the equipment is efficient and reliable; Second, improve the transparent and reasonable fee system to reduce the financial pressure on consumers; Thirdly, crack down on cable theft and ensure the safety of charging equipment; Finally, actively promote the participation of the whole people in the promotion of new energy vehicles and create a favorable market environment.

Conclusion: Charging anxiety, where is the future of new energy vehicles?

In many predicaments, how to look at the future trend of new energy vehicles is a question worthy of our in-depth consideration. While the research and development of advanced technologies is crucial, the public's awareness and support for the field should not be overlooked. Only in this way can we solve the current charging problem and promote the sustainable development of the new energy vehicle industry. What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to express your views in the comment area, and please like and share this article to attract more people's attention to the dilemmas and challenges faced by new energy vehicles.

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